Responses to Performance Audit Recommendations: 2012–13 and 2013–14
This is VAGO's second report examining the extent to which public sector agencies respond to and monitor performance audit recommendations. Agencies provided self-attest responses on the progress made in addressing these recommendations. An assessment of the accuracy of this information was not within the scope of this audit.
The audit examined the responses of 49 agencies subject to 482 recommendations in 2013–14 audits, and 30 agencies with 180 outstanding recommendations from 2012–13.
Again agencies reported high-levels of acceptance of recommendations and reports of completed and substantially completed recommendations. Generally agencies started work on recommendations earlier and completed actions sooner than reported previously. However, some agencies need to improve the clarity, completeness and relevance of their progress reports.
Two years on from when the 2012–13 recommendations were originally made, half of those reported as outstanding in last year's report remain to be fully actioned. A swift response is now required to complete these recommendations to ensure that risks are addressed, standards are improved and efficiencies are gained in a timely manner.
Some agencies did not provide regular reports to their audit committees or identify their committees as playing a monitoring role. Further work is required around compliance with the Standing Directions of the Financial Management Act 1994 to ensure the oversight that audit committees are expected to provide is realised.
Responses to Performance Audit Recommendations: 2012–13 and 2013–14: Message
Ordered to be published
PP 122, Session 2014-15
Legislative Council
Parliament House
Legislative Assembly
Parliament House
Dear Presiding Officers
Under the provisions of section 16AB of the Audit Act 1994, I transmit my report on the audit Responses to Performance Audit Recommendations: 2012–13 and 2013–14.
This is VAGO's second report examining the extent to which public sector agencies respond to and monitor performance audit recommendations. We focused on agencies subject to recommendations in 2013–14 audits, and those with outstanding recommendations from 2012–13.
Agencies were better at implementing our recommendations this year. They accepted and acted on a similar number, and generally started work on recommendations earlier and completed actions sooner than reported previously. Some agencies need to improve the clarity, completeness and relevance of their progress reports.
Further work is, however, required around compliance with the Standing Directions of the Financial Management Act 1994, to ensure the oversight that audit committees are expected to provide is achieved.
Yours faithfully
Dr Peter Frost
Acting Auditor-General
8 December 2015
Auditor-General's comments
Dr Peter Frost Acting Auditor-General |
Audit team Dallas Mischkulnig—Engagement Leader Annie Skelton—Team Leader Jason Cullen—Analyst Engagement Quality Control Reviewer Rocco Rottura |
VAGO's primary role is to provide assurance to Parliament and the public on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector and its compliance with relevant legislation. This function is a cornerstone of our system of government, providing an independent assessment of public sector performance to guide Parliamentary and community decision-making.
Our performance audits cover a wide range of public sector agencies, services and issues, and as such have the capacity to make a significant positive impact. This work provides a valuable opportunity to recommend ways to address the issues we identify. However, this can only be achieved when public sector agencies engage with us in developing recommendations, which they own and enact.
This is VAGO's second report examining the extent to which public sector agencies monitor and respond to performance audit recommendations. This report focuses on recommendations from our 2012–13 and 2013–14 performance audits, and provides a baseline from which to assess future improvement.
It is pleasing to see again high levels of acceptance of performance audit recommendations and reports of completed and substantially completed recommendations. It is also encouraging that agencies generally started work on recommendations earlier and completed actions sooner than reported previously.
However, it is disappointing that some responses still lack sufficient information to enable us to fully assess whether recommendations have been addressed, and some show inconsistencies between the action taken, the completion status and the time frame given. In our previous report these issues were highlighted and guidance was provided to agencies on how to improve their future progress reports—this has had little effect.
Also, at least two years on from when the 2012–13 recommendations were originally made, just over a half of those that were outstanding in last year's report are still not fully actioned. Swift action is now required to complete these recommendations to ensure that risks are addressed, standards are improved and efficiencies are gained in a timely manner.
The results of this report will inform our future follow-up audit program and we will seek to verify selected agency responses and report on these in 2016–17.
Dr Peter Frost
Acting Auditor-General
December 2015
Audit summary
VAGO undertakes performance audits into the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of public sector agencies and their operations. These audits provide independent assurance to Parliament and drive continuous improvement in public sector performance.
We aim to achieve this by making recommendations to audited agencies that are designed to address the issues identified through our audits. However, our recommendations cannot result in improvements unless they are accepted and enacted by agencies.
Under Standing Direction 2.6 (f) of the Financial Management Act 1994, audit committees of public sector agencies are required to closely monitor whether accepted recommendations are implemented and completed in a thorough and timely manner.
This report provides the status of actions taken by selected agencies on specific recommendations. In this annual review we asked agencies to attest the information provided on their progress. A comprehensive assessment of the accuracy of this information was not within the scope of this audit.
Some of our recommendations include multiple elements with specific and distinct items for action. For ease of interpretation and consistency, this report treats these individual elements as separate recommendations.
During 2013–14, we made 482 recommendations in 29 performance audits for relevant agencies to implement. In addition there were 180 outstanding recommendations from 2012–13.
This performance audit examined the responses of the 49 public sector agencies subject to performance audit recommendations in 2013–14 and the 30 agencies with outstanding recommendations from 2012–13 audits, as published in Responses to 2012–13 Performance Audit Recommendations.
VAGO will continue to track agency progress in responding to performance audit recommendations by:
- repeating this audit for a third time next year, and covering both outstanding 2012–13 and 2013–14 recommendations and all 2014–15 recommendations
- selecting a number of 2013–14 performance audits for limited scope follow-up audits that will seek to verify agency progress reports
- verifying some agency progress reports when undertaking new performance audits that assess related subject matter.
As this audit was undertaken after changes to government structure were made on 1 January 2015, departments are referred to by their 2015 titles.
Agencies were better at implementing our recommendations this year than last year. They accepted and acted on a similar number, but generally started work on recommendations earlier and completed actions sooner than reported previously. While some agencies still need to improve the clarity, completeness and relevance of their progress reports, this positive outcome demonstrates the value of this report.
Further work is, however, required around compliance with the Standing Directions of the Financial Management Act 1994, to ensure the oversight that audit committees are expected to provide is achieved.
Agency responses to recommendations
Agencies fully accepted 96 per cent of recommendations from our 2013–14 performance audits, partially accepted 3 per cent and the remaining two recommendations were no longer relevant following changes the government made to the structure of public sector agencies. As at September 2015, agencies reported that of the 480 fully and partially accepted recommendations:
- 55 per cent were completed
- 14 per cent were substantially completed
- 27 per cent were partially completed
- 4 per cent had not been acted on.
On average, agencies reported taking around four months from the audit report tabling date to commence work on recommendations, about two months less than reported last year. Similarly, the average time taken to complete recommendations has fallen by three months from 13.4 months to 10.4 months.
We assessed whether agency responses directly addressed the recommendations and clearly explained how they were implemented. Of the 448 fully accepted and acted on recommendations, 81 per cent of agency responses directly and clearly addressed them.
A total of 30 agencies reported for the second time on their progress against 180 outstanding recommendations from 2012–13. We gave agencies the opportunity to reaffirm their acceptance of these recommendations—agencies fully accepted 96 per cent.
Since our Responses to 2012–13 Performance Audit Recommendations report, 79 of the 180 outstanding recommendations have been reported as completed. Just over half of these recommendations are still not fully actioned and agencies will be requested for a third time to report on this progress.
Monitoring recommendations
The majority of agencies, 82 per cent, reported assigning recommendations to responsible individuals. Nearly half of the individuals assigned to monitor and report on specific recommendations held executive management positions. This greater accountability for the timely completion of recommendations is reflected in the completion rates for agencies that took this approach.
Just over half of the agencies reported that audit committees had a role in monitoring progress against performance audit recommendations. However, one-fifth of agencies did not provide regular progress reports to their audit committees, or identify their committees as playing a monitoring role.
We also expected departments to oversee how their portfolio agencies are progressing against performance audit recommendations. Of the seven departments, only one reported routinely monitoring their portfolio agencies, four monitor some agencies, and the remaining dispute that they have any responsibility in this regard. This highlights an inconsistent approach across departments to oversight of portfolio agencies.
Submissions and comments received
We have professionally engaged with all agencies—see Appendix A for the list—throughout the course of the audit. In accordance with section 16(3) of the Audit Act 1994 we provided a copy of this report, or relevant extracts, to those agencies, and an opportunity for their submissions or comments.
We have considered those views in reaching our audit conclusions and have represented them to the extent relevant and warranted. Their full section 16(3) submissions and comments are included in Appendix C.
1 Background
1.1 Performance audits
1.1.1 Purpose of performance audits
One of the key roles of the Auditor-General is to undertake performance audits. Performance audits assess whether public sector agencies are meeting their aims effectively, and using their resources efficiently and economically. They also assess whether agencies comply with relevant legislation.
Performance audits are a key mechanism to provide independent assurance to Parliament and the community on public sector performance.
1.1.2 Performance audit recommendations
Performance audits include recommendations for agencies to implement. These recommendations are designed to address the issues that an audit has identified, with the aim of improving the management and delivery of public services. Audited agencies are encouraged to assist in the development of these recommendations to ensure they are targeted, achievable and directly address the identified issues.
The Audit Act 1994 requires the Auditor-General to ask audited agencies for submissions or comments on proposed reports. These responses are published in the final report to Parliament. As part of these submissions, agencies are asked to respond to each recommendation, stating whether they accept them.
In 2014, the Auditor-General started asking agencies to specify what actions they plan to take, and the time frames for implementing recommendations. These action plans provide the baseline against which progress is assessed in our follow-up program of audits.
Some of our recommendations include multiple elements with specific and distinct items for action. For ease of interpretation and consistency, this report treats these individual elements as separate recommendations.
During 2013–14, we audited 49 agencies as part of 29 performance audits. We made 482 recommendations for these agencies to implement. In addition there were 30 agencies that had previously reported 180 outstanding recommendations from our 2012‑13 audits.
We provided each of the audited agencies with an opportunity to respond to individual recommendations for both years—482 from 2013–14 and 180 from 2012–13. Agencies were asked to reconfirm whether they fully accepted, partially accepted or rejected each recommendation. A partially accepted recommendation was one where the agency did not accept all of the recommendation, or where they accepted the intent but preferred an alternate method to achieve it.
Agencies were also asked to report the status of their action on each recommendation as either no action, partially completed (less than 50 per cent complete), substantially completed (50–75 per cent complete) or completed.
1.1.3 Monitoring and reporting of agency responses
The Auditor-General does not have power to enforce recommendations made to audited agencies. Agencies are required under Standing Direction 2.6 (f) of the Financial Management Act 1994 to:
- recommend how the responsible body should act on advice received from external audits
- monitor actions taken by management to resolve issues raised by external audits
- monitor whether accepted recommendations of the external auditors are adopted and addressed by management on a timely basis
- review the impact of actions taken by management intended to resolve issues.
This Standing Direction also refers to management's role in responding to audit recommendations—that management act on and address recommendations in a timely way. Management must also provide sufficient progress reporting and evidence to audit committees to support them in complying with the Standing Direction.
This is the second annual review where VAGO has compiled information on agencies' reported progress in implementing recommendations. This report will:
- increase the accountability of audited agencies for their responses to audit recommendations
- help to enhance agency monitoring processes with sufficient levels and frequency of oversight.
Agencies will be required to report on the progress against all incomplete recommendations on an annual basis for up to three years, or until the action taken on a recommendation is completed.
1.1.4 Follow-up program
VAGO is committed to following up on the actions taken by agencies. To enhance the accountability of agencies and encourage more timely implementation of our recommendations, we introduced a follow-up program to improve the transparency of agency responses to recommendations.
The follow-up program has four phases:
- Action plans, which provide clearer and more detailed information on initial agency responses to audit recommendations.
- This report is the second annual review on agencies' status reports of recommendations. The first—Responses to 2012–13 Performance Audit Recommendations—was tabled in February 2015.
- A select number of limited scope follow-up performance audits that examine agency responses to past recommendations in more detail. The first three of these reports were tabled in August 2015:
- Follow up of Collections Management in Cultural Agencies
- Follow up of Management of Staff Occupational Health and Safety in Schools
- Follow up of Managing Major Projects.
- New performance audits—broad scope follow-up audits—will include an assessment of agency responses to past recommendations in addition to new lines of inquiry.
The follow-up program aims to increase the impact and value of VAGO's performance audit work. Information gathered for this review will provide VAGO and the Public Accounts and Estimates Committee with useful information to guide further follow-up work, as well as to inform and target future audits.
1.2 Audit objective and scope
The audit objective was to determine the extent of agency response to, and monitoring of, VAGO performance audit recommendations. The audit examined whether all public agencies subject to performance audit recommendations in 2013–14 and with outstanding recommendations from 2012–13 performance audits can:
- articulate responses to performance audit recommendations:
- in a timely manner
- that directly address recommendations made to them
- that outline any action taken and, where relevant, time lines for further actions
- identify and report on how they monitor responses to audit recommendations.
The full list of audits and agencies in scope is at Appendix A.
1.3 Audit method and cost
The audit was conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards. Pursuant to section 20(3) of the Audit Act 1994, unless otherwise indicated any persons named in this report are not the subject of adverse comment or opinion.
As this audit was undertaken after the government made changes to the structure of public sector agencies on 1 January 2015, departments are referred to by their 2015 titles.
The cost of this audit was $222 000.
1.4 Structure of the report
Part 2 of the report provides an analysis of agency responses to the outstanding 2012–13 and all the 2013–14 performance audit recommendations.
Part 3 provides an analysis of how agencies report that they monitor performance audit recommendations.
Appendix A lists all the performance audits for 2012–13 and 2013–14 and the agencies included in those audits.
Appendix B contains each agency's individual survey response to recommendations specific to them.
Appendix C contains agency submissions and comments to this report.
2 Agency responses to recommendations
At a glance
VAGO makes recommendations designed to address the issues identified through performance audits. However, our recommendations cannot result in improvements unless they are accepted and addressed by agencies directly and in a timely manner.
Agencies reported high levels of acceptance of our 2012–13 and 2013–14 performance audit recommendations and in response they undertook substantial activity to address them. Agencies generally started work on recommendations earlier and completed actions sooner than reported previously. However, some agencies could improve on the clarity, completeness and relevance of their progress reports.
- Agencies accepted 96 per cent of the 482 recommendations made in 2013–14. Three per cent (16 recommendations) were partially accepted and the remaining two recommendations were no longer relevant following changes the government made to the structure of public sector agencies.
- Agencies reported that nearly 70 per cent of 2013–14 recommendations were either completed or substantially completed. However, only 13 of the 49 agencies reported completing all their recommendations.
- Since our Responses to 2012–13 Performance Audit Recommendations report, 79 of the 180 outstanding recommendations from 2012–13 audits have been reported as completed. Of our 2013–14 recommendations, 215 out of 482 remain incomplete.
- On average, agencies reported taking around four months to start work on recommendations—about two months less than last year.
- Similarly, the average time taken to complete recommendations has fallen by three months from 13.4 months to 10.4 months.
- Of the fully accepted and acted on 2013–14 recommendations, 81 per cent of agency responses directly and fully addressed the recommendations.
2.1 Introduction
This Part provides information on the extent to which agencies self-attest to the acceptance and completion of recommendations in our 2013–14 performance audits. It also includes our analysis of how directly agency responses address the recommendations. This includes information on recommendations from our 2012–13 audits that were previously reported as not having been completed.
A total of 49 agencies reported on 482 recommendations made in 2013–14 performance audits. In addition, 30 agencies reported for the second time on their progress against 180 outstanding recommendations from 2012–13.
2.2 Conclusion
Agencies reported high levels of acceptance of our 2013–14 performance audit recommendations and reaffirmed acceptance of the 2012–13 recommendations they had previously reported as incomplete.
Agencies undertook substantial action to address and complete activities on these identified issues. However, at least two years on from when the 2012–13 recommendations were originally made, just over a half of those reported as outstanding in last year's report are still not fully actioned. Swift action is now required to complete these outstanding recommendations to ensure that risks are addressed, standards are improved and efficiencies are gained.
Encouragingly, agencies are improving—they started work on recommendations from our 2013–14 audits 1.6 months earlier than reported previously, and completed actions on average three months sooner. However, the quality of responses about actions undertaken to date still varies significantly in clarity, completeness and relevance.
2.3 Accepting recommendations
2.3.1 Recommendations from 2013–14
Agencies accepted 464 out of 482 recommendations (96 per cent) in full, 16 (3 per cent) were partially accepted and the remaining two (1 per cent) were rejected as they were no longer relevant following changes to government structure. This is a slight improvement on 2012–13 results as shown in Figure 2A.
Figure 2A
Acceptance of recommendations
Status |
2012–13 recommendations |
Percentage |
2013–14 recommendations |
Percentage |
Accepted |
386 |
94 |
464 |
96 |
Partially accepted |
25 |
6 |
16 |
3 |
Rejected |
0 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
Total |
411 |
100 |
482 |
100 |
Source: Victorian Auditor-General's Office.
Of the 16 partially accepted recommendations, agencies reported a clear rationale for five of these by detailing their reduced or alternative proposed activity. However, no rationale was provided for the other 11 recommendations, which limits transparency and accountability.
2.3.2 Outstanding recommendations from 2012–13
In our 2012–13 report, agencies advised that 180 recommendations were incomplete. This year we asked them to report on whether they still accepted these recommendations. Agencies reaffirmed their acceptance of 96 per cent of recommendations and partial acceptance of 4 per cent. None were rejected.
Notably, several agencies have changed their acceptance of recommendations:
- The Department of Health & Human Services has now partially accepted three recommendations they accepted in full last year, explaining that they will now take alternative action due to proposed reforms not proceeding.
- The City of Greater Dandenong has now accepted two recommendations that they only partially accepted last year, explaining that they have implemented new software and are better able to address these recommendations.
- Public Transport Victoria now accepts one recommendation that it only partially accepted last year as a reorganising of its operating structure has enabled it to better address the recommendation.
2.4 Completing recommendations
2.4.1 Recommendations from 2013–14
Agencies advised that 55 per cent of the 480 accepted and partially accepted recommendations are now complete. Figure 2B shows the status of recommendations.
Figure 2B
Status of accepted and partially accepted recommendations

Source: Victorian Auditor-General's Office.
Thirteen of the 49 agencies reported completion of all their recommendations. These agencies had eight or fewer recommendations each. Eleven agencies reported taking no action against 19 accepted and partially accepted recommendations.
Agencies also advised of 13 cases where they had taken an alternative action to address a recommendation. In three of these cases, the agencies implemented a limited version of the recommendation where the alternative action does not address the intent of the original recommendation.
2.4.2 Outstanding recommendations from 2012–13
Agencies advised that 44 per cent of the outstanding recommendations from 2012–13 are now complete. This means that, two years on from when the recommendations were made, 101 are still not fully actioned. Work to address the recommendations has commenced in all but nine cases, but swift action is now required to make sure these risks are addressed, standards are improved and efficiencies are gained.
Four of the nine cases where no action has been taken relate to the City of Boroondara, which is the only agency that has taken no action on its outstanding 2012–13 recommendations.
The remaining five recommendations relate to Major Projects Victoria (MPV)—a business unit within the Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport & Resources (DEDJTR). Notably, these recommendations—reported as completed in last year's review—were reinstated with a status of no action during the limited scope Follow up of Managing Major Projects audit.
The purpose of our limited scope follow-up audits is to verify agencies' self-attested reporting. The audit found that there were a number of key recommendations that had not been addressed and the evidence collected indicated that MPV had disregarded the recommendations made in the original report. DEDJTR will be required to report again next year on these recommendations.
Eight of the 30 agencies reported that they had completed all of their recommendations. These agencies had five or fewer recommendations each.
2.5 Timely completion of recommendations from 2013–14
As highlighted in Figure 2C, agencies have taken 3.8 months on average from report tabling to start work on recommendations. This is around 1.6 months earlier than last year. Where recommendations have been completed it has taken an average of 10.4 months to do so—an improvement of three months on last year. Agency responses indicate that on average they expect the remaining incomplete activities to take around 27.6 months from report tabling to completion.
Figure 2C
Average time from report tabling, months
Milestone |
2012–13 recommendations |
2013–14 recommendations |
Time to commence actions |
5.4 |
3.8 |
Time to complete actions |
13.4 |
10.4 |
Expected time to finish incomplete actions |
26.1 |
27.6 |
Source: Victorian Auditor-General's Office.
These results are encouraging, and some of the factors contributing to the improvements may include:
- the simplification, targeting and accessibility of 2013–14 recommendations, compared to the more complex and broadly pitched 2012–13 recommendations with multiple items
- the inclusion of agency action plans in published audit reports
- greater liaison between VAGO and agency audit committees to drive timely action on recommendations.
Interestingly, 22 recommendations (5 per cent) were commenced prior to tabling and 289 (62 per cent) started within three months. However, 53 (11 per cent) took longer than a year to get started, as shown in Figure 2D.
Figure 2D
Time taken from report tabling date to action starting

Source: Victorian Auditor-General's Office.
2.6 Quality of progress reports
We expect agency reports to describe their activity clearly and specifically so the reader can understand how recommendations have been addressed. Our report on 2012–13 recommendations highlighted both high‑quality and poor responses to help agencies improve their monitoring and reporting practices.
However, this has had a limited effect on the quality of responses, which still vary significantly in clarity. Figure 2E provides an assessment of the 448 recommendations that agencies fully accepted and acted on.
Figure 2E
Relevance of responses to fully accepted recommendations

Source: Victorian Auditor-General's Office.
Just over half of the audited agencies directly addressed all of their recommendations. However, disappointingly, this did not include any of the departments.
There were several quality issues in the agency responses:
- Agencies accepted recommendations but reported activity that only partially addresses them.
- Agencies accepted a recommendation but stated that processes in place prior to the audit were sufficient to meet the recommendation. Had this been the case, VAGO would not have made the recommendation in the first place.
- Agencies accepted recommendations then described why the agency is not undertaking the specific action and noted the recommendation as complete.
- Agencies noted a recommendation as complete when the agency response referred to ongoing work.
- Agencies reported actions on recommendations as completed within one month, when the description suggests this is unlikely.
- Agencies reported progress as partially or substantially complete when the description suggests that the work is complete.
- Agencies reporting on the same recommendations provided inconsistent responses, highlighting a lack of consultation and coordination.
If agencies' actions address only part of a recommendation, or do not address it at all, then the improvements needed to address the issues identified by performance audits will not occur.
3 Monitoring recommendations
At a glance
Standing Direction 2.6 (f) of the Financial Management Act 1994 requires agency audit committees to monitor the actions taken to resolve external audit issues and whether recommendations are adopted and addressed in a timely manner. All public sector entities should therefore report on and monitor actions in response to performance audit recommendations.
Most agency responses demonstrated a commitment to addressing performance audit recommendations by assigning clear responsibilities for action and having review processes in place to monitor progress.
One-fifth of agencies are not compliant with the Standing Direction as they neither provide regular progress reports on recommendations to their audit committees, nor identified their committees as playing a monitoring role.
- The majority of agencies, 82 per cent, reported that they assign recommendations to individuals and/or positions within a business unit.
- All agencies reported that they have an audit committee that had direct access to the agency's chief executive officer, secretary or board.
- Just over a half of the audited agencies reported that their audit committee monitors progress against audit recommendations.
- Of the seven departments, only one routinely monitors how their portfolio agencies are responding to performance audit recommendations, four monitor some agencies, and the remaining dispute they have any responsibility in this regard.
3.1 Introduction
We asked the 68 agencies who responded to this audit to report on their processes for monitoring the implementation of performance audit recommendations, particularly:
- whether their audit committee undertakes this work
- how frequently agencies review progress
- whether agencies assign responsible officers and due dates to recommendations
- how they determine timeliness and completeness of action taken.
This Part analyses the agencies' self-attested responses to these questions.
3.2 Conclusion
Agency responses demonstrated a commitment to addressing performance audit recommendations by assigning clear responsibilities for action and having review processes in place to monitor progress.
The majority of agencies assigned responsibility for actioning recommendations to an individual of sufficient seniority. This greater accountability for the timely completion of actions on recommendations is reflected in improved completion rates for agencies that took this approach.
Agencies commonly reported that audit committees have a role in monitoring progress against performance audit recommendations. However one-fifth of agencies did not provide regular progress reports to their audit committees or identify their committees as playing a monitoring role.
3.3 Accountability for action
To ensure that recommendations are acted upon, it is good practice to assign responsibility to an individual or individuals. Doing so provides a clear line of accountability for the timely and comprehensive completion of recommendations.
The majority of agencies (82 per cent) reported that they assign recommendations to individuals and/or positions within a business unit. Their responses to this audit identified the responsible individuals and business units. The remaining 18 per cent reported that they assign responsibilities to business units only.
Figure 3A
Assigning responsibility for action

Source: Victorian Auditor-General's Office.
Nearly half of the accountable individuals reported in this audit held executive management positions, the remainder held management or officer level positions. Completion rates were greater where an executive officer was responsible.
In 56 per cent of cases, the assignment of this responsibility was formalised in the individual's performance development plan. Where agencies did not have a formalised arrangement in place, almost half (44 per cent) reported that they used tracking, monitoring and reporting procedures and software to ensure that recommendations were actioned and completed.
Almost all agencies (94 per cent) reported that they set indicative time frames for tracking the timely completion of recommendations.
3.4 Accountability for monitoring
All agencies except for two regional councils reported that they monitor actions taken in response to all performance audit recommendations relevant to them. One indicated that it has recently changed its approach and plans to monitor any future recommendations. The other explained that they only monitor and review recommendations deemed as medium and high risk.
3.4.1 Monitoring progress against performance audit recommendations
Nearly 50 per cent of agencies reported that the relevant business area was primarily responsible for monitoring progress against performance audit recommendations. Audit committees were also reported as having an important monitoring role.
Audit committees
All agencies reported that their audit committees examined the timeliness of recommendations, however, only a small proportion explained how. The better responses identified several factors they consider in determining timeliness, including the level of risk, resourcing availability, existing workloads and the complexity of the recommendation. Only three agencies specifically mentioned that their audit committee holds management to account for overdue actions on recommendations.
Four of the portfolio departments—the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources (DEDJTR), the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP), the Department of Education & Training (DET) and the Department of Justice & Regulation (DJR)—reported that they use their internal audit team to provide assurance about the completion of recommendations. The Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) indicated that they are currently considering how their internal audit function can be used in this way.
Just over a half of agencies (57 per cent) reported that their audit committees review the impact of the actions taken in response to performance audit recommendations. Of these agencies only nine identified specific methods for assessing impact, which included post implementation reviews of recommendations, and monitoring the relevant areas beyond completion to measure outcomes and improvements in performance.
Robust monitoring of the timeliness, completion and outcomes of responses to performance audit recommendations is a critical and legislated function of audit committees.
Monitoring broader VAGO recommendations
Around 70 per cent of agencies reported that they have a formal process to identify broader VAGO recommendations, including whole-of-government recommendations that may apply to them. These processes included regular reviews of all recommendations and a standing audit committee item for discussion on at least a quarterly basis.
Monitoring portfolio agencies' responses to recommendations
DHHS reported that it monitors the activities to address performance audit recommendations of over 130 agencies in its portfolio. Four departments—DEDJTR, DELWP, DET and the Department of Premier & Cabinet—reported that they monitor the activities of some of their agencies. The remaining two departments—DJR and the Department of Treasury & Finance (DTF)—reported that they do not monitor portfolio agencies:
- DJR advised that it does not monitor activity as it is not responsible for the implementation of recommendations made to portfolio agencies.
- DTF reported that it is not obligated to monitor progress against recommendations for any agency within its portfolio and therefore does not do so.
Rather than adopting a blanket approach to monitoring recommendations directed to portfolio agencies, a risk-based approach from the departments would provide greater assurance to government that recommendations are being acted on in a timely and comprehensive way. A risk-based approach would allow agencies to prioritise activities based on a ranking of recommendations to determine the urgency of action required to address the issues identified in our audits.
3.4.2 Reporting progress
Agencies indicated that they report on the progress of actions to address recommendations to a variety of individuals and business areas.
Only half of the audited departments and portfolio agencies reported that the secretary or chief executive officer receives progress updates. However, all departments reported that they routinely report progress to both their audit committee and secretary.
The majority of agencies (81 per cent) reported that the audit committee receives progress updates on performance audit recommendations. However, the remaining 12 agencies do not report to their audit committees. Consistent with this, these agencies also reported that their audit committees do not play a role in monitoring actions to address recommendations. This approach does not provide organisational oversight of progress in addressing the issues identified by audits and does not meet Standing Direction 2.6 (f) of the Financial Management Act 1994.
Appendix A. Audits and agencies
Figure A1
2013–14 Audits and agencies
Audit |
Date tabled |
Audited agencies |
Access to Education for Rural Students |
3 April 2014 |
Department of Education & Training (DET) |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
29 May 2014 |
DET, Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), Department of Premier & Cabinet (DPC) |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
29 May 2014 |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
25 June 2014 |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP) |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
12 March 2014 |
DET, Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
4 September 2013 |
Department of Justice & Regulation (DJR), Office of Public Prosecutions, Victoria Police |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
19 February 2014 |
Ararat Rural City Council, Cardinia Shire Council, City of Kingston, City of Port Phillip, City of Wodonga, DELWP |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
30 October 2013 |
Alfred Health, Austin Health, DHHS, Eastern Health, Peninsula Health, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, The Royal Children's Hospital, The Royal Eye and Ear Hospital |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
21 August 2013 |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources (DEDJTR), Metropolitan Planning Authority, Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
26 June 2014 |
Department of Treasury & Finance (DTF) |
Implementation of the Government Risk Management Framework |
30 October 2013 |
DTF, Victorian Managed Insurance Authority |
Implementation of the Strengthening Community Organisations Action Plan |
16 October 2013 |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
12 June 2014 |
DET, DELWP, DJR, DTF, Victorian Government Purchasing Board |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
5 February 2014 |
Country Fire Authority, Victorian State Emergency Service |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
18 September 2013 |
DHHS, DJR, Victoria Police |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
11 December 2013 |
DEDJTR, DELWP, VicForests |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
28 November 2013 |
DHHS, Worksafe Victoria |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
21 August 2013 |
DELWP, DTF, Central Highlands Water, Coliban Region Water Corporation, North East Water |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
5 February 2014 |
Performance Reporting Systems in Education |
18 September 2013 |
Prevention and Management of Drug Use in Prisons |
16 October 2013 |
Prisoner Transportation |
11 June 2014 |
DJR, Victoria Police |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
28 November 2013 |
DJR, Greyhound Racing Victoria, Harness Racing Victoria |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
25 June 2014 |
DEDJTR, Transport Safety Victoria |
Residential Care Services for Children |
26 March 2014 |
Shared Services in Local Government |
28 May 2014 |
DELWP, City of Stonnington, Colac Otway Shire Council, Hepburn Shire Council, Hobsons Bay City Council, Hume City Council, Latrobe City Council |
Tourism Strategies |
12 December 2013 |
Tourism Victoria |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
11 June 2014 |
DEDJTR, Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
27 November 2013 |
DHHS, DJR, DPC, DTF, CenITex, State Revenue Office, Transport Accident Commission, Treasury Corporation of Victoria, Victorian Funds Management Corporation, Worksafe Victoria |
Note: As
these audits were undertaken after the government made changes to the structure
of public sector agencies on 1 January 2015, departments are referred to by
their 2015 titles.
Source: Victorian
Auditor-General's Office.
Figure A2
2012–13 outstanding audits and agencies
Audit |
Date tabled |
Audited agencies |
Carer Support Programs |
15 August 2012 |
Collections Management in Cultural Agencies(a) |
24 October 2012 |
DEDJTR, Museum Victoria |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
10 October 2012 |
DHHS, Central Gippsland Health Service, Monash Health, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
24 October 2012 |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
26 June 2013 |
DELWP, Parks Victoria |
Fare Evasion on Public Transport |
29 August 2012 |
Public Transport Victoria |
Flood Relief and Recovery |
26 June 2013 |
Implementation of School Infrastructure Programs |
20 February 2013 |
Infection Prevention and Control in Public Hospitals |
12 June 2013 |
DHHS, Bairnsdale Regional Health Service, Eastern Health |
Managing Major Projects(a) |
10 October 2012 |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
20 March 2013 |
Management of Staff Occupational Health and Safety in Schools(a) |
29 May 2013 |
DET, Worksafe Victoria |
Management of Unplanned Leave in Emergency Services |
6 March 2013 |
Ambulance Victoria, Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board |
Managing Traffic Congestion |
17 April 2013 |
DEDJTR, Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
12 June 2013 |
DELWP, Buloke Shire Council, Golden Plains Shire Council, Strathbogie Shire Council, Towong Shire Council, Yarriambiack Shire Council |
Planning, Delivery and Benefits Realisation of Major Asset Investment: The Gateway Review Process |
8 May 2013 |
Port of Melbourne Channel Deepening Project: Achievement of Objectives |
14 November 2012 |
Port of Melbourne Corporation |
Prison Capacity Planning |
28 November 2012 |
Programs for Students with Special Learning Needs |
29 August 2012 |
Public Asset Valuation |
17 April 2013 |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
20 February 2013 |
Benalla Rural City Council, City of Boroondara, City of Greater Dandenong, Greater Shepparton City Council, Murrindindi Shire Council, Shire of Campaspe |
Student Completion Rates |
28 November 2012 |
The State of Victoria's Children: Performance Reporting |
29 May 2013 |
(a) Summary
responses to these audits are provided as a result of
the conduct of limited scope follow-up audits.
Note: As
these audits were undertaken after the government made changes to the structure
of public sector agencies on 1 January 2015, departments are referred to by
their 2015 titles.
Source: Victorian
Auditor-General's Office.
Appendix B. Agency survey responses
Disclaimer: Agency responses are reproduced in this appendix as they were received by VAGO without alteration.
Ambulance Victoria
Agency |
Ambulance Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Unplanned Leave in Emergency Services |
Date Tabled |
06 March 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
Ambulance Victoria should review support for team managers who also perform paramedic duties and implement improvements to maximise team managers' ability to perform their roles. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In June 13, AV commenced the implementation of a new Frontline model for operational Team Managers to be rolled out progressively to all Team Managers over 3 years. The new model aims to provide consistent infield support to paramedics and create increased management time/capacity within the TM roles. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Ararat Rural City Council
Agency |
Ararat Rural City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
Local councils should accelerate efforts to review and update their asset management frameworks, policies and strategies to meet better practice standards. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council's Asset Management framework, policies and strategies have been reviewed and work has commenced on updating all these documents. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2016 |
Agency |
Ararat Rural City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
Local councils should make sure they have comprehensive asset management plans covering all major asset categories. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council's asset management plans (covering all major asset categories) have recently been reviewed and are in the process of being updated.. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2017 |
Agency |
Ararat Rural City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
Local councils should as a priority, develop a strategy for more effectively reducing their asset renewal gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council is currently: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2017 |
Agency |
Ararat Rural City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
Local councils should improve their asset management information systems and knowledge of their asset portfolios to ensure they have up-to-date information on all assets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council currently has an industry standard AMIS and is continuing to collect and validate its asset-related data |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2016 |
Agency |
Ararat Rural City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 10 |
Local councils should identify and review the skills and resources required to effectively manage infrastructure assets, including developing a skills matrix and action plan to address identified skill and resource requirements and gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Since the time the audit was conducted, Council has engaged a full-time Asset Manager. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Ararat Rural City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 11 |
Local councils should improve the provision of information to, and engagement with, the community on asset management. |
Acceptance (current) |
Partially accepted |
Action |
Council currently provides extensive information to its community regarding Asset Management and Maintenance. Regular reports are submitted to Council Meetings, which are subsequently published in full on the Council's website, typically include information regarding: As an outcome of the 2013–14 Performance Audit, Council is updating its Asset Management Plans and will undergo extensive public consultation and engagement with its community regarding the content and suitability of these documents before they are progressively presented to Council for ratification. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2017 |
Agency |
Ararat Rural City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 12 |
Local councils should develop and implement comprehensive asset management monitoring, reporting and evaluation systems, and publicly report their progress and performance against plans and strategies, including against capital works budgets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As an outcome of the 2013–14 Performance Audit, Council has been active in developing and implementing a raft of new asset management monitoring, reporting and evaluation systems. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2017 |
Austin Health
Agency |
Austin Health |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health and health services follow Department of Treasury and Finance guidance for future clinical ICT investments and require comprehensive business cases, relevant and measurable performance indicators and clearly articulated benefits and outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Business cases are completed for all major projects. Where possible tangible and measurable benefits are included in the business cases. Return on Investment and NPV are estimated if at all possible, although the nature of the health business and the type of investment means that the business cases do not always lend itself to ensuring there is an NPV=0. The original Health Smart Clinical Project at Austin Health was preceded with a full business case but the business cases for additional clinical projects have been improved and refined, particularly with respect to benefits realization. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2015 |
Agency |
Austin Health |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Health and health services align any future clinical ICT procurements to the key principles of Victoria's ICT strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Funding proposals and business cases prepared for the 2014 ICT funding round were all aligned to the key principles of the Victorian Health ICT Strategy at the time. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Austin Health |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Health and health services ensure expertise is available to plan and implement future clinical ICT development and change projects, particularly in the areas of clinical engagement and leadership, socio-technical systems analysis, health informatics and benefits realisation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Austin Health has invested in a competent project team for the devlopment of all Clinical ICT projects. There is a clear roadmap of ICT projects to be undertaken over the next 5 years, and funding for the next group of projects has been approved. All projects require a beenefits realisation report within 12 months of the compeltion of the project. We believe that we have always had such a structure to our project team; this has been key to the highly successful implementation of our original Health Smart clinical systems project. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2013 |
Bairnsdale Regional Health Service
Agency |
Bairnsdale Regional Health Service |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Infection Prevention and Control in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
That health services develop and implement targeted strategies to address persistent underperformance in hand hygiene compliance among relevant healthcare worker groups. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Overt monitoring of under-performing staff with intervention to remind of the need to use hand hygiene appropriately. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Barwon Health
Agency |
Barwon Health |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health and health services follow Department of Treasury & Finance guidance for future clinical ICT investments and require comprehensive business cases, relevant and measurable performance indicators and clearly articulated benefits and outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Business cases are already prepared for ICT clinical system investment over $100k. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
Already existed |
Date completed/due for completion |
Already existed |
Agency |
Barwon Health |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Health and health services align any future clinical ICT procurements to the key principles of Victoria's ICT strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Incorporated in to the Barwon Health Digital Strategy endorsed by the CEO and Executive group in July 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Barwon Health |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Health and health services ensure expertise is available to plan and implement future clinical ICT development and change projects, particularly in the areas of clinical engagement and leadership, socio-technical systems analysis, health informatics and benefits realisation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
All projects undertaken engage with Chief Medical Officer led health innovation office, consumer liaison and groups, and the Director of Health Informatics. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Benalla Rural City Council
Agency |
Benalla Rural City Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Councils should periodically conduct a comprehensive review of their rating strategies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A revenue and rating strategy review is currently in progress. Council have approved a number of recommendation in a discussion paper. A publically advertised reference group was formed. A series of workshops were held and the recommendations in the discussion paper have now been endorsed by the reference group. The revised Revenue and Rating Strategy is now being re drafted based on these recommendations. Once the draft strategy is approved by Council it will then go out for a public consultation process prior to being adopted. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2016 |
Agency |
Benalla Rural City Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.1 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include information and reporting on how rating decisions are made, their implications for ratepayers, and the expected outcomes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Revenue and Rating Strategy Review Focus Group formed and has considered discussion paper. Rating-related information provided with 2015/16 rate notices. Communication and engagement to continue. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Benalla Rural City Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.2 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include the use of a range of communication tools appropriate to the local community |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Revenue and Rating Strategy Review Discusison Paper focus group establishedm |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Benalla Rural City Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.3 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include details of how the effectiveness of their ratepayer engagement and communication activities will be assessed and reported |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Discussion on appropirate measures have taken place. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Buloke Shire Council
Agency |
Buloke Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including developing a plan to regularly review all services over time |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As part of the 2014/15 budget process a review of services occurred with extensive savings identified and an implementation plan developed. These savings were achieved and following the adoption of 2015/16 budget the Senior Management Team have developed a three year plan to review all existing services. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Cardinia Shire Council
Agency |
Cardinia Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
Local councils should accelerate efforts to review and update their asset management frameworks, policies and strategies to meet better practice standards. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Cardinia are working on this and are not necessarily following the MAV step process in every instance |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2020 |
Agency |
Cardinia Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
Local councils should make sure they have comprehensive asset management plans covering all major asset categories. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Asset Management Plans developed |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Cardinia Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
Local councils should as a priority, develop a strategy for more effectively reducing their asset renewal gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Asset Renewal Gap plan developed and to be taken to Council |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Cardinia Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
Local councils should improve their asset management information systems and knowledge of their asset portfolios to ensure they have up-to-date information on all assets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Consolidation of Assets into our Asset Management System |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Cardinia Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 10 |
Local councils should identify and review the skills and resources required to effectively manage infrastructure assets, including developing a skills matrix and action plan to address identified skill and resource requirements and gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Still Outstanding |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Cardinia Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 11 |
Local councils should improve the provision of information to, and engagement with, the community on asset management. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Still Outstanding |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Cardinia Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 12 |
Local councils should develop and implement comprehensive asset management monitoring, reporting and evaluation systems, and publicly report their progress and performance against plans and strategies, including against capital works budgets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Reporting to Public on Asset Plans not actioned yet |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2018 |
Agency |
CenITex |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should take a more rigorous approach to completing their annual information security management framework self-assessment report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CenITex continues to be compliant with Information Security Management Framework self-assessment requirements by preparing and submitting the annual compliance report according to schedule. A rigorous process was adopted and will continue to drive the self assessment exercise with the status of compliance derived from assurance reports and organisation risk registers. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
CenITex |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should make sure their annual self-assessment reports reflect the true status and risk to agency business from any third party service provider they may use. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Based on the sensitivity of information stored or processed by third party service providers, CenITex obtains third party assurance reports from service providers and incorporates the results into the annual Information Security Management Framework self-assessment report. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
CenITex |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CenITex maintains the accuracy of the CenITex IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
CenITex |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CenITex is currently implementing application whitelisting for all workstations, improved patching for Windows servers and reduced the number of user with administrative privileges. CenITex will analyse options to keep improving compliance with the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
CenITex |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CenITex retains responsibility for managing and allocating passwords for outsourced systems using a risk-based approach. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
CenITex |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CenITex is currently in the process of reviewing its Information Security Framework v3.0 which outlines CenITex's patching policy. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Central Gippsland Health Service
Agency |
Central Gippsland Health Service |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2 |
That health services make sure consumers receive and understand basic health service information. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Develop printed and electronic information in an accessible format and use multiple formats based on people’s preferred method or form of communication. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Central Gippsland Health Service |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 5 |
That health services provide consumer participation training and development for clinical, middle management and executive level staff. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Clinical leaders, senior managers and the workforce access training on patient centred care and the engagement of individuals in their care. Consumers and or carers are involved in training the clinical workforce. Continue to train and support staff to apply the principles of person centred care in individual care and care coordination |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Central Highlands Water
Agency |
Central Highlands Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
The water corporations should routinely and regularly report to their boards on contract performance, including realisation of anticipated benefits |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Annual reports presented to the Board |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Central Highlands Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
The water corporations should routinely and regularly report to their boards on contract performance, including financial performance |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Annual reports presented to the Board |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Central Highlands Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
The water corporations should routinely and regularly report to their boards on contract performance, including effectiveness of risk management |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
reported to the Board on an annual basis |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Central Highlands Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The water corporations should revise their contract administration manuals to comply with Partnerships Victoria's Contract Management Guide. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
contract administration manuals were updated in December 2014. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Central Highlands Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The water corporations should improve their risk management frameworks for each public private partnership project to systematically identify, mitigate and report on risks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VAGO noted that CHW already includes PPP risks in its Strategic Risk Register so no further action necessary. However, CHW continually review this risk. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2014 |
City of Boroondara
Agency |
City of Boroondara |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Councils should periodically conduct a comprehensive review of their rating strategies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Rating Strategy presented to and adopted by Council on 17 November 2014 |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2014 |
Agency |
City of Boroondara |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Councils should comply with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1989 relating to responding to submissions on the rate proposals in their budgets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council was fully compliant with Act prior to the Audit occurring |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
City of Boroondara |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.1 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include information and reporting on how rating decisions are made, their implications for ratepayers, and the expected outcomes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council was fully complaint with this action prior to the Audit. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
City of Boroondara |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.2 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include the use of a range of communication tools appropriate to the local community |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council was fully compliant prior to the audit |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
City of Boroondara |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.3 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include details of how the effectiveness of their ratepayer engagement and communication activities will be assessed and reported |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council was fully compliant prior to the audit |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
City of Greater Dandenong
Agency |
City of Greater Dandenong |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.1 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include information and reporting on how rating decisions are made, their implications for ratepayers, and the expected outcomes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council has previously reported against this action as to the range of communication activities undertaken which included detailed information distributed with the rate notice and formal advertising and submission process on the rating strategy. In addition to these activities, Council has now launched an on-line collaborative technology entitled 'Our Say' which will be utilized in the forthcoming annual budget process. The implementation of rate capping will now largely take away the rating decisions available to Council with the focus now turning to assessing community priorities for the use of what will be very scarce resources. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
City of Greater Dandenong |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.2 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include the use of a range of communication tools appropriate to the local community |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As noted in the previous recommendation, Council now has a wide range of communication tools that it utilizes ranging from hard copy printed material, on-line website information, and has now implemented the on-line collaborative technology Our Say. Council further publishes (via its website) information regarding Council rates in nine different languages. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
City of Greater Dandenong |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.3 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include details of how the effectiveness of their ratepayer engagement and communication activities will be assessed and reported |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The effectives of our communication strategies within Council are regularly assessed by a wide variety of tools ranging from website hits, increasing facebook and social media interaction with Council, the level of community interest and participation in submission processes, the level of attendance at Council meetings and number of enquiries and complaints received. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
City of Kingston
Agency |
City of Kingston |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
Local councils should accelerate efforts to review and update their asset management frameworks, policies and strategies to meet better practice standards. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Kingston adopted new Asset Management Policy and Strategy documents in November 2013, which included a 4 year improvement plan to meet better practice standards. Kingston has since achieved 'Core AM Maturity' as determined by MAV and NAMAF survey |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2013 |
Agency |
City of Kingston |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
Local councils should make sure they have comprehensive asset management plans covering all major asset categories. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Kingston has commenced a review of its existing Asset Management Plans, which had a focus on asset renewal requirements, to incorporate service standards as being the driver for asset management decision making. This model recognizes 'The Service' and the requirement to manage supporting assets at an appropriate standard to deliver the desired service outcomes. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
City of Kingston |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
Local councils should as a priority, develop a strategy for more effectively reducing their asset renewal gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Kingston had a sustainable asset renewal strategy with a 20 year outlook that aligned capital forward planning with the long term financial strategy and asset renewal modeling. However the impact of Rates Capping on local government is unknown. In the short term potential reduction on asset renewal expenditures will not be overtly obvious to the community, however the compounding affect over time will place much greater strain on available budgets to maintain assets at their desired service condition. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
City of Kingston |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
Local councils should improve their asset management information systems and knowledge of their asset portfolios to ensure they have up-to-date information on all assets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Kingston purchased a corporate Asset Management System in Feb 2011 and has been progressively consolidating and verifying its asset knowledge into this system. Over $1.3 Billion of community assets including roads, footpaths, kerbs, drainage and buildings have been captured and GIS mapped. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
February 2011 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
City of Kingston |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 10 |
Local councils should identify and review the skills and resources required to effectively manage infrastructure assets, including developing a skills matrix and action plan to address identified skill and resource requirements and gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Skill requirements and responsibilities are incorporated in staff postilion descriptions for all managers and officers with responsibilities for asset management. With the introduction of a corporate asset management system, changes to traditional methods is required, along with retraining officers and assessing ongoing resources and skills needed. During 2015/16 a resources and skills review is to be undertaken to ensure the effective management of infrastructure assets. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
City of Kingston |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 11 |
Local councils should improve the provision of information to, and engagement with, the community on asset management. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Kingston has, and will continue to undertake consultation and engagement with the community on its provision of services. The 'Standard of service' in turn informs the required minimum standards for maintenance activities. Kingston does not see the need to consult with the community specifically on asset management issues where the asset management objectives are defined by required service outcomes. Kingston has an extensively consulted corporate vision to 2035. This coupled with numerous service plans sets the framework for asset management objectives. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
City of Kingston |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 12 |
Local councils should develop and implement comprehensive asset management monitoring, reporting and evaluation systems, and publicly report their progress and performance against plans and strategies, including against capital works budgets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Kingston has well established processes and programs for asset condition and performance audit regimes for all its major asset groups. This information primarily drives asset maintenance and renewal programs. Corporate plans and strategies for Council services are identified as actions in the Council Plan. Progress against these actions are reviewed and updated in quarterly and annual reporting to the community. Council reports also include financial status and commentary on progress of major capital projects and programs. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
City of Port Phillip
Agency |
City of Port Phillip |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
Local councils should accelerate efforts to review and update their asset management frameworks, policies and strategies to meet better practice standards. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Commenced review of asset management frameworks, policies and strategies to meet better practice standards (ISO 55000 Series). |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
City of Port Phillip |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
Local councils should make sure they have comprehensive asset management plans covering all major asset categories. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Asset Management Plans developed to best practice standards and in continuous review. Not formally adopted by Council. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
City of Port Phillip |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
Local councils should as a priority, develop a strategy for more effectively reducing their asset renewal gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Commenced predictive modelling program to deliver optimal renewal program based on agreed levels of service rather than a focus on renewal gap. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
City of Port Phillip |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
Local councils should improve their asset management information systems and knowledge of their asset portfolios to ensure they have up-to-date information on all assets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Completed condition, functionality and capacity audit of buildings, open space and lighting assets to update information in asset management information system. Upgrade/replacement of current AMIS (Hansen) under investigation in 2015/16 financial year. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
City of Port Phillip |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 10 |
Local councils should identify and review the skills and resources required to effectively manage infrastructure assets, including developing a skills matrix and action plan to address identified skill and resource requirements and gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Commenced the development of a skills and training matrix for the Asset Management team. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
City of Port Phillip |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 11 |
Local councils should improve the provision of information to, and engagement with, the community on asset management. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
It has been determined that asset management maturity is not sufficiently advanced in this area. Some engagement will be undertaken as part of the long term plan engagement process. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
16 |
Agency |
City of Port Phillip |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 12 |
Local councils should develop and implement comprehensive asset management monitoring, reporting and evaluation systems, and publicly report their progress and performance against plans and strategies, including against capital works budgets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Established an Enterprise Portfolio Management Office (EPMO) to significantly increase project delivery capability by creating a plan-first culture and a business focussed approach to project, program and portfolio management for priority capital and operational projects. This is being delivered through project goverance processes as part of a Project Management Framework, a skills development program and database system for capturing, monitoring and reporting on all project key milestones and project status. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
City of Stonnington |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That councils ensure future initiatives are soundly based, including clearly identifying expected benefits and costs and how they will be measured. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
No new shared service initiatives have arisen since this audit was completed. Should a shared service initiative be entered into by Council adequate reporting arrangements are in place. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2014 |
City of Stonnington
Agency |
City of Stonnington |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That councils ensure future initiatives are soundly based, including clearly identifying expected benefits and costs and how they will be measured. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
No new shared service initiatives have arisen since this audit was completed. Should a shared service initiative be entered into by Council adequate reporting arrangements are in place. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2014 |
Agency |
City of Stonnington |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That councils develop and implement comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and reporting on shared services, supported by reliable baseline data and clear and measurable outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
No shared services opportunities have arisen since this audit was completed. Should a shared service opportunity arise in the future appropriate reporting arrangements are in place. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2014 |
City of Wodonga
Agency |
City of Wodonga |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
Local councils should accelerate efforts to review and update their asset management frameworks, policies and strategies to meet better practice standards. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Asset management policy updated following feedback on better practice from VAGO. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
February 2015 |
Agency |
City of Wodonga |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
Local councils should make sure they have comprehensive asset management plans covering all major asset categories. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Road Asset Management Plan adopted by Council |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2017 |
Agency |
City of Wodonga |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
Local councils should as a priority, develop a strategy for more effectively reducing their asset renewal gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Wodonga City Council has a renewal gap in the order of less than 2% |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
City of Wodonga |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
Local councils should improve their asset management information systems and knowledge of their asset portfolios to ensure they have up-to-date information on all assets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Cyclic asset condition / defect surveys have been completed for the respective asset portfolios to provide timely valuation/financial reporting |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
City of Wodonga |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 10 |
Local councils should identify and review the skills and resources required to effectively manage infrastructure assets, including developing a skills matrix and action plan to address identified skill and resource requirements and gaps. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Reviews and identification of skills required for asset management is conducted though councils Performance Evaluation System (PES). |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
City of Wodonga |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 11 |
Local councils should improve the provision of information to, and engagement with, the community on asset management. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The standard meeting template for Management Briefings and Council meetings has a communication/consultation table, which addresses information to, and engagement with, the community on asset management. A new management position 'Community Planning and Wellbeing will also contribute to the development and implementation of a community planning framework and methodology for evaluating and monitoring community services and community infrastructure planning. Reporting to the public on the performance of asset management is also undertaken though the recently introduced Local Government Planning and reporting regulations, and through the Annual Report. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
City of Wodonga |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 12 |
Local councils should develop and implement comprehensive asset management monitoring, reporting and evaluation systems, and publicly report their progress and performance against plans and strategies, including against capital works budgets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Monthly Capital Project review of capital/asset management meetings undertaken to monitor performance against progress and budgets |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Colac Otway Shire Council
Agency |
Colac Otway Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That councils ensure future initiatives are soundly based, including clearly identifying expected benefits and costs and how they will be measured. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The VAG’s report provides guidance for Council where Shared Services are being considered in the future. Council will continue to pursue shared services particularly with adjoining Councils where there are opportunities. Colac Otway has been involved in a number of joint activities in Emergency Management with Surf Coast and Corangamite Shires. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2016 |
Agency |
Colac Otway Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That councils develop and implement comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and reporting on shared services, supported by reliable baseline data and clear and measurable outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The recommendation is noted. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Coliban Region Water Corporation
Agency |
Coliban Region Water Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
The water corporations should routinely and regularly report to their boards on contract performance, including |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Coliban Water continues to work with DTF and anticipates receiving further guidance in regards to the enhancements to processes used for benefits realisation and value for money for Public Private Partnerships. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Coliban Region Water Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
The water corporations should routinely and regularly report to their boards on contract performance, including |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Coliban Water undertakes an annual financial risk assessment of each major contractor that is reported quarterly to the Coliban Water Board. This report has been structured to provide the Board with greater transparency in relation to financial controls around the PPP’s. A monthly Business Report is also collated that provides data and information on the financials for all contracts. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Coliban Region Water Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
The water corporations should routinely and regularly report to their boards on contract performance, including |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Coliban Water undertakes an annual contract risk assessment for each major contract using the enterprise risk management systems and associated tools. These assessments inform key strategic risk reporting which is provided to the Board on a periodic basis. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Coliban Region Water Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The water corporations should revise their contract administration manuals to comply with Partnerships Victoria's Contract Management Guide. |
Acceptance (current) |
Partially accepted |
Action |
All Contract Administration Manuals for the major contracts have been revised and have considerably expanded their content to enhance transparency. To facilitate this process Coliban Water undertook an assessment of the requirements of the Partnerships Victoria Contract Management Guide and aligned the agency’s model with the corporation's own internal structure. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Agency |
Coliban Region Water Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The water corporations should improve their risk management frameworks for each public private partnership project to systematically identify, mitigate and report on risks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In addition to the quarterly Major Contract Management report that informs Coliban Water's Board on any contract issues and contract risks, Major Contract Failure Risk (a corporate strategic risk) is periodically reviewed and reported to the Board. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Coliban Region Water Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
Coliban Water should reconsider its approach to applying reductions in service payments for non-performance under the AQUA 2000 project and the Campaspe Water Reclamation Scheme contracts. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Coliban Water is considering its approach to the application of the toll abatement regime under both PPP’s. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Country Fire Authority
Agency |
Country Fire Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should improve their central and regional oversight of volunteer workforce management by strategically using the available information, such as volunteer demographic data, Brigade Operational Skills Profiles and ERAS-e profiles, and developing new information, such as risk assessment, to increase their awareness of actual and required volunteer numbers |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CFA’s actions as advised to VAGO in response to this recommendation are to; |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Country Fire Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should improve their central and regional oversight of volunteer workforce management by strategically using the available information, such as volunteer demographic data, Brigade Operational Skills Profiles and ERAS-e profiles, and developing new information, such as risk assessment, to increase their awareness of the gaps and risks around volunteer capability and capacity |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CFA’s actions as advised to VAGO in response to this recommendation are to; |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Country Fire Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should develop recruitment and retention strategies to guide these activities centrally, regionally and at the district, brigade and unit level, so that approaches are consistent with the organisations' strategic goals. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In response to recommendation two, CFA committed to VAGO to; |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Country Fire Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should implement risk management processes within regions, districts, brigades and units to understand and manage the local risks associated with their volunteer workforces. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CFA’s agreed VAGO action in response to this recommendation is to: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Country Fire Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should evaluate volunteer support systems and processes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CFA’s actions as advised to VAGO in response to this recommendation are to; |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Country Fire Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should explore further opportunities to collaborate with each other. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CFA’s actions as advised to VAGO in response to this recommendation are to; |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Country Fire Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 7 |
The Country Fire Authority should develop exit surveys and associated management reports based on meaningful analysis as a way to better inform it about the reasons that volunteers leave. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CFA’s actions as advised to VAGO in response to this recommendation are to; |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Country Fire Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
The Country Fire Authority should improve Brigade Operational Skills Profiles to reflect volunteer activity and availability. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CFA’s actions as advised to VAGO in response to this recommendation are to; |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should strengthen their whole-of-department compliance frameworks by developing whole-ofdepartment compliance policies and specific regulator policies, as appropriate, that meet better practice criteria-including describing education and enforcement approaches, and making relevant information publicly available |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Significant work was completed in DEPI on a whole-of-department compliance framework and policy that met better practice criteria, which the Senior Executive Group approved in August 2014 and is published on DEPI’s website: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should strengthen their whole-of-department compliance frameworks by improving how they manage delegations-including maintaining current registers of delegations and Acts with compliance responsibilities, communicating expectations for managing delegations, and regularly assessing how well the delegations are used |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DEPI had a current register of delegations and Acts with compliance responsibilities and work was underway to communicate expectations and assess how well the delegations were used. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should strengthen their whole-of-department compliance frameworks by by transparently identifying and monitoring high compliance risks across all Acts and regulations, and reporting these to senior management |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Significant work was completed in DEPI on a whole-of-department compliance framework and policy, which the Senior Executive Group approved in August 2014 and is published on DEPI’s website: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1.4 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should strengthen their whole-of-department compliance frameworks by improving oversight and assurance of their compliance functions by better monitoring how they manage their compliance responsibilities-including through regular external review, and, for the Department of Sustainability and Environment, by also assigning clear accountability for its compliance functions and the statewide compliance strategy |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DEPI implemented major structural changes to consolidate regulatory and compliance functions and improve its ability to monitor and manage compliance activities. DEPI also implemented a compliance framework that made internal businesses accountable for developing effective compliance strategies outlining objectives, obligations, risk-based priorities and performance measures to assess the effectiveness of their compliance activities. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2.1 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should establish department-wide compliance performance management systems that identify a core set of compliance outcomes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Significant progress was made in DEPI on a compliance outcomes hierarchy for developing performance indicators and a performance management system. The hierarchy was approved by DEPI’s Senior Executive Group in August 2014 (published on DEPI’s website: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2.2 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should establish department-wide compliance performance management systems that identify relevant, appropriate and representative compliance performance measures of effectiveness against the outcomes and compliance objectives |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As per response to recommendation 2.1 |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2.3 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should establish department-wide compliance performance management systems that identify transparent internal reporting and balanced public reporting on compliance |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As noted in the response to recommendation 2.1, the compliance framework being developed in the DEDJTR regulatory model project includes a Regulatory Performance Tracking System that builds on the work in DEPI for all DEDJTR regulators. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2.4 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should establish department-wide compliance performance management systems that identify targeted and reliable compliance data and information sets relevant to the performance measures, based on a data and information gap analysis |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As noted in the response to recommendation 2.1 above, the compliance framework being developed in the DEDJTR regulatory model project includes a Regulatory Performance Tracking Systems that builds on the work in DEPI for all DEDJTR regulators. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
The regulators within the departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should rigorously and transparently prioritise and plan their compliance work under all relevant Acts |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Significant work was completed in DEPI to prepare a department compliance framework and policy, which DEPI’s Senior Executive Group approved in August 2014 (published on the DEPI website: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
The regulators within the departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should regularly and systematically review how consistently and objectively they conduct all types of enforcement actions |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Significant work was completed in DEPI to prepare a department compliance framework and policy, which DEPI’s Senior Executive Group approved in August 2014 (published on the DEPI website: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 6 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should identify and centrally document core processes for managing the work standards, recruitment, training and authorisation of compliance officers and central systems for coordinating and reviewing these activities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
(recruitment and training) standards for Authorised Officers. The standards were approved by DEPI’s Senior Executive Group in August 2014. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 7.1 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should each develop and implement a whole-of-department, better practice complaints management policy and training |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Significant work was completed in DEPI to prepare a complaints management policy and procedure. Implementation in DEPI was about to occur before the machinery of government change announced in December 2014. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 7.2 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should each publish the policy on its website |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As described in recommendation 7.1 |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 7.3 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should each record all complaints in a central register(s), monitor complaints data and use this information to improve regulatory policies and processes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As described in recommendation 7.1 |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Department of Primary Industries should finalise its 2012 draft Fisheries Statement and apply its objectives and principles to the planning and management of recreational freshwater fisheries. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The statement referred to in the audit report was part of a draft reform package described as the Future Fisheries Strategy. This package did not proceed, rather was replaced by a staged fishery by fishery improvement approach, to be undertaken with the close involvement of relevant sector participants. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2016 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Department of Primary Industries should finalise the policy for its draft 2011 Harvest Strategy and implement the principles and guidelines uniformly across all recreational freshwater fisheries. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Harvest Strategy Policy has been incorporated into improved guidelines for developing fishery management plans. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2018 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Department of Primary Industries should finalise its draft 2011 Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and implement the principles and guidelines across recreational freshwater fishing consultative processes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The 2011 Stakeholder Engagement Strategy was a component of the draft Future Fisheries Strategy, which has been replaced by a staged fishery by fishery improvement approach. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 4.1 |
The Department of Primary Industries should develop a management plan for all recreational freshwater fisheries which includes clear performance outcomes, operational objectives and a suite of robust, balanced and measurable outcome-focused performance indicators, that are clearly linked to the legislative objectives for the management of fisheries |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Fisheries Victoria plans to develop a suite of new or updated fishery management plans over the next three years based on a timetable agreed to by senior management. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 4.2 |
The Department of Primary Industries should develop a management plan for all recreational freshwater fisheries which includes management actions and targets to mitigate high priority risks identified through a risk assessment process that at least adopts the principles identified in the 2003 Guidelines for the ecologically sustainable management reporting framework for fisheries |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Refer also to recommendation 1.1 above. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 4.3 |
The Department of Primary Industries should develop a management plan for all recreational freshwater fisheries which includes a harvest strategy which sets catch and take limits and targets |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Refer also to recommendation 1.1 above. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 4.4 |
The Department of Primary Industries should develop a management plan for all recreational freshwater fisheries which includes identification of gaps in information and data, and prioritises research, information collection and monitoring activities to address high-risk gaps |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Refer also to recommendation 1.1 above. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 4.5 |
The Department of Primary Industries should develop a management plan for all recreational freshwater fisheries which includes a set of regularly monitored predetermined reference points or triggers for high-risk fishery issues, supported by predetermined decision rules if the triggers are reached |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Refer also to recommendation 1.1 above. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 4.6 |
The Department of Primary Industries should develop a management plan for all recreational freshwater fisheries which includes the identification and allocation of resources and time frames to implement management plan actions |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Refer also to recommendation 1.1 above. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 4.7 |
The Department of Primary Industries should develop a management plan for all recreational freshwater fisheries which includes a detailed performance monitoring and reporting framework to track the progress and effectiveness of the plan against its objectives |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Improved guidelines for preparing fishery management plans address this recommendation. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Department of Primary Industries should review its Fisheries Statement Action Plan to reflect the above actions, to address the poor planning and management of freshwater recreational fisheries. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Refer also to recommendations 1 and 1.1 above. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Department of Primary Industries should collate previous and current existing stocking records and research data into a clear evidence-based tool to guide current decision-making for fish stocking. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Fisheries continues to pursue a multi-pronged evidence-based approach to improving the recreational fishing data set to aid fisheries management decision-making, within an overall objective of resource sustainability. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
The Department of Primary Industries should prioritise and implement the relevant high-priority recommendations, from its internal reviews of its stocking processes and programs, to improve its current decision-making framework in relation to: the assessment and evaluation of the performance of annual stocking programs in improving fishery sustainability; the assessment and information gathering of the potential impact of stocking activities on freshwater fishery ecology, non-target species and supporting fishery habitats. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Fisheries sustainability underpins all decisions and drives the regulatory requirement to manage stocks for current and future use. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
The Department of Primary Industries should develop a performance reporting framework for fisheries that includes clear performance outcomes aligned with its core legislative objectives, which has balanced, measurable and outcome-focused performance indicators, underpinned by quality assured performance data. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Fisheries Victoria is a contributor to the FRDC-led Status of key Australian fish stocks report, which provides a scientifically robust and simple tool to inform the community about the status of key Australian wild-caught stocks. The report was last published in 2014. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Freshwater Fisheries |
Date Tabled |
20 March 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
The Department of Primary Industries should develop and document performance reporting policies and standards, including those for the collection and verification of performance data. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Appropriate performance reporting policies and standards for recreational freshwater fisheries will be developed as part of a process to complete a new Recreational Freshwater Fisheries Fishery Management Plan by the end of December 2016. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Flood Relief and Recovery |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
Regional Development Victoria should implement the recommendations from the Department of Planning and Community Development's review of the Community Recovery Fund to improve the delivery of relief and recovery programs in the future. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The former Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) completed a review of its implementation of the Flood Community Recovery Fund (CRF). A CRF is a specific program defined under Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA). RDV has considered the recommendations in the DPCD review as well as guidance provided under NDRRA for CRFs, identifying that some of the DPCD recommendations are less relevant to RDV due to differing processes and capabilities. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Traffic Congestion |
Date Tabled |
17 April 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Transport, in consultation with stakeholders, reviews its governance arrangements and establishes mechanisms for systematic monitoring and reporting by agencies on the progress and outcomes of statewide congestion management initiatives. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) was formerly established on 1 January 2015 and has been considering the need for an overarching framework to govern the relationship between key State Plans (Regional Growth Plans, Plan Melbourne and Victoria: The Freight State) and agency level network plans. Governance arrangements for the Transport Group within DEDJTR are being reviewed and adjusted in line with an organizational restructure that is currently underway. A key focus for the Transport Group will be the development of network performance indicators to hold agencies to account. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement a statewide framework for prioritising the delivery of transport infrastructure that reconciles broader statewide priorities against the needs of growth areas |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DEDJTR continues to work with transport agencies to identify and assess needs in growth areas as part of the development of advice to Government. Each year, this collaboration results in the preparation of rigorous business cases that detail the strategic alignment, scope, benefits, costs and risks of individual proposals and their relationship to other submissions. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement an implementation and funding strategy incorporating alternative financing options and innovative solutions to systematically address the transport backlog and meet the future needs of growth areas |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Growth Areas Infrastructure Fund is used for the purposes of state funded infrastructure, including State funded public transport infrastructure, other transport infrastructure such as walking and cycling infrastructure, and regional community, environmental or economic infrastructure. Newly developed GAIC Work-In-Kind guidelines now enable the development industry to deliver state infrastructure by providing land and/or capital infrastructure the value of which are offset against their GAIC liabilities. This enables a more efficient process, better integration of state, local and private infrastructure and can remove the need for the state to acquire land at a later time. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement an associated monitoring and evaluation framework to assess whether the progressive delivery of transport infrastructure and services in growth areas is being achieved as planned and has been effective |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DEDJTR is leading the development of formalised frameworks that builds on and makes explicit the department's current rigorous processes. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries engages appropriate experts to oversee its future five-yearly audits of VicForests' sustainable harvest level planning-with expertise spanning the environmental, social, economic and commercial dimensions of sustainability. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DEDJTR has prepared an audit plan for the process VicForests undertakes in estimating the volume of timber that can be harvested sustainably. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2018 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 4.1 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries improves the way it manages its responsibilities for regenerating forest, and monitors VicForests' regeneration compliance, by prioritising the regeneration of its backlog, to the accepted standards |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DEDJTR has prioritised backlog regeneration by: |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 4.3 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries improves the way it manages its responsibilities for regenerating forest, and monitors VicForests' regeneration compliance, by reconciling VicForests' regeneration against harvested areas |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DEDJTR monitors VicForests regeneration compliance on an annual basis. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 11 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries more strategically and holistically assess options for addressing issues and opportunities for the industry, and continue to update this planning based on socio-economic information relevant to the native forest timber industry sector. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DEDJTR is updating and refining socio-economic models and data to inform strategic and holistic advice. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure consults with central agencies and the Director, Transport Safety, to review the adequacy of current resourcing arrangements for supporting effective implementation of the marine safety regulatory framework. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In 2014, the then DTPLI consulted with DTF on the VAGO recommendations relating to the adequacy of funding for TSV. The Department gave consideration to a submission to Government as part of the 2015-16 Budget process. On balance, a funding submission was not put to Government on the basis that further consideration was required on the regulatory model in place and underlying inter-jurisdictional issues. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure investigates options for the effective and efficient use of all existing revenues from the marine sector to improve marine safety management. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department is proposing to commence a review of the waterway governance provisions of the Marine Safety Act 2010 in September 2015. This review will include examination of the current sector revenue streams and consider alternative models for their more efficient and effective usage. Advise on options will be provided to the Minister on completion of the review. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure reports publicly on the collection and use of revenue from prescribed fees and all other funds it administers for boating safety and facilities to acquit the requirements of the Marine Safety Act 2010. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department is considering options to provide public reporting of the State Government funds used for boating safety and facilities. Information on collection and use of revenue for the 2014–15 financial year will be considered once annual reporting requirements are completed and available. DTF will be consulted regarding appropriateness of options for public reporting of this information. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 12 |
That the Director, Transport Safety, in consultation with the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure defines the minimum competencies and capabilities of waterway managers. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Competency and Capability Framework for Waterway Managers (C&C framework) has been developed by TSV which defines required competencies and capabilities in 6 key areas, in order to effectively perform the function of a waterway manager. TSVs consultation with the department did not progress as planned due to machinery of government changes. We are currently in discussion with the department about a department-led review of waterway management. Consultation on the C&C framework is expected to form part of that review. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 13 |
That the Director, Transport Safety, in consultation with the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure implements a waterway manager capability framework that includes periodic assessments of capability gaps to better inform provision of support to waterway managers. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A framework has been developed, which identifies 6 key areas of competency / capability for waterway managers. The capability gaps identified have been used to inform the development of guidance material and the program for an upcoming (October 2015) series of workshops. The workshops will examine, among other things, the role of rulemaking to manage and reduce risk on waterways. The assessment of specific waterway managers against the framework will inform the re-appointment process for waterway managers (required by legislation to occur by July 2017). The assessment is expected to assist to in the further development of tools to better support waterway managers, and to help inform the development of briefings for the Minister/department on resourcing challenges facing waterway managers which may be a barrier to achieving higher performance against each competency/capability area. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 14 |
That the Director, Transport Safety, in consultation with the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure uses the insights from these assessments to provide advice to the Minister for Ports on the appointment and/or reappointment of waterway managers. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
At this stage the framework is in draft, and has been used to inform a number of activities by TSV to better support waterway managers. Additionally, it will be used to help inform the development of a briefing to the Minister relating to the legislative requirement for the re-appointment of the majority of current waterway managers by July 2017. It should be noted that as issues specific to waterway managers arise, the Minister is briefed on these as would be expected. Future such briefings will have regard to the C&C framework. An example of this is the briefing to be provided to the Minister on Tier 1 unmanaged waterways as a consequence of the Unmanaged Waterway Identification Project. |
Status |
No action |
Date commenced |
October 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, Public Transport Victoria and VicRoads develop a statewide strategic document on traffic management to ensure that VicRoads' efforts are in line with broader government policies and objectives, and to clarify the role and expectations for ICT traffic management systems to help address congestion and priority for road-based public transport. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources continues to work closely with VicRoads and PTV on the application of ICT on the road network, including developing an ICT Roadmap due for completion at the end of 2015. The roadmap will outline ICT infrastructure options that can be used on the road network over the next 5-10 years. DEDJTR will work with VicRoads to align the ICT options with the overall strategy for the transport network. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Collections Management in Cultural Agencies |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
Arts Victoria should more purposefully lead action to address systemic issues with the management of the state collections by more rigorously advocating for the necessary resources to increase collection storage capacity |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Creative Victoria response: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Major Projects |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1 |
Major Projects Victoria should obtain legal advice as to the employment status of its contractors and the provision of financial authorisations to them. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
MPV response: |
Status |
No action |
Date commenced |
August 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Major Projects |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2 |
Major Projects Victoria should review the skills and capabilities required to carry out its functions and, if necessary, obtain advice from the Department of Premier and Cabinet about the ability for it to create additional public sector executive officer positions within Major Projects Victoria. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
MPV response: |
Status |
No action |
Date commenced |
August 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Major Projects |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 5 |
Major Projects Victoria should undertake an independent fraud risk assessment, particularly around contract management and payment systems, given the weaknesses in controls. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
MPV response: |
Status |
No action |
Date commenced |
August 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Major Projects |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 10 |
Major Projects Victoria should review its business planning to provide better clarity around its role, the actions it will implement to fulfil its role and the processes it will use to assess achievement of its role. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
MPV response: |
Status |
No action |
Date commenced |
August 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Major Projects |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 12 |
Major Projects Victoria should develop a process to routinely capture and assess industry and other information, and update its Project Management Framework as appropriate. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
MPV response: |
Status |
No action |
Date commenced |
August 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Major Projects |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 14 |
Major Projects Victoria should establish a project review mechanism so that lessons from each project are identified, assessed, incorporated into practices as appropriate, and communicated. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
MPV response: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Department of Education & Training
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of School Infrastructure Programs |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should develop and document a comprehensive long-term asset strategy, encompassing plans to address surplus buildings at schools. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department's 10-year asset strategy, which aims to develop and maintain a high-performing asset base that supports world-leading education and development outcomes, was informed by broad consultation and research, and was approved by the Department’s Executive Board in September 2014. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Programs for Students with Special Learning Needs |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should monitor the effectiveness and impact of programs to support students with special learning needs including which schools are using them. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department has implemented a number of programs to enable schools to assess students with disabilities and ascertain their progress including the Abilities Based Learning and Education Support Teaching and Assessment Resource for Students with Disability. Extensive data has been collected, and state and national evaluations conducted, on a range of programs to support students with special learning needs including which schools used them. Examples include the Inclusion On Line Program, Autism Inclusion Programs and the national evaluation of several of Victoria's disability support strategies in the More Support for Students with Disabilities National Partnership. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
February 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Programs for Students with Special Learning Needs |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should provide clearer guidance and training for teachers on how to get the most from Student Support Groups and how to develop and implement meaningful and effective Individual Learning Plans. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department has revised its guidance for teachers on getting the most from student support groups and how to develop and implement meaningful and effective individual learning plans as follows: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Programs for Students with Special Learning Needs |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 4.1 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should seek feedback from schools about the clarity and usefulness of critical policy and guidance material and act to address identified deficiencies. In .particular it should focus on restraint and seclusion practices |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Feedback from schools, gathered from school visits and consultation with the presidents of the three principal associations has resulted in the development of draft materials, support and advice, including: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Programs for Students with Special Learning Needs |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 4.2 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should seek feedback from schools about the clarity and usefulness of critical policy and guidance material and act to address identified deficiencies. In .particular it should focus on parents paying for external support delivered in school |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Feedback has been sought from schools through school visits, meetings with the presidents of the principal associations and their members in statewide meetings. This feedback has resulted in extended policy and guidance material for schools around the Department's legal and policy requirements. This guidance can be found in the Program for Students with Disabilities Guidelines and in legal bulletins that are available to school leaders. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Programs for Students with Special Learning Needs |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 4.3 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should seek feedback from schools about the clarity and usefulness of critical policy and guidance material and act to address identified deficiencies. In .particular it should focus on circumstances in which full time access to school can be restricted |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Feedback has been sought from schools through school visits, meetings with the presidents of the principal associations and their members in statewide meetings. This feedback has resulted in extended policy and guidance material for schools around the Department's legal and policy requirements for attendance and enrolment of students with disabilities. This guidance can be found in the Program for Students with Disabilities Guidelines and in legal bulletins that are available to school leaders. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Programs for Students with Special Learning Needs |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should set and implement measurable performance indicators for the Program for Students with Disabilities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The 2015 Program for Students with Disability Guidelines set out key performance indicators under achievement, participation and transition. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Student Completion Rates |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2012 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should develop specific strategies to increase retention and completion rates for non-metropolitan students and students from low socio-economic status backgrounds. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department has implemented new student engagement and inclusion guidance that provides advice, resources and strategies for schools on: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Student Completion Rates |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2012 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should develop a framework to oversee the provision of support to students at risk of disengaging, or who are disengaged from education, to assist them to complete Year 12 or equivalent. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department has developed guidance for schools on support for disengaged and at-risk students, including policy and guidance on delivering re-engagement programs. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Student Completion Rates |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2012 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should analyse the impact of programs to determine which strategies have been effective, and why, in order to facilitate schools to use them more effectively. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In March 2014, the Department commissioned an independent evaluation of the Re-engagement Program Pilots to identify key factors that have enabled the success of some re-engagement programs. The outcomes of this work are being used to inform future directions to support vulnerable young people and improve engagement and attendance in education. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Student Completion Rates |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2012 |
Recommendation 4 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should improve data collection and analysis around how effective the department is in supporting schools to assist disengaged students and those at-risk of disengaging to remain at school and complete Year 12 or equivalent. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department identified engagement as a key outcome under the 2013–2017 Strategic Plan and established a four-year priority to ensure secondary schooling is more inclusive, flexible and engaging and equips young people for further study and work. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Student Completion Rates |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2012 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should develop fit-for-purpose outcome measures to recognise and manage risk in relation to Victoria's Year 12 and equivalent completion rates. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Through the Education and Training Outcomes Framework, the Department reports annually on how children and young people transition successfully through the education continuum. In addition to measuring Year 12 and equivalent completion rates, the Framework monitors results against related early and interim lead indicators pertaining to school engagement and connectedness. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Student Completion Rates |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2012 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should use sufficient evidence to analyse the impact of policy changes so that decision-makers are comprehensively informed and advised. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department has put in place arrangements to ensure policy related to student completion rates is evidence-based and appropriately evaluated, including: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
The State of Victoria's Children: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should evaluate the Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System to determine its ongoing relevance for state of Victoria's children reports. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The suite of indicators in the Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System was revised in 2014 to ensure they aligned with current research and government action. Contributing government departments and relevant non-government experts reviewed the revised the indicators, which were then endorsed by the Children's Services Coordination Board in November 2014. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Education for Rural Students |
Date Tabled |
03 April 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development comprehensively evaluates the impact of its current activities to support rural students, including its funding arrangements and specific programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department is reviewing its current activities to support rural students, including its funding arrangements, and will provide further information by October 2015. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Education for Rural Students |
Date Tabled |
03 April 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development completes its Rural and Regional Plan, ensuring that it is comprehensive, outcomes focused, contains detailed and time bound actions, and is informed by high-quality research and stakeholder engagement. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The regional and rural plan - Aspiring Learners, Thriving Communities: A long-term approach to improving rural and regional learning outcomes - was released in October 2014. On the back of stakeholder consultation and research, the plan outlined time-bound actions, that were outcomes focussed. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Education for Rural Students |
Date Tabled |
03 April 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development develops and implements a method to systematically monitor performance of schools, identifies good practice schools and disseminates this information across its rural school networks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department implemented the School Performance Framework in 2014. Victorian government schools use the Framework to monitor and improve their performance by engaging with their peers in a cycle of performance feedback that includes self-evaluation, review, planning, reporting and sharing practice across the system. Good practice is identified and shared between schools through participation in the peer-review process. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Education for Rural Students |
Date Tabled |
03 April 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development provides more targeted information on pathways into further education to assist rural students and parents to make informed educational choices. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As part of National Skills Week in August 2014, a statewide skills media campaign was undertaken. This involved a series of regionally based double-page spreads in the Leader, Weekly Times and Herald Sun newspapers. The skills campaign aimed to showcase the Victorian training system and engage learners with the right information and tools to make informed choices about their training. The advertisements also directed individuals to the Department's home page for learners, which linked back to the Skills Gateway. This campaign was supported by online information and data such as the release of the 2014 half-year training market report. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Education for Rural Students |
Date Tabled |
03 April 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development continues to closely monitor changes in the rural VET market, supports VET providers in transition and evaluates the impact of changes to VET market settings on rural provision. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In 2014–15, the Department monitored and evaluated VET in rural markets through: • Victorian Training Market Report 2014 (March 2015), compared training activity across different regions with the previous year • Vocational Training: Victoria’s Regions 2014 (March 2015), summarised trends in skill needs and alignment to training delivery across regions • Market Structure and Competition, 2010 to 2014 (June 2015), analysed trends in occupational and regional markets. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development develop and report annually on their cultural diversity plans-or equivalent-in consultation with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship and the Victorian Multicultural Commission. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department reports annually to Parliament and the Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship on achievements, major initiatives and programs. The Culture Diversity Project Board will convene to review the draft Culture Diversity Plan. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2.1 |
That the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development include in their reporting of progress on cultural diversity plans explicit reference to how culturally appropriate training for staff has been incorporated into the delivery of services for culturally and linguistically diverse communities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Cultural Diversity Project Board will oversee the training program to ensure it: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2.2 |
That the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development include in their reporting of progress on cultural diversity plans explicit reference to how information/data has been used to increase accessibility of services for culturally and linguistically diverse communities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Cultural Diversity Project Board will oversee data collection and evaluation to ensure comprehensive information about service accessibility and outcomes contributes to ongoing service improvement. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2.3 |
That the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development include in their reporting of progress on cultural diversity plans explicit reference to the effectiveness of service delivery to culturally and linguistically diverse communities as an integral part of program evaluation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Cultural Diversity Project Board will oversee program evaluation to ensure the effectiveness of services to CALD communities. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That Departments improve data collection and recording processes, including collaborating with other departments, Aboriginal community controlled organisations and other relevant organisations to estimate Aboriginal populations for each service. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department has undertaken a number of activities to improve data collection and recording processes for Aboriginal Victorians including: |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That Departments as a priority, finalise Aboriginal inclusion action plans and fully apply Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework service access criteria in service delivery plans and programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The People and Culture Standing Committee and the Executive Board endorsed Wirnalung Ganai: Aboriginal Inclusion Plan 2015–2017 in October 2014. The plan is consistent with the Victorian Government Aboriginal Inclusion Framework in terms of our aspirations, accountability, engagement/inclusiveness and partnership building. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That Departments engage a broad range of Aboriginal people in developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating plans and programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Garrin Garrin - A Strategy to Improve Learning and Development Outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians - was released in November 2014. Development of the strategy involved broad consultation with Koorie communities and peak bodies. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That Departments identify and pursue opportunities to collaborate, cooperate and share data with government agencies responsible for mainstream service delivery and with service providers. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In October 2014, the Department established a working group with the Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria and the departments of Health and Human Services, to explore information and data-sharing opportunities. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That Departments routinely evaluate plans and programs to determine whether access is increasing and outcomes are improving, and to identify where improvements are needed. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department has undertaken two evaluations to assist in identifying opportunities for improvement in Aboriginal families’ engagement with key departmental services. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That Departments develop internal and external reporting regimes that provide comprehensive and informative data on the progress and outcomes of departmental plans and programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Garrin Garrin - A Strategy to Improve Learning and Development Outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians - was released in November 2014. The actions contained in the strategy were designed to contribute towards the outcomes identified in the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework and the Department continues to report against the framework outcomes. The Department also reports annually against the national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Action Plan. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development collaborate with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority to develop a functional database to replace its existing database, DELTA. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In 2014, information was provided to the VRQA to inform its new database. The Department continues to provide Australian Apprenticeship Management System’s related information from the Commonwealth to the VRQA. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 2.1 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development develop and implement a structured process to collect, analyse and report on data including: the participation of apprentices and trainees in training, including factors influencing both commencement and completion |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department expanded the analysis and reporting of Apprenticeships and Traineeships in the 2014 Full Year Victorian Training Market Report. This expanded analysis has been built into ongoing twice-yearly reporting cycle. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 2.2 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development develop and implement a structured process to collect, analyse and report on data including: the type and level of training being undertaken, matched against known industry needs |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department expanded the analysis and reporting of Apprenticeships and Traineeships in the 2014 Victorian Training Market Report. Analysis of pathways by Apprentices to course completion/non-completion has been undertake and will inform the scope of the 2015 Victorian Training Market Report. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 2.3 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development develop and implement a structured process to collect, analyse and report on data including: the destinations and outcomes of apprentices and trainees after they exit the system |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In 2014, the Department implemented the RTO Performance Indicator Project to collect data to develop and present RTO performance measures that underpin student and employer choice and RTO improvement. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development identify strategies to improve the completion rate, including by targeting people who do not complete with their first employer and exit the system. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Best practice pre-apprenticeship projects: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development develop or engender mechanisms to provide support for all apprentices and trainees, pending evaluation of the Apprenticeship Support Officer program. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department is in continual dialogue with the Commonwealth regarding support services for apprentices and trainees. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, in collaboration with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, prioritise development of a secure register of apprentices and trainees which includes all the information required to meet the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority's needs in relation to planning, policy development and regulation of apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The existing register, DELTA, is being replaced. ITD is project managing the ICT component of the project for the VRQA. Contract negotiations with the leading bidder to create a new, secure register are nearing completion. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by documenting the essential planning work to justify the use of external resources, to identify and manage risks, and to determine a preferred procurement route |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In July 2014, the Department completed its review of the procurement policy and updated it accordingly. The revised policy incorporates the new Victorian Government Procurement Board (VGPB) framework and supply policies. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by comprehensively documenting conflict of interest issues and always evaluating bids, providing greater clarity about progress and performance monitoring, and meeting mandatory records management requirements |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The step-by-step process in ProcureNET - the Department’s new procurement system - requires business units to action and document each step of the procurement process. The system's central repository stores documents such as conflicts of interest and sourcing approvals to provide greater clarity and transparency of the procurement process whilst meeting record management requirements. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by taking a more structured approach to managing engagements by documenting progress and performance to monitor and manage risks |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
ProcureNET provides a structured approach to managing engagements by documenting the progress and performance of the procurement, in a manner consistent with the Department's Procurement Governance Framework. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.4 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by completing post-implementation reviews of all engagements, commensurate with their size and complexity, to verify deliverables and the achievement of process integrity and value for-money outcomes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The ProcureNET system requires all users to complete a post-implementation review of the contract that is tracked in the system for completion. This provides process integrity and a level of transparency that assists in determining value for money outcomes for the Department. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That Departments collect and analyse the information needed to confirm that business units are complying with mandated policies and practices, and manage the risks to achieving value for money and maintaining process integrity. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In June 2014, the Department completed its analysis of the annual procurement spend and uses this to assist in procurement decisions in discussion with relevant business units. Quarterly data is captured on current contract activity that is provided to groups for analysis on future procurement requirements. Sample testing of procurement activities is being conducted to identify process compliance to the Department’s policy and guidelines. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Performance Reporting Systems in Education |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should adopt system-wide processes and controls tha ensure that all of its information systems are regularly reviewed, managed to consistent standards and contain reliable and accurate data. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department's Information Strategy 2013-17, published November 2013, takes a system-wide approach to improving information and data management. The Department has established an Information Strategy Board and four sub-committees including the Data Governance Committee that was established in September 2014 and focuses on information assets, data standards and business intelligence. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Performance Reporting Systems in Education |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should develop a detailed project plan for the implementation of its information strategy that describes the scope of activities, required resources and time lines, and implement actions in accordance with this plan. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A number of information strategy projects have been or are being implemented including, the establishment of information security classification, a project to manage third-party vendor access to data, data quality and data access/release policies, registers for delegations and commitments, a program to improve handling enquiries and associated data, and a consistent complaints-handling project. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Staff Occupational Health and Safety in Schools |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should monitor its expenditure on the additional costs associated with injuries in schools, and use this as an indicator of the success of occupational health and safety projects. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Action taken: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Staff Occupational Health and Safety in Schools |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should define and reinforce its expectations of principals in regard to good occupational health and safety management in their schools. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Action taken: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Education & Training |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Staff Occupational Health and Safety in Schools |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development should identify thresholds for intervention in schools with poor occupational health and safety performance, and act expediently to address performance issues. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Action taken: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should strengthen their whole-of-department compliance frameworks by developing whole-ofdepartment compliance policies and specific regulator policies, as appropriate, that meet better practice criteria-including describing education and enforcement approaches, and making relevant information publicly available |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The progress of this action has been affected by the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should strengthen their whole-of-department compliance frameworks by improving how they manage delegations-including maintaining current registers of delegations and Acts with compliance responsibilities, communicating expectations for managing delegations, and regularly assessing how well the delegations are used |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DELWP continues to update its statutory delegations procedure (was a business rule) as required and updated its templates in early 2015 to reflect the changed structure of the department resulting from the 2014 State election. DELWP has developed a risk matrix to identify the priority of actions required to be undertaken upon machinery of government changes being implemented and this was used in early 2015 to identify and remake, where necessary, delegations affected by the machinery of government changes. The delegations register has been updated to encompass delegations from all ministerial portfolios currently within DELWP. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should strengthen their whole-of-department compliance frameworks by identifying and monitoring high compliance risks across all Acts and regulations, and reporting these to senior management |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Compliance Strategy |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1.4 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should strengthen their whole-of-department compliance frameworks by improving oversight and assurance of their compliance functions by better monitoring how they manage their compliance responsibilities-including through regular external review, and, for the Department of Sustainability and Environment, by also assigning clear accountability for its compliance functions and the statewide compliance strategy |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The progress of this action has been affected by the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2.1 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should establish department-wide compliance performance management systems that identify a core set of compliance outcomes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The divisional compliance strategies forms a key component of the department’s compliance framework and is currently being prepared and is at different levels of completion. It will set compliance outcomes, identify and monitor high compliance risks across relevant acts and prioritise compliance actions. The divisional compliance strategies will also feed into the regional compliance plans and are being prepared for the following: |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2.2 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should establish department-wide compliance performance management systems that identify relevant, appropriate and representative compliance performance measures of effectiveness against the outcomes and compliance objectives |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The progress of the action has been significantly impacted by the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2.3 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should establish department-wide compliance performance management systems that identify transparent internal reporting and balanced public reporting on compliance |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The progress of this action has been affected by the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015, when the former Regulation and Compliance function was transferred to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2.4 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should establish department-wide compliance performance management systems that identify targeted and reliable compliance data and information sets relevant to the performance measures, based on a data and information gap analysis |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The progress of the action has been significantly impacted by the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
The regulators within the departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should rigorously and transparently prioritise and plan their compliance work under all relevant Acts |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The progress of this action has been affected by the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015, when the former Regulation and Compliance function was transferred to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
The regulators within the departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should regularly and systematically review how consistently and objectively they conduct all types of enforcement actions |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The progress of this action has been affected by the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015, when the former Regulation and Compliance function was transferred to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 4.1 |
The Department of Sustainability and Environment should develop and implement regional compliance plans that are risk-based, soundly targeted, consistent and aligned with corporate priorities and the statewide compliance strategy |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The six regions in DELWP are in the process of developing and implementing their regional compliance plans. The regions include - Barwon South West, Grampians, Loddon Mallee, Hume, Port Phillip and Gippsland. The regional plans are at different levels of completion with the majority being completed and approved internally. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 4.2 |
The Department of Sustainability and Environment should develop an achievable, detailed plan for delivering its statewide compliance strategy, and implement it |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As per 4.1 regional compliance plans are being developed. As per 1.1, DELWP is now developing a risk-based planning framework to ensure state wide planning underpins the department’s regional plans. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 5.1 |
The Department of Sustainability and Environment should strengthen its management of wildlife and plant licences and permits by upgrading the wildlife and plant licence and permit systems without further delay |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Review of business requirements for a wildlife licensing system has been undertaken and documentation prepared to take project to market. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 5.2 |
The Department of Sustainability and Environment should strengthen its management of wildlife and plant licences and permits by requiring staff to record all relevant information in the systems, such as licensee inspections and interviews, and periodically reviewing how they use the systems |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As noted at 1.1, a Compliance Steering Committee is being established to have oversight of DELWP's compliance function and to oversee the compliance framework and VAGO recommendations implementation which was endorsed by the Senior Executive Team on 21 September 2015. In the meantime, the Compliance Support Group continue to implement elements of the DEPI compliance framework. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 5.3 |
The Department of Sustainability and Environment should strengthen its management of wildlife and plant licences and permits by accurately recording the number of licences, permits and authorisations it issues, and making this information publicly available |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Public interest is centralised on permits authorising the control of wildlife. Monthly information of the number of Authorities to Control Wildlife (ATCWs) issued and the number of animals (by species) authorised for control are now published monthly on the DELWP website. Backdated monthly data to 2009 has also been made publicly available. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 5.4 |
The Department of Sustainability and Environment should strengthen its management of wildlife and plant licences and permits by reviewing its policy on using licence conditions and sanctions as a response to noncompliance |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Licence conditions for permits issued under s. 83A and higher risk commercial licences issued under s.22 of the Wildlife Act are reviewed annually. Further review of wildlife licence conditions to be undertaken in response to recent judicial decisions within the next 6 months. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 6 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should identify and centrally document core processes for managing the work standards, recruitment, training and authorisation of compliance officers and central systems for coordinating and reviewing these activities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The progress of this action has also been affected by the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 7.1 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should each develop and implement a whole-of-department, better practice complaints management policy and training |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DELWP has developed and implemented a whole-of-department complaints management policy, which covers complaints against authorised officers and other matters including privacy. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 7.2 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should each publish the policy on its website |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DELWP has developed and implemented a whole-of-department complaints management policy, which covers complaints against authorised officers and other matters including privacy. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Effectiveness of Compliance Activities: Departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 7.3 |
The departments of Primary Industries and Sustainability and Environment should each record all complaints in a central register(s), monitor complaints data and use this information to improve regulatory policies and processes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DELWP has developed and implemented a whole-of-department complaints management policy, which covers complaints against authorised officers and other matters including privacy. Complaints received are tracked and followed up to ensure satisfactory completion. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries should critically assess whether there is value in reporting on performance indicators and output measures beyond those in Budget Paper No. 3 in its annual report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department’s internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries, the Environment Protection Authority and Parks Victoria should review their processes for developing, selecting and reviewing publicly-reported performance indicators and output measures, and more effectively collaborate across agencies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department’s internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries, the Environment Protection Authority and Parks Victoria should improve the documentation of the information and processes used to select performance indicators and output measures. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department’s internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries, the Environment Protection Authority and Parks Victoria should assess annually how performance reporting practices comply with organisational standards, and conduct detailed biennial reviews to evaluate the adequacy of key performance indicators and output measure controls, data systems processes and controls, and development of performance reports. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department’s internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Parks Victoria should improve the documentation of standardised and centrally managed records to include more compete descriptions, definitions, and rationale o data for all publicly reported indicators and output measures. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department’s internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Parks Victoria should develop minimum standards for performance data collection, management, analytical processes and systems, and monitor compliance with these standards. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department’s internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Parks Victoria should develop and document detailed quality assurance standards for performance data collection and collation processes, and monitor compliance with these standards. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department’s internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Parks Victoria should clarify the specific tasks and responsibilities of staff at all levels responsible for report development roles, and specify the checks and approvals that are required. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department’s internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Flood Relief and Recovery |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
Local Government Victoria should lead the design and implementation of strategies to support councils to further develop social capital needed for recovery. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Local Government Victoria along with Emergency Management Victoria, the Municipal Association of Victoria and Regional Development Victoria have developed a comprehensive manual for local governments in responding to and recovering from emergency events. This includes a section dedicated to improving the social capital of communities and working with affected communities following an emergency event. The manual has been available to all councils since Feb 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The Department of Planning and Community Development should review and update its asset management guidance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
LGV has worked with the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) on the development of revised guidance on asset management practices. The adoption of IPWEA standards will strengthen alignment of asset management and financial planning. The revised Asset Management Guide will be released by 31 December 2015. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Department of Planning and Community Development should consider making the development of a long-term financial plan mandatory and provide support and guidance in the development of these. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Mandating a long term financial plan will be considered as part of the review of the Local Government Act 1989. The revised Asset Management guidance to be released by December 2015 will emphasise the need for alignment between asset management and service requirements and long term financial planning. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Department of Planning and Community Development should routinely review the guidance and support it provides so that it is aligned with areas of highest need and addresses gaps in councils' capability and capacity. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A mandatory system of performance reporting was legislated in April 2014. All councils are required to report against the framework as part of their 2014–15 annual report. The Performance Reporting Framework will enable Local Government Victoria (LGV) to better identify areas of need and capability and capacity shortfalls. LGV will have an ongoing regard to such information in the formulation of its support strategies and capacity building programs. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Public Asset Valuation |
Date Tabled |
17 April 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Department of Sustainability and Environment should engage a suitably qualified, independent body to review Valuer-General Victoria's operations and practices on a triennial basis. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department's internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
That as a priority the Department of Environment and Primary Industries establishes guidelines to inform the selection and prioritisation of initiatives funded under the Environmental Contribution Levy. These should include an interpretation of the scope and intent of the levy's two objectives under the Water Industry Act 1994. These should be in place before any further funds are approved. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department's internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in March 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
That as a priority the Department of Environment and Primary Industries establishes guidelines to inform the selection and prioritisation of initiatives funded under the Environmental Contribution Levy. These should include include criteria to assist in the selection and prioritisation of projects and/or initiatives to be put forward for future Environmental Contribution Levy budget bids. These should be in place before any further funds are approved. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department's internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in March 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
That as a priority the Department of Environment and Primary Industries establishes guidelines to inform the selection and prioritisation of initiatives funded under the Environmental Contribution Levy. These should include a requirement that decisions made under these guidelines are clearly documented and include the rationale for each decision. These should be in place before any further funds are approved. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The agreed action has been completed and independently verified by the department's internal auditor. The closure of the action was endorsed by the DELWP Risk and Audit Committee in March 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries documents the strategic priorities and cost of addressing water policy needs to inform the determination of the total revenue that the Environmental Contribution Levy is being used to recover. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This action is currently underway. Progress on the action, initiated under previous policy settings, is now entirely dependent on the government’s decision to develop a major new strategic vision - the Water Plan. Work on the Water Plan has recently commenced and is due for completion in June 2016. The strategic framework for the Environmental Contribution will be informed by the strategic directions of the Water Plan when approved by the government. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries develops an evaluation framework for the Environmental Contribution Levy that measures the effectiveness of both the levy and the projects and/or initiatives it has funded |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This action is currently underway. A draft Evaluation Framework is under preparation, informed in part by the findings of the 10 Year Evaluation. The Framework will be applied to all individual initiatives and the entire Environmental Contribution. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries evaluates the effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy as part of each end of tranche review |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This action is currently underway. The Evaluation Framework will apply a more systematic and consistent approach to each end of tranche review. This work will be informed in part by the findings of the 10 Year Evaluation. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries undertakes an evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy over the past 10 years |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This action is complete. The Final Report of the Ten Year Evaluation of the Environmental Contribution was approved by the A/Deputy Secretary, Water and Catchments, on 28 August 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3.4 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries reports the outcomes of this work publicly |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This action is currently underway and a communications strategy is being prepared for consideration of the Secretary. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Administration and Effectiveness of the Environmental Contribution Levy |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That as a priority the Department of Environment and Primary Industries enhances public reporting of the Environmental Contribution Levy in annual reports and other mechanisms. This should clearly describe the purpose, benefits and achievements of the Environmental Contribution Levy and its funded projects and/or initiatives. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The completeness of the agreed action has been independently verified by the department's internal auditor and was endorsed by the Risk and Audit Committee for closure in November 2014. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
Local Government Victoria should review and update its asset management guidance material for councils. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Local Government Victoria has worked with Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) on the development of revised guidance on asset management practices. The adoption of IPWEA standards will strengthen alignment of asset management and financial planning. Subject to budget funding, the revised Asset Management Guide will be released by 31 December 2015. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
Local Government Victoria should review the support it provides to councils and make sure it is targeted to address common issues. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The relaunch of the Asset Management Guide is to be accompanied by regional based workshops for council staff. The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia framework requires self assessment against the National Assessment Framework which will assist in better targeting future support services and training. The workshops will be completed by 30 June 2016. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
Local Government Victoria should consider, in conjunction with councils, developing a set of comprehensive asset management performance indicators that will enable comparability between councils on asset management performance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The completeness of the agreed action has been independently verified by the department's internal auditor and was endorsed by the Risk and Audit Committee for closure in August 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
Local Government Victoria should in conjunction with councils and the Municipal Association of Victoria, review the use and application of the National Asset Management Assessment Framework and its appropriateness for driving improvement in asset management performance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The revised Asset Management Guide (to be released by 31 December 2015) will adhere to national standards. A joint review of the national standards by Local Government Victoria and Municipal Association of Victoria will be undertaken to also ensure continued compliance with new ISO standards in asset management. The capacity for national benchmarking has diminished slightly as not all jurisdictions now support the methodology but they remain an important component of benchmarking within Victoria. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 7 |
Local Government Victoria should consider making aspects of asset management mandatory, such as the development of asset management policies, strategies and plans. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) Standard requires the development of the policies, plans and strategies however it is not a legislated requirement. Mandatory asset management will be considered as part of the upcoming review of the Local Government Act 1989. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Management and Maintenance by Councils |
Date Tabled |
19 February 2014 |
Recommendation 13 |
Local Government Victoria should investigate options for supporting councils to develop and upgrade their asset management information systems, including by reviewing practices in other jurisdictions. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Local Government Victoria (LGV) is currently in negotiations with Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) for the provision of access to the IPWEA Asset and Financial management modules available online, with full access to templates and learning material. LGV is seeking to maximize economies of scale through centralised procurement. It is expected that the negotiations will be successfully completed by 31 December 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by documenting the essential planning work to justify the use of external resources, to identify and manage risks, and to determine a preferred procurement route |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The DELWP Complexity tool is now available online and a requirement to be completed for all procurement in excess of $2,000. The tool provides a path to market and highlights procurement risk to be considered. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by comprehensively documenting conflict of interest issues and always evaluating bids, providing greater clarity about progress and performance monitoring, and meeting mandatory records management requirements |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DELWP procurement policies and guidelines have been reviewed and updated in alignment with the VGPB supply policies and procurement reform requirements, and are available on the DELWP intranet. This includes conflict of interest requirements, evaluation and reporting. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by taking a more structured approach to managing engagements by documenting progress and performance to monitor and manage risks |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DELWP procurement policies and guidelines have been revised to incorporate a demonstration of value for money in all engagements including advisory engagements. Implementation of a new Contract Management System (CMS) will improve the ability to capture and monitor progress and performance of providers in delivery of services, and verification of value for money outcomes. The introduction of an Enterprise Content Management system and its alignment to the new CMS, will significantly improve the ability to retain and report on information as evidence of value for money outcomes. Full implementation will be delivered progressively as part of the procurement reform 3 year program, finishing 31 December 2017. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.4 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by completing post-implementation reviews of all engagements, commensurate with their size and complexity, to verify deliverables and the achievement of process integrity and value for-money outcomes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DELWP procurement policies and guidelines have been revised to incorporate a demonstration of value for money in all engagements including advisory engagements. Implementation of a new Contract Management System (CMS) will improve the ability to capture and monitor progress and performance of providers in delivery of services, and verification of value for money outcomes. The introduction of an Enterprise Content Management system and its alignment to the new CMS, will significantly improve the ability to retain and report on information as evidence of value for money outcomes. Full implementation will be delivered progressively as part of the procurement reform 3 year program, finishing 31 December 2017. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That Departments collect and analyse the information needed to confirm that business units are complying with mandated policies and practices, and manage the risks to achieving value for money and maintaining process integrity. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The collation and analysis of information in relation to contractor and consultant engagement and associated management of risk and performance, will be implemented as part of the introduction of the Contract Management System (CMS) and the new Procurement Reform framework. Completion of this action is contingent on the implementation of the Enterprise Resource Plan upgrade, which does not yet have a go-live date finalised. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries strengthen its sustainable state forest and timber resource performance management by setting a clear goal for state forest management |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The government is currently establishing a Forest Industry Taskforce to provide leadership and reach common ground on future issues facing the timber industry, job protection economic activity and the protection of our unique native flora and fauna and threatened species in the Central Highlands. The taskforce will include representatives from My Environment, the Victorian National Parks Association, the Wilderness Society, the CFMEU and the timber industry. The taskforce is likely to take at least 12 months to provide recommendations to government. Those recommendations may have an impact on the approach to the sustainable management of state forests in Victoria. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries strengthen its sustainable state forest and timber resource performance management by establishing regional objectives, progress measures and targets for state forests that take into account both forest and timber resource management |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The government is currently establishing a Forest Industry Taskforce to provide leadership and reach common ground on future issues facing the timber industry, job protection economic activity and the protection of our unique native flora and fauna and threatened species in the Central Highlands. The taskforce will include representatives from My Environment, the Victorian National Parks Association, the Wilderness Society, the CFMEU and the timber industry. The taskforce is likely to take at least 12 months to provide recommendations to government. Those recommendations may have an impact on the approach to the sustainable management of state forests in Victoria. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries strengthen its sustainable state forest and timber resource performance management by reporting publicly on progress in achieving these |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The government is currently establishing a Forest Industry Taskforce to provide leadership and reach common ground on future issues facing the timber industry, job protection economic activity and the protection of our unique native flora and fauna and threatened species in the Central Highlands. The taskforce will include representatives from My Environment, the Victorian National Parks Association, the Wilderness Society, the CFMEU and the timber industry. The taskforce is likely to take at least 12 months to provide recommendations to government. Those recommendations may have an impact on the approach to the sustainable management of state forests in Victoria. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 2.1 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries improves the way it manages the forest management zoning scheme, by reviewing the forest management zoning for eastern Victoria by March 2015 as planned, documenting its approach and the trade-offs made between conservation needs and productive uses |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The review of Forest Management Zones in Eastern Victoria was a commitment of the former Victorian Government under its Timber Industry Action Plan. A methodology to guide the development of forest management zoning has been established and will improve the transparency, consistency and repeatability of zoning. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 2.2 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries improves the way it manages the forest management zoning scheme, by better documenting the assessments underpinning amendment decisions and periodically reviewing how consistently it applies its zoning amendment process |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The standard operating procedure for managing forest zoning amendments has been revised and processes improved in accordance with the recommendation. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 4.2 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries improves the way it manages its responsibilities for regenerating forest, and monitors VicForests' regeneration compliance, by collecting enough seed to meet regeneration backlog and bushfire recovery needs |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A Seed Supply Agreement has been made with VicForests for the supply (and collection and supply) of $2 million worth of ash species seed to assist in future fire-recovery works. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 7.1 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries improves its delivery of forest-related plans and strategies through timely and comprehensive planning, monitoring and review, including completing, reviewing or renewing the action statements required under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The four actions statements and the three year strategic plan for actions statements have been completed. Evidence of this is provided through the published documents that can be found on DELWPs website at: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 7.2 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries improves its delivery of forest-related plans and strategies through timely and comprehensive planning, monitoring and review, including strengthening its business systems so that the delivery, monitoring, reporting and review of its commitments for managing forest values is consistent, thorough and timely |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In 2010 the then DSE established the Victorian Forest Monitoring Program (VFMP) to provide the framework and services necessary to “assess and monitor the extent, state and sustainable development of Victoria's forests in a timely and accurate manner'. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 8.1 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries use its recent biodiversity research findings to further analyse the impacts of harvesting on at-risk species to determine whether any changes to management approaches or interim measures are needed |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Biodiversity policy and legislation is currently being reviewed by DEWLP. DELWP will continue to apply new information and research findings as part of its ongoing management of Victoria's forests. This includes through the forest management zoning scheme, in particular the special protection zone which are regularly updated to protect natural attributes that have been identified and verified, Action statements created under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, forest management plans and standard operating procedures |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 8.2 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries use its recent biodiversity research findings to inform its reviews of forest management zoning and action statements, and its development of the new integrated regional plans |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Biodiversity policy and legislation is currently being reviewed by DEWLP. DELWP will continue to apply new information and research findings as part of its ongoing management of Victoria's forests. This includes through the forest management zoning scheme, in particular the special protection zone which are regularly updated to protect natural attributes that have been identified and verified, Action statements created under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, forest management plans and standard operating procedures. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries strengthen its auditing of VicForests' compliance by documenting the rationale underpinning its identification of the high compliance risks associated with harvesting, and mandating the audits |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Timber Harvesting Compliance Strategy has been established and it identifies the risks associated with the varying levels of non-compliance. This strategy helps guide the department’s regulatory outcomes. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries should seek assurance that water corporation boards are effectively managing public private partnership contract performance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The completeness of the agreed action has been independently verified by the department's internal auditor and was endorsed by the Risk and Audit Committee for closure in March 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries further develop its categorisation framework for committees of management, based on an analysis of financial, social and environmental risks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The completeness of the agreed action has been independently verified by the department's internal auditor and was endorsed by the Risk and Audit Committee for closure in April 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries apply its categorisation framework to develop a tailored and consistent approach to governance processes for committees of management. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Committees of Management (CoM) categorisation framework has established four CoM categories and provides a tailored and consistent monitoring and support framework for each of the four categories. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries review and revise its appointment procedures for skills-based committees of management to ensure that they are robust and are applied consistently. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Pursuant to the development of the categorisation framework the recruitment methodology for each Committees of Management (CoM) category has been confirmed. Separately, detailed Visio flowcharts have been developed to guide the consistent application of those processes by DELWP regions. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries develop and implement an engagement guideline to guide its approach to providing support and guidance to committees of management, informed by its revised categorisation framework and the key areas in which committees require support and guidance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The completeness of the agreed action has been independently verified by the department's internal auditor and was endorsed by the Risk and Audit Committee for closure in April 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 5.1 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries take steps to improve the support and guidance it provides to committees of management, including updating its Committees of Management: Responsibilities and Good Practice Guidelines and developing detailed supporting guidance on key issues |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The completeness of the agreed action has been independently verified by the department's internal auditor and was endorsed by the Risk and Audit Committee for closure in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 5.2 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries take steps to improve the support and guidance it provides to committees of management, including consolidating guidance information and useful links for committees onto one website |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The completeness of the agreed action has been independently verified by the department's internal auditor and was endorsed by the Risk and Audit Committee for closure in March 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 5.3 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries take steps to improve the support and guidance it provides to committees of management, including align functionality and usability of selected products with end user needs |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The completeness of the agreed action has been independently verified by the department's internal auditor and was endorsed by the Risk and Audit Committee for closure in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries evaluate its current collection and use of information, identify any shortcomings, and develop and implement a strategy to guide information collection with respect to committees of management and their management of Crown land reserves. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Pursuant to the development of the categorisation framework, DELWP reviewed the range of information sought from Committees of Management's (CoM's) via the annual return process which is the primary information collection method. Information sought form category 1 CoMs has been made more comprehensive and consistent whereas information sought from category 3 CoMs has been reduced. In addition, a simpler declaration of private interest form has been introduced for category 3 CoMs. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 7 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries clarify staff roles and responsibilities relating to committees of management through group and work performance plans. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Committees of Management (CoMs) categorisation framework provides tailored governance and oversight for each of the four CoM categories. Simpler annual return templates and declaration of private interest forms are now in place for smaller CoMs. Additionally, the development of the categorisation framework has helped to clarify DELWP roles relating to CoMs. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries develop and implement an internal communication strategy outlining formal and informal communication channels to improve information sharing across the department on issues relating to committees of management. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The development of the categorisation framework has clarified the roles and responsibilities relating to Committees of management (CoM) in DELWP. Further improvements have been identified for implementation. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries develop and implement strategies to better identify the most appropriate managers for Crown land reserves, and align reserves accordingly. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The recommendation to identify the most appropriate managers for Crown land reserves is being considered as part of the 'Modernising Crown Land' program of work. This action will be progressed over many years by DELWP. Appropriate frameworks are being developed to support the program of work. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 10 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries develop and implement strategies to ensure that committees of management have an adequate volunteer base, including by investigating opportunities to amalgamate committees. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In 2015 DELWP conducted a volunteer recognition process for Committees of Managements (CoMs), involving the presentation of certificates to nominated CoM members, which was very well received by DELWP regions and CoMs. This will now be conducted annually. Additionally, pursuant to Land Administration's long term response to recommendation 9, Land Administration will seek to identify opportunities to amalgamate CoMs where appropriate. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Oversight and Accountability of Committees of Management |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 11 |
That the Department of Environment and Primary Industries develop an informed approach to understanding the funding needs of committees of management, so that funding decisions appropriately consider and address risks, including the sustainability of committees. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DELWP's 'Information for Committees of Management' web page has been reconfigured accordingly. It includes linkages to the updated 'Responsibilities and Good Practice Guidelines' (which include many useful linkages including to the WoVG grants page), guidance notes and model policies. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure identifies back office functions most suitable for shared services and the potential cost savings and other benefits that could result from these initiatives. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The evaluation of the North East Victoria Project is complete with information sheets currently being prepared for broader circulation. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure investigates key challenges to implementing shared services and identifies strategies that can be used to address these. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This action was completed prior to the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015 when Local Government Victoria was part of the former Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure assists councils to improve their monitoring, evaluation and reporting of financial and non-financial benefits of shared services. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Shared Services opportunities have not qualified for funding under the Sustainability Fund criteria. An application is to be made for 2015-16 funding of this investigation including cost benefit analysis. Targeted completion 31 December 2015 |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure continues to improve the evaluation of its shared service programs to gain knowledge to share with the sector and inform the development of future programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The completeness of the agreed action has been independently verified by the department's internal auditor and was endorsed by the Risk and Audit Committee for closure in August. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 7 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure develops better practice guidance and templates to assist councils to plan, implement and manage their own shared service initiatives, including with a focus on likely new areas of shared service activity, such as back office functions. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This action was completed prior to the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015 when Local Government Victoria was part of the former Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure gathers data on existing shared services in the sector to assess trends, inform the sector and guide the development of future programs, support and guidance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This action was completed prior to the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015 when Local Government Victoria was part of the former Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure reviews the scope for greater sharing of back office functions, including identifying functions most appropriate for shared services, potential cost savings and other benefits, and key barriers and risks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This action was completed prior to the machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2015 when Local Government Victoria was part of the former Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Department of Health & Human Services
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Carer Support Programs |
Date Tabled |
15 August 2012 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services identify and address gaps in the promotion of carer supports to improve carer awareness of services. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A literature review was undertaken to identify evidence based best practice models for carer support including respite. The publication will be available on the department's website in September 2015. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Carer Support Programs |
Date Tabled |
15 August 2012 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services require consistent carer identification and needs assessment. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The review of Kinship Carer Assessment is now complete. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Carer Support Programs |
Date Tabled |
15 August 2012 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services improve administration and monitoring of carer brokerage funds. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Review of Disability Services Flexible Support Guidelines completed. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Carer Support Programs |
Date Tabled |
15 August 2012 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services monitor and report on timeliness of access to carer supports. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Reform to respite not proceeding due to introduction of NDIS. Department building on the Confident Connected Carers project to ensure people with disability, their families and carers are well prepared for transition to NDIS. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Carer Support Programs |
Date Tabled |
15 August 2012 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services develop outcome measures for carer supports and monitor outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department has developed an outcomes framework to address the need to gather evidence about outcomes for all clients. This outcomes framework has been developed with extensive consultation, and is currently being tested in two separate trials in 2015 (Services Connect Partnerships and for children and young people in out of home care). The results of this trial are intended to contribute to a refined approach for measuring outcomes, which could be used more broadly across the department and within the full range of programs. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 8 |
That the Department of Health provide meaningful feedback to health services on reported consumer participation activities linked to their overall performance assessment. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey results are now included in the performance framework of health services. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 9 |
That the Department of Health evaluate the impact of Doing it with us not for us: Strategic direction 2010-13. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The evaluation is complete . The evaluation is informing the development of a new consumer participation policy. Progress of this work is reported under recommendation 10. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 10 |
That the Department of Health update its consumer participation policy and guidelines in the context of new national accreditation standards and the Victorian Health Priorities Framework. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The development of the new Consumer Participation Policy is underway with an issues paper to be released to the sector in October 2015. Delays in policy development relate to the delay in receipt and subsequent acceptance of the external evaluation ( the latter relates to change in government and the need for policy development process to align with the new government's priorities). In addition, there has been a need to ensure that the approach aligns with new accreditation standards which are under development. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Infection Prevention and Control in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health accesses required expert advice and uses it to inform future strategy on infection control. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Hospital Acquired Infection advisory committee has been established as a formal sub-committee of the Ministerial Patient Safety Advisory Committee. The first HAI committee meeting was held on 24 November 2014. Membership includes representation from the department, VICNISS Coordinating Centre, MDU Public Health Laboratory, Hand Hygiene Australia, the Australian College of Infection Prevention and Control, the Geelong Centre for Emerging and Infectious Diseases, infectious diseases physicians, infection control practitioners (from both metropolitan and rural health care settings), microbiologists, the private sector and a specialist antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist. The committee meets quarterly to discuss and provide advice on current and emerging infectious disease prevention and control issues, including antimicrobial stewardship, and reports to the department via the Ministerial Patient Safety Advisory Committee. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Infection Prevention and Control in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Health evaluates the effectiveness of the rural infection control consultant models. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department has finalised the project brief and RFQ documentation for the comprehensive state-wide review of rural infection control models. The project brief, RFQ documentation and selection process has been completed. Time and resource required to prepare and scope the work was underestimated causing some slippage. Contractor now engaged and project proceeding well against revised timeline. The appointed contractor (Aspex Consulting) has commenced the project, with the review due for completion by January 2016. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development develop and report annually on their cultural diversity plans-or equivalent-in consultation with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship and the Victorian Multicultural Commission. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
An integrated whole of department Cultural Diversity Plan has been developed for the department. The Plan was endorsed by the Secretary in June 2015 and provided to the Office for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship. The Plan is designed to focus effort across all parts of the department to achieve equitable and responsive services, building on existing frameworks and plans in health and human services portfolios. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2.1 |
That the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development include in their reporting of progress on cultural diversity plans explicit reference to how culturally appropriate training for staff has been incorporated into the delivery of services for culturally and linguistically diverse communities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department's Cultural Diversity Plan incorporates a commitment to develop, implement and assess a learning and development plan to build capabilities for cultural responsiveness for staff. In response to the VAGO report recommendation for training, the workshop program Working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Clients was developed and successfully piloted. The program aims to: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2.2 |
That the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development include in their reporting of progress on cultural diversity plans explicit reference to how information/data has been used to increase accessibility of services for culturally and linguistically diverse communities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Work on improving data is on-going across these services. In the department, a working group of data system managers is scoping existing gaps and identifying improvements to information collection on service utilisation. Specific actions will be identified over coming months. 23. The newly established Victorian Settlement Planning Outcome Committee will provide a forum through which all three tiers of government, together with relevant non-government stakeholders, will provide coordinated and strategic support on agreed priorities for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in Victoria. This Committee will provide a mechanism for progressing priority actions for collaboration through a number of Action Groups including one on data. The department is also working through its networks to improve their service delivery data. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2.3 |
That the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development include in their reporting of progress on cultural diversity plans explicit reference to the effectiveness of service delivery to culturally and linguistically diverse communities as an integral part of program evaluation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Secretary has approved a Cultural Diversity Plan for the department, which has been submitted to OMAC. This recommendation forms part of the on-going implementation, monitoring and reporting on the Plan. The endorsed Plan includes commitment to identify and report on effective delivery. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That Departments improve data collection and recording processes, including collaborating with other departments, Aboriginal community controlled organisations and other relevant organisations to estimate Aboriginal populations for each service. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That Departments as a priority, finalise Aboriginal inclusion action plans and fully apply Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework service access criteria in service delivery plans and programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Koolin Balit Performance Management Framework was recently reviewed. Recommendations made by VAGO informed the review of the Framework. The Koolin Balit Performance Management Framework was recently reviewed. Recommendations made by VAGO informed the review of the Framework. It was concluded that the VAAF service assessment criteria did not appropriately fit within the Framework however the review was mindful of the criteria throughout the re-development of the Framework. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That Departments engage a broad range of Aboriginal people in developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating plans and programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
• Four Koolin Balit evaluations have been commissioned and will be completed by December 2016. Commissioning of the evaluations was behind schedule due to delays with procurement processes. VEAPAH provided input and advice to this process. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That Departments identify and pursue opportunities to collaborate, cooperate and share data with government agencies responsible for mainstream service delivery and with service providers. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
• The department continues to progress this as a priority. Some slippage occurred due to departmental restructures across government. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That Departments routinely evaluate plans and programs to determine whether access is increasing and outcomes are improving, and to identify where improvements are needed. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
• The Koolin Balit Evaluation Plan includes evaluations of the Koolin Balit State-wide and Regional Actions Plans as part of the Koolin Balit investment. The evaluations are due to be completed by December 2016. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That Departments develop internal and external reporting regimes that provide comprehensive and informative data on the progress and outcomes of departmental plans and programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
• The Performance Management Framework has been reviewed and is now operational. The scope of the Framework has been expanded to cover performance monitoring arrangements for: directly-funded activities under the Koolin Balit Funding Implementation Plan; recurrently-funded Aboriginal health programs; and mainstream programs and services’ roles in Aboriginal health. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Health develop a comprehensive strategic plan for the ongoing development of electronic medical record or clinical ICT systems across the Victorian public health sector. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department, in consultation with stakeholders has developed the State-wide Health ICT Strategic Framework to guide ICT investment across the health sector. The Framework identified a number of priority initiatives of which the deployment of electronic medical record and clinical information systems is one. From October 2014 the Framework is available to be used by health services to inform local ICT strategic plans. Government endorsed the Framework in September 2014. It is available publicly on the department’s website. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 2.1 |
That the Department of Health conduct a review of its procurement, contract management and financial oversight practices for major ICT projects so that it can more effectively align functionality and usability of selected products with end user needs |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department has undertaken a strategic review of its procurement processes, including contract management processes. However, under the devolved governance model that operates within Victoria, health services and their Boards have direct responsibility for these matters. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 2.2 |
That the Department of Health conduct a review of its procurement, contract management and financial oversight practices for major ICT projects so that it can more effectively manage the timeliness and quality of vendor performance |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department has undertaken a strategic review of its procurement processes, including contract management processes. However, under the devolved governance model that operates within Victoria, health services and their Boards have direct responsibility for these matters. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 2.3 |
That the Department of Health conduct a review of its procurement, contract management and financial oversight practices for major ICT projects so that it can more effectively monitor expenditure against achievement of deliverables and functionality, and approved budgets |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department has undertaken a strategic review of its procurement processes, including contract management processes. However, under the devolved governance model that operates within Victoria, health services and their Boards have direct responsibility for these matters. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 2.4 |
That the Department of Health conduct a review of its procurement, contract management and financial oversight practices for major ICT projects so that it can more effectively embed benefits realisation and evaluation into the project life cycle |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department has undertaken a strategic review of its procurement processes, including contract management processes. However, under the devolved governance model that operates within Victoria, health services and their Boards have direct responsibility for these matters. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Health establish guidelines so that government-approved budgets, scope and schedules are followed and that any exceptions or revisions are documented and presented back to government for appropriate consideration. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
These activities are undertaken by the department for capital funded projects, such as the new Bendigo Hospital, which has an element of the total capital budget allocated to an electronic medical record (EMR) application. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health and health services follow Department of Treasury and Finance guidance for future clinical ICT investments and require comprehensive business cases, relevant and measurable performance indicators and clearly articulated benefits and outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Business cases under development by health services for EMRs/clinical systems follow DTF guidelines. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2013 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Health and health services align any future clinical ICT procurements to the key principles of Victoria's ICT strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This is clearly articulated in the State-wide Health ICT Strategic Framework referred to in Recommendation 2 above and endorsed in September 2014. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Health and health services ensure expertise is available to plan and implement future clinical ICT development and change projects, particularly in the areas of clinical engagement and leadership, socio-technical systems analysis, health informatics and benefits realisation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A collaborative environment has been established and supported for CIOs and CxIOs. Support for the VHCIO secretariat has been provided. Department staff lecture at Melbourne University in a course relevant to developing skills. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
That the Department of Health conduct a comprehensive and standards-based assessment of clinical ICT system functionalities across the Victorian public health sector. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department collaborated with health services and completed a survey to which there was an 80 per cent response rate. The survey is available to health services via the collaborative site. Health services are expected to update their assessment through updates in their ICT strategic plans. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
That the Department of Health comprehensively review and publicly report on the costs and benefits of the HealthSMART clinical ICT system program. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A Gate 6 review (benefits review) was undertaken in June 2015. Documentation provided to the Gate 6 review included cost/benefits assessments detailed from Austin Health, Eastern Health and Peninsula Health on the deployment of the Clinical System. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
That the Department of Health seek a Gateway program review of the HealthSMART clinical ICT system rollout to understand what value for money and other outcomes have been achieved since 2003. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A Gate 6 (benefits review) was undertaken in June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
That the Department of Health identify options for health services to effectively and appropriately share relevant patient information by developing a secure data exchange or messaging network. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As part of the central programme of work, the department has provided a secure data network (HealthNET) and secure messaging. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of the Strengthening Community Organisations Action Plan |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Office for the Community Sector should apply the lessons learned in implementing The Victorian Government's Action Plan: Strengthening Community Organisations to its ongoing activities and any future programs by developing implementation plans that comprehensively address objectives and outcomes, roles and responsibilities, time frames and resourcing. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Following a Clause 10 process in October 2014 the Office for the Community Sector was replaced with the Centre for Community Services System Development (CCSSD) within the department. A revised set of priorities was established in early 2015. Recently a more systemic response to the VAGO recommendations has been implemented which will enable a more robust monitoring of the priorities in the Action Plan. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of the Strengthening Community Organisations Action Plan |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Office for the Community Sector should apply the lessons learned in implementing The Victorian Government's Action Plan: Strengthening Community Organisations to its ongoing activities and any future programs by developing a robust monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework supported by relevant and appropriate performance measures and targets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CCSSD will work with the department's Evaluation Unit to tailor an Evaluation Framework to CCSSD Work Plan activities. This will include principles and key elements of a good practice evaluation and, will incorporate the tailoring of evaluation plans to the purpose for which the evaluation will be used, the intended audience and the scale and significance of the activities. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of the Strengthening Community Organisations Action Plan |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Office for the Community Sector should apply the lessons learned in implementing The Victorian Government's Action Plan: Strengthening Community Organisations to its ongoing activities and any future programs by undertaking evaluations at the conclusion of programs with a focus on demonstrating the achievement of objectives and outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CCSSD will work with the department's Evaluation Unit to tailor an Evaluation Framework to CCSSD Work Plan activities. This will include principles and key elements of a good practice evaluation and, will incorporate the tailoring of evaluation plans to the purpose for which the evaluation will be used, the intended audience and the scale and significance of the activities. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of the Strengthening Community Organisations Action Plan |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The Office for the Community Sector should apply the lessons learned in implementing The Victorian Government's Action Plan: Strengthening Community Organisations to its ongoing activities and any future programs by developing and applying a sound risk management framework that clearly documents how identified risks will be assessed, prioritised and managed. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Each priority project will have a risk management plan based on the department's Enterprise Wide Risk Management Guide. The key risks will be included in the department's Management Implementation Plan. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
Public sector agencies should establish agency-wide oversight of fixed voice and mobile usage and expenditure. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VAGO noted the department's agency-wide monitoring of spend on mobile services is good practice. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
Public sector agencies should develop clear guidance on the allocation and use of mobile phones. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A device selection guide is now available. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
Public sector agencies should establish consistent, agency-wide controls for effectively managing expenditure. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department centrally manages usage and expenditure and that this role supports the consistent application of expenditure controls. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2013 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
Public sector agencies should review thresholds for allowable personal usage, and implement time frames for recovering associated costs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This is currently discretionary to the Manager based on the staff role and associated phone usage and requirements. Benchmark reporting is currently supplied to financial delegates for guidance. The notification system was updated in October 2014 to reinforce the existing policy to delegates. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
Public sector agencies should promptly adopt variations to the whole-of-government agreements to optimise savings. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The process for processing variations has been documented and other staff have been trained to ensure variations are adopted quickly. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
Public sector agencies should systematically verify the accuracy of fixed voice and mobile invoices. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department is meeting with NEC every six months to undertake half-yearly reviews. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Public sector agencies should regularly monitor fixed voice and mobile usage and cancel unused services. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Roll out of the central practices across the organisation is in progress, and the cancellation of unused services is linked to a larger department-wide initiative to streamline staff offboarding/exit processes. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Public sector agencies should regularly monitor data usage and actively manage data plans to optimise value. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VAGO noted that the department has effective processes for minimising mobile data usage costs, including actively monitoring usage patterns and consolidating accounts; and ongoing monitoring and corrective action for excessive data usage. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2013 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
Public sector agencies should actively enforce compliance with policies on personal usage. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Usage exceeding the agreed monthly benchmark triggers an email to the manager with an itemised breakdown of calls. The compliance processes for personal usage reimbursement have been reviewed and the current process of enforcement by local management is considered the most effective. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
That public hospitals and health services give higher priority to, and ensure accountability for, the management of occupational health and safety. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Departmental representation at monthly Executive OHS (Occupational Health & Safety) Meeting (Metro & Regional Health) to provide updates and guidance on implementation of VAGO recommendations for OHS managers, as required. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 2.1 |
That the Department of Health requires public hospitals and health services to annually assure it that they manage occupational health and safety through a systematic approach in accordance with relevant legislation and standards |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Statement of Priorities encourages health services to develop a system that is responsive to people’s needs. An element of this is to implement an organisation-wide policy for responding to clinical and non-clinical violence and aggression by patients, staff and visitors (including code grey) that aligns with department guidance. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 2.2 |
That the Department of Health requires public hospitals and health services to annually assure it that they provide workers with the highest level of protection against risks to their health and safety that is reasonably practicable in the circumstances |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A working group of OHS managers and Risk Management has been established to scope a separate OHS module for use in health services. A separate OHS module to be rolled out as part of comprehensive Victorian Health Incident Management System improvements in 2015 – 2016. A funding agreement has been signed with the vendor to undertake this work in 2015-16. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That public hospitals and health services implement a systematic and integrated approach to occupational health and safety that complies with the Australian Standard on occupational health and safety management systems, AS/NZS 4801:2001, or an equivalent standard. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Statement of Priorities now contains, under Accountability and Funding Requirements, a requirement that health services adopt relevant standards for particular programs which have been adopted e.g.: AS/NZS 4801:2001, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems or an equivalent standard. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
That the Department of Health and WorkSafe collaborate to assist public hospitals and health services to control the highest occupational health and safety risks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Victorian WorkCover Authority has established a Network of public hospitals chaired by the department, to lead improvements in key areas relevant to the VAGO recommendations – targeting MSDs, mental wellbeing and safety culture in public hospitals, testing the integration of occupational health, safety and injury prevention with health promotion to improve the health and safety of workers. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Residential Care Services for Children |
Date Tabled |
26 March 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Human Services establishes alternative affordable models of care with sufficient flexibility to cater for the varying and complex needs of children. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Note that Out-of-home care: a five year plan was released under the previous government and is no longer policy. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Residential Care Services for Children |
Date Tabled |
26 March 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Human Services actively promotes to children in residential care the processes for making a complaint and investigates the feasibility of establishing an independent advocacy role to support children in residential care. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Note that Out-of-home care: a five year plan was released under the previous government and is no longer policy. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Residential Care Services for Children |
Date Tabled |
26 March 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Human Services develops performance measures for delivery of residential care services for children to meet legislative requirements and outcomes for children. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Note that Out-of-home care: a five year plan was released under the previous government and is no longer policy. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Residential Care Services for Children |
Date Tabled |
26 March 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Human Services ensures that residential care staff have the necessary skills, qualifications, training and support to work effectively with children and their families. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The government committed $3 million to enhance the skills and capabilities of residential care staff through strengthened professional development, coaching and support. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Residential Care Services for Children |
Date Tabled |
26 March 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Human Services identifies systems and processes for collecting and analysing information which better meet the department's compliance, assurance and reporting needs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department is currently undertaking work to develop and implement a new client incident reporting system. As part of this work, the department is considering options for an information and technology solution that will support the new system. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Residential Care Services for Children |
Date Tabled |
26 March 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Human Services reviews existing demand forecasting approaches and develops plans for the capacity that is actually required. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Deloitte Access Economics produced a framework for the Integrated Strategy and Financial Plan, and delivered a 'proof of concept' child protection demand model. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should take a more rigorous approach to completing their annual information security management framework self-assessment report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As of 30 June 2015, this item is now obsolete. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should make sure their annual self-assessment reports reflect the true status and risk to agency business from any third party service provider they may use. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As of 30 June 2015, this item is now obsolete. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department is waiting for the Department of Premier and Cabinet to complete the new arrangements with Asia-Pacific Network Internet Centre and will then update the relevant contact information. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
By the conclusion of the 2015-16 financial year the department's Information Security Framework and Policies (including the patching strategy) will be updated to require compliance with the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 The department will chair a regular security forum with CenITex and its customers to address security concerns. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department's refreshed Identity and Access Management (IDAM) framework, policy and procedures were approved in June 2015 which include the management and allocation of passwords to third party service providers. The IDAM Framework is compliant with all relevant WOVG and Federal Government requirements. These new policy requirements will be communicated to all staff and third party service providers. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Health & Human Services |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
By the conclusion of the 2015-16 financial year the department's Information Security Framework and Policies (including the patching strategy) will be updated to require compliance with the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies and Patching Guidelines. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Department of Justice & Regulation
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Flood Relief and Recovery |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The Department of Premier and Cabinet should develop clear guidelines for departments in designing community disaster relief and recovery programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Emergency Management Victoria is developing a suite of guidelines and principles for designing community disaster relief and recovery as part of the new relief and recovery model. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Flood Relief and Recovery |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 7.1 |
The Department of Premier and Cabinet should lead the development of an evaluation framework, based on work undertaken to date by the Department of Human Services, to be used in assessing the impact of relief and recovery programs in the recent floods and in future disaster events |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Emergency Management Victorian is developing an evaluation framework as part of the new relief and recovery model. This framework is drawing on the National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and will be used for future events. Furthermore, an independent evaluation of the coordination of the 2010-11 flood events was undertaken and a report was provided to government in July 2014. Learnings from this evaluation will inform the development of the evaluation framework. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Flood Relief and Recovery |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 7.2 |
The Department of Premier and Cabinet should lead an evaluation of the impact of relief and recovery programs in the recent floods, using this framework |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Emergency Management Victorian is developing an evaluation framework as part of the new relief and recovery model. This framework is drawing on the National Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and will be used for future events. Furthermore, an independent evaluation of the coordination of the 2010-11 flood events was undertaken and a report was provided to government in July 2014. Learnings from this evaluation will inform the development of the evaluation framework. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Flood Relief and Recovery |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Department of Justice should review the current model for rapid impact assessment to improve the quality of the information collected. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will facilitate a debrief of the 'initial impact assessment' for the 2013/14 summer season by May 2014. Results of the debrief will feed into the overall review of initial impact assessment to be conducted as part of the Interim Strategic Action Plan 2014–15 by June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Prison Capacity Planning |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2012 |
Recommendation 2 |
Corrections Victoria should update and improve the primary model in areas such as the use of demographic data, and the way in which stakeholder-provided information is quantified. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The most recent Australian Bureau of Statistics or Victoria in Future population projections are used in the model and Corrections Victoria (CV) is working closely with other Justice portfolio agencies to enhance the quantification of these inputs (per the Criminal Justice Forecasting Model). |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Prison Capacity Planning |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2012 |
Recommendation 3 |
Corrections Victoria should conduct regular external reviews of the primary forecasting model. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Corrections Victoria is working closely with other jurisdictions to monitor correctional forecasting developments and opportunities, and will seek an independent external review of its primary model every five years, or after 1-2 years after any substantive changes to be the model or process for generating projections. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Prison Capacity Planning |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2012 |
Recommendation 5 |
Corrections Victoria should develop a new forecasting model based on contemporary practice, and then establish a consolidated multi-forecast system that incorporates the outputs from all the models. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
While there may be benefit in developing a new statistical model for forecasting prisoner numbers, budgetary constraints present challenges to implementing this recommendation. The department will prepare a business case to enable the government to consider the costs and benefits of developing a new statistical model. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Asset Confiscation Scheme Executive Management Group should develop a performance framework linked to the objectives of the Asset Confiscation Scheme that includes relevant and appropriate indicators that enable reported performance to be a fair representation of actual performance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Addressing this recommendation forms part of the ACS Governance Project. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Asset Confiscation Scheme Executive Management Group should identify and document actions required to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Asset Confiscation Scheme, including previously identified issues. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Addressing this recommendation forms part of the ACS Governance Project. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2013 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Asset Confiscation Scheme Executive Management Group should develop an implementation plan that details the actions, accountability, time frames, resources, implementation risks and monitoring arrangements for these actions. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Addressing this recommendation forms part of the ACS Governance Project. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
The Department of Justice should improve the current performance framework of the Asset Confiscation Operations unit to better enable the Department of Justice's management to assess its performance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Addressing this recommendation forms part of the ACS Governance Project. The department has appointed a service provider to develop and implement the Asset Confiscation Scheme 'Strategic Plan'; 'Governance Framework'; and 'Performance Framework'. The department and its stakeholder agencies have received a draft final report. The stakeholder agencies have agreed in principle on the governance framework, however, further work and analysis is required on the strategic plan and performance framework. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
The Asset Confiscation Scheme Executive Management Group should clarify and confirm the objectives of the Asset Confiscation Scheme. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Addressing this recommendation forms part of the ACS Governance Project. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 10 |
The Asset Confiscation Scheme Executive Management Group should update the terms of reference for the Asset Confiscation Scheme Executive Management Group and Confiscation Operations Committee, and schedule routine reviews so that they remain current. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Addressing this recommendation forms part of the ACS Governance Project. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 11 |
The Asset Confiscation Scheme Executive Management Group should clarify and confirm the Asset Confiscation Scheme governance arrangements, including leadership, accountability, roles and responsibilities, and issue resolution mechanisms. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Addressing this recommendation forms part of the ACS Governance Project. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 12 |
The Asset Confiscation Scheme Executive Management Group should undertake a risk assessment for the Asset Confiscation Scheme, including the risks associated with working in a joined-up arrangement. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The governance and operational risks associated with the Scheme have been considered at both the Executive Group level and Operations Committee level. The stakeholder agencies will progress this work and mitigate against these risks in the Operations Committee. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
The Asset Confiscation Scheme Executive Management Group should develop strategic and operational plans for the Asset Confiscation Scheme, linked to Asset Confiscation Scheme agency planning. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Addressing this recommendation forms part of the ACS Governance Project. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 25 |
The Department of Justice should review and update the procedures for the Asset Confiscation Operations unit. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Review of, and update to, policies and procedures has been completed for the Asset Confiscation Operations Unit. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by documenting the essential planning work to justify the use of external resources, to identify and manage risks, and to determine a preferred procurement route |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Procurement reform will see the Department of Justice introduce a number of initiatives that demonstrate the integrity of, and value for money achieved through advisory engagements. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by comprehensively documenting conflict of interest issues and always evaluating bids, providing greater clarity about progress and performance monitoring, and meeting mandatory records management requirements |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Procurement reform will see the Department of Justice introduce a number of initiatives that demonstrate the integrity of, and value for money achieved through advisory engagements. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by taking a more structured approach to managing engagements by documenting progress and performance to monitor and manage risks |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Procurement reform will see the Department of Justice introduce a number of initiatives that demonstrate the integrity of, and value for money achieved through advisory engagements. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.4 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by completing post-implementation reviews of all engagements, commensurate with their size and complexity, to verify deliverables and the achievement of process integrity and value for-money outcomes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Procurement reform will see the Department of Justice introduce a number of initiatives that demonstrate the integrity of, and value for money achieved through advisory engagements. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That Departments collect and analyse the information needed to confirm that business units are complying with mandated policies and practices, and manage the risks to achieving value for money and maintaining process integrity. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department of Justice will establish a Procurement Approval Board, which will be responsible for assessing individual procurement activity for compliance to mandated policies, practics, risk mitigation and the achievement of value for money outcomes. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
Public sector agencies should establish agency-wide oversight of fixed voice and mobile usage and expenditure. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will implement regular monitoring and reporting to provide executive with agency wide oversight of fixed voice and mobile expenditure, with particular regard for key cost drivers. Information on telecommunications expenditure will be deliverd electronically (by online means) and via hard copy memorandum. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
Public sector agencies should develop clear guidance on the allocation and use of mobile phones. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will undertake a review of its policies to ensure that there is sufficient guidance on the allocation and use of mobile devices, including: demonstration of business need, use of devices while overseas, personal usage thresholds, and timeframes for reimbursement. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
Public sector agencies should establish consistent, agency-wide controls for effectively managing expenditure. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will undertake a review of its policies to ensure that there is sufficient guidance on the allocation and use of mobile devices, including: demonstration of business need, use of devices while overseas, personal usage thresholds, and timeframes for reimbursement. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
Public sector agencies should review thresholds for allowable personal usage, and implement time frames for recovering associated costs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will undertake a review of its policies to ensure that there is sufficient guidance on the allocation and use of mobile devices, including: demonstration of business need, use of devices while overseas, personal usage thresholds, and timeframes for reimbursement. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
Public sector agencies should promptly adopt variations to the whole-of-government agreements to optimise savings. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will commit to improving the timeliness of adopting variations to Whole Of Victorian Government arrangements by implementing a documented process and measurable timeline for the analysis and acceptance of variations as they are made available by central government agencies and suppliers for consideration. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
Public sector agencies should systematically verify the accuracy of fixed voice and mobile invoices. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will document existing processes for the verification of fixed and mobile invoices and implement a regime of regular validation activity. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Public sector agencies should regularly monitor fixed voice and mobile usage and cancel unused services. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will document existing processes for the verification of fixed and mobile usage and implement a regime of regular monitoring activity. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Public sector agencies should regularly monitor data usage and actively manage data plans to optimise value. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will document existing processes for the monitoring of mobile data usage and implement a regime of regular monitoring activity. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
Public sector agencies should actively enforce compliance with policies on personal usage. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will enhance its device management tool to support active monitoring and compliance of staff with departmental policies relating to personal usage. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prevention and Management of Drug Use in Prisons |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Justice establish robust performance reporting frameworks to assess the effectiveness of its barrier control and drug detection initiatives. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will finalise and implement the Corrections Alcohol and Drug Strategy which includes a new reporting and monitoring framework. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prevention and Management of Drug Use in Prisons |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Justice develop and document risk management practices across all its public prisons to identify and manage prison-specific strategic risks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Department has developed an operational risk template incorporating key system-wide risks common accross prison locations. Prison General Managers use this template to inform development of risk registers at each prison location which will be used to inform Regional and Corrections Victoria risk registers for biannual attestation. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prevention and Management of Drug Use in Prisons |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Justice develop and document a framework to guide it in determining the balance between drug prevention and detection controls, and prisoner management needs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Corrections Victoria will consider the range of existing information used to inform decisions relating to responding to drug-related risks including the use of observation and professional judgement. Potential sources of information will be documented and examined alongside existing frameworks including the Commissioner's Requirements, Deputy Commissioner's instructions and the Healthy Prison's Framework, with a view to developing a consolidated balance framework. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prevention and Management of Drug Use in Prisons |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Justice review and update the random general urinalysis benchmarks in light of prison-specific risks and the 'balancing' framework. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department formally reviews all SDO benchmarks at public prisons on a three yearly basis and will review indidvidual SDO benchmarks on an annual basis for specific prisons for all public prisons. Review of the SDO 8 benchmark considers the previous three years of urinalysis data and other information sources.Future reviews will also consider relevant security assessments, prison risk registers and the 'balancing' framework once developed. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prevention and Management of Drug Use in Prisons |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Justice establish robust performance reporting frameworks to assess the effectiveness of its drug treatment and management programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As with recommendation 1, implementation of the Corrections Alcohol and Drug Strategy will include a new reporting and monitoring framework and improved governance arrangements. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prevention and Management of Drug Use in Prisons |
Date Tabled |
16 October 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Justice evaluate the effectiveness of all alcohol and other drug programs including the Identified Drug User program, Drug Free Incentive Program, the Opioid Substitution Therapy Program and alcohol and other drug treatment programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As a part of the new Corrections Alcohol and Drug Strategy a comprehensive evaluation framework will be developed in early 2014. This will include the requirement to evaluate existing alcohol and other drug treatment programs within two years. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prisoner Transportation |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That Corrections Victoria and Victoria Police develop information and communications technology systems to support greater coordination and capacity utilisation of prisoner transport undertaken by different stakeholders. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Corrections Victoria and Victoria Police will examine opportunities to develop information and communications technology systems to support greater coordination for prisoner transport services, including reviewing current systems. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prisoner Transportation |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That Corrections Victoria and Victoria Police examine the use of different types of prisoner transportation, and the costs and risks across the full spectrum of the prisoner transportation system, to determine the value for money of current contractual arrangements. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Corrections Victoria and Victoria Police will examine the use and costs of prisoner transportation to determine value for money of current contract arrangements. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prisoner Transportation |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That Corrections Victoria identifies performance incentives that are likely to drive more efficient and effective service delivery. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Corrections Victoria, in consultation with Victoria Police, has developed and agreed a performance incentive regime, which has been incorporated into the next Prisoner Transport Contract. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prisoner Transportation |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That Corrections Victoria works with the prisoner transport contractor to ensure that controls supporting the separation and timely delivery of prisoners are adequate and working effectively. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A review was undertaken and completed. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prisoner Transportation |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That Corrections Victoria investigates options for improving efficiency by fully automating the scheduling of prisoner transport in new contractual arrangements. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Corrections Victoria, in consultation with Victoria Police, has incorporated a requirement for an automated scheduling system for prisoner transportation in the next prisoner transport contract. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Justice implement guidelines to assess applications against Victorian Racing Industry Fund funding criteria. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will review and, where appropiate, adjust assessment guidelines to enable a more consistent approach to ministerial briefings and recommendations. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Justice require Victorian Racing Industry Fund Racing Infrastructure applicants seeking funding for large or complex projects to support their application with a business case. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Subject to approval by the Minister, Victorian Racing Industry Fund program guidelines will be amended to require a business plan to be submitted for all projects where funding sought through the government’s racing program is $1 million or greater. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Justice improve the rigour of Victorian Racing Industry Fund Racing Infrastructure funding recommendations by advising the Minister for Racing of applications' merits against each funding criterion. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Current Victorian Racing Industry Fund briefs are submitted with Assessment Sheets that provide summary of applicant advice against funding criteria, where appropiate. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Justice establish and report the outcomes of the Regional Racing Infrastructure Fund, and the Racing Infrastructure and Raceday Attraction programs of the Victorian Racing Industry Fund. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will publish Regional Racing Infrastructure Fund and Victorian Racing Industry Fund project funding information on the department’s website, including the funded organisation, name of the project, funding sources and the value of grants. This list will be updated on a quarterly basis. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Justice maintain on the Department of Justice website a list of all projects, funding sources and grants from the Regional Racing Infrastructure Fund and Victorian Racing Industry Fund. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A list of all projects, funding sources and grants for these two Funds has been added to the department's website. This list will be updated on a quarterly basis. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Justice establish processes to ensure that all Victorian Racing Industry Fund Raceday Attraction Program funding agreements are executed before the funded event. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will establish processes to provide clear advice to funded agencies regarding the execution of funding agreements. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should take a more rigorous approach to completing their annual information security management framework self-assessment report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department will take a more rigorous approach when completing the annual information security management framework self-assessment. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should make sure their annual self-assessment reports reflect the true status and risk to agency business from any third party service provider they may use. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department maintains a risk on its risk registers about services provided by third party service providers. The self-assessment questionnaire will be updated to reflect the status of the risks presented by third parties to the business. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre has been updated and correctly reflects a relevant generic contact within the department. The generic contact point is a group who is reponsible for maintaining IP information within the department. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department has policies, standards and processes for the 'Top 4 Strategies'. The department will look to strengthen these strategies with the third party service provider. The department is further evaluating the implementation of application 'whitelisting' as a part of the implementation of new operating systems (Windows 7 and Windows 8). |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The department has accountability for authorising user access privileges and the department's third party service provider performs the provisioning of the user accounts. The department will liaise with the third party to either transition these services back to the department or to influence the provider to strengthen their controls. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Justice & Regulation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Patching is performed by the department's third party shared services provider. The department will engage with the third party to strengthen patching policy, standards and processes. The department will also engage with the Chief Technology Advocate to influence the third party provider to address the recommendations. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Department of Premier & Cabinet
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Health, the Department of Human Services and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development develop and report annually on their cultural diversity plans-or equivalent-in consultation with the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship and the Victorian Multicultural Commission. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
New Terms of Reference for Multicultural Leadership and Coordination Group including VMC representation (July 2014), provides: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship within the Department of Premier and Cabinet monitors and reports on departmental compliance with the reporting requirements of section 26 of the Multicultural Victoria Act 2011. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A revised template for the 2013–14 Whole of Government Report in Multicultural Affairs was developed by OMAC in consultation with VMC and the VAGO-audited departments. The revised template was endorsed at a MLCG meeting. Changes include a greater emphasis on Cultural Diversity Planning, with new sections for the specific information requested in the VAGO audit recommendations, including: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Premier and Cabinet defines more clearly the roles and responsibilities of the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship and the Victorian Multicultural Commission. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
- On 30 June 2015, the Minister for Multicultural Affairs announced a realignment of the functions within the Multicultural Affairs portfolio to confirm the respective roles and responsibilities of OMAC and VMC. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Premier and Cabinet develops appropriate governance arrangements for the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship and the Victorian Multicultural Commission with robust and effective reporting and accountability mechanisms. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
- On 30 June 2015, the Minister for Multicultural Affairs announced a realignment of the functions within the Multicultural Affairs portfolio which confirmed the governance arrangements for OMAC and VMC. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Access to Services for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Victorian Multicultural Commission and Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship work closely together to monitor and report on overall departmental performance in relation to the provision of accessible, responsive and effective services. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
- OMAC established a VAGO Implementation Working Group in September 2014 to promote a coordinated response to the VAGO audit with the VMC and across departments and to monitor department progress in developing Cultural Diversity Plans. Four VIWG meetings have been convened by OMAC since September 2014. These meetings are in addition to the quarterly MLCG meetings. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That Departments improve data collection and recording processes, including collaborating with other departments, Aboriginal community controlled organisations and other relevant organisations to estimate Aboriginal populations for each service. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
- On 3 July 2014, the Secretaries’ Leadership Group on Aboriginal Affairs (SLGAA) agreed to regular reporting by departments at each meeting. The departmental reporting addresses data collection and recording matters and opportunities for collaboration. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That Departments as a priority, finalise Aboriginal inclusion action plans and fully apply Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework service access criteria in service delivery plans and programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
- DPC’s Aboriginal Inclusion Action Plan received in principle endorsement on 26 June 2014 and was released at the end of July 2014. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That Departments engage a broad range of Aboriginal people in developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating plans and programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
OAAV provides advice to both the Secretaries’ Leadership Group (SLGAA) and the Senior Officers’ Group (SOGAA) on key engagement issues. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That Departments identify and pursue opportunities to collaborate, cooperate and share data with government agencies responsible for mainstream service delivery and with service providers. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
- During 2014 OAAV worked with other DPC branches on a data sharing project. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That Departments routinely evaluate plans and programs to determine whether access is increasing and outcomes are improving, and to identify where improvements are needed. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The 10 Year Evaluation Plan is under development and will be finalised pending confirmation of the Government's forward priorities in Aboriginal affairs. This will be informed by the review of OAAV which is due to be finalised by the end August 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That Departments develop internal and external reporting regimes that provide comprehensive and informative data on the progress and outcomes of departmental plans and programs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
• The Secretaries’ Leadership Group on Aboriginal Affairs (SLGAA) has agreed to a schedule of departmental reporting consistent with VAGO recommendation no. (1). Draft reports are considered by the Senior Officers’ Group on Aboriginal Affairs prior to progressing to SLGAA, providing for cross-departmental examination and comment, and the potential for improved reporting to Secretaries. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 7 |
That the Department of Premier and Cabinet provides more active leadership and direction so that departmental programs and strategies comply with the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2013-18, and identify and address increased access and improved outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
See response to Recommendations (1) and (6). |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
That the Department of Premier and Cabinet through the Secretaries' Leadership Group on Aboriginal Affairs, monitors the implementation of departmental plans, evaluates outcomes and monitors the development of investment logic maps that identify the funding requirements over the term of the government's commitment to the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2013-18. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
OAAV has worked extensively with DTF in compiling, finalising and analysing Victoria's input to inform the development of the 2014 Indigenous Expenditure Report (released in November 2014 by the Productivity Commission). Expenditure data in this Report has been analysed, for consideration by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and the Secretaries Leadership Group on Aboriginal Affairs in early 2015, including on the relative investment by the State and Commonwealth and focus of effort in Aboriginal Affairs. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should send the information security management policy to government for formal consideration. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) has come into effect, this is now the responsibility of the Commissioner for Privacy and Data Protection. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should amend information security policy and standards to include those outer WoVG agencies operating information and communications technology systems that have an aggregate high transaction value critical to state revenue, systems critical to public safety, or systems holding sensitive personal data with potential value to third parties. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) has come into effect, this is now the responsibility of the Commissioner for Privacy and Data Protection. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should require WoVG agencies to report any variations between the information security standards and their agency information security management frameworks, that have been approved by their agency head, as part of the annual information security management framework self-assessment reporting process. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) has come into effect, responsibility for this action has transferred to the Commissioner for Privacy and Data Protection. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should require that each agency information security management framework self-assessment report includes a statement of compliance addressing all self-assessment report deficiencies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The relevant information security standards and guidelines have been updated as follows: - OAAV, DHHS and DET, will explore options for improving collaboration in data collection and sharing across departments through the VAGO Monitoring Group. SEC-GUIDE-01 (Information Security Management Framework Guide) has been amended to include guidance on compliance. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should develop processes for outer WoVG agencies to be included in relevant briefings and information security forums, and to be provided with advice and assistance outside of the WoVG Chief Information Officers Council. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Action complete: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should improve the current information security management framework self-assessment report template to ensure a more comprehensive outcome. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Self-Assessment VG Compliance Report Agency Input template (Sec-Temp-01) has been amended to include columns for compliance and compliance gaps on June 2014 |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should take a more rigorous approach to completing their annual information security management framework self-assessment report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DPC has implemented a self-assessment approach that involves: (i) formal attestation by DPC's Information Security Manager re DPC's information security management framework; and (ii) sign off by DPC's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should make sure their annual self-assessment reports reflect the true status and risk to agency business from any third party service provider they may use. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DPC's annual self-assessment report is structured to highlight non-compliance risks relative to its third party service providers. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
The Department of Premier and Cabinet, and the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should confirm their respective roles and responsibilities for information security once the Emergency Management Bill 2013 is enacted. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The WoVG Information Security role has transferred to DPC as part of the Machinery of Government changes. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 10 |
The Department of Premier and Cabinet, and the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should confirm that briefings on cyber threats will be made to the State Crisis and Resilience Council by the Department of State Development, Business and Innovation as the agency with primary responsibility for WoVG information and communications technology, and that the State Crisis and Resilience Council will in turn recommend briefings for ministers as appropriate. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A cyber security briefing was provided to the SCRC sub committees on 23 July 2014. As the briefing to SCRC is an ongoing action, the implementation to this recommendation is considered closed. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 11 |
The Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should arrange for a cyber alert subscription service to be available to every government agency from a suitable provider. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A WoVG contract for AusCERT services has been negotiated for every government agency and is now in place until 2017. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 12 |
The Department of State Development, Business and Innovation should develop and implement a process for maintaining a register of all IP addresses in use by public sector departments and agencies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A new IP Address standard has been developed and approved by the WoVG CIO Council on 3 June 2015. The new standard (SEC STD 10, WoVG Standard, Information Security, IP Address Management) was published on 1 July 2015 on Enterprise Solutions website ( |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A Whole of Victorian Government parent account for use by Victorian government departments and agencies has been established with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre (APNIC). |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DPC has undertaken action to adopt three of the ASD Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions. DPC is currently unable to adopt Mitigation No. 1 Application Whitelisting as CenITex is yet to implement the proprietary whitelisting product that it has now purchased. CenITex have an implementation project plan in place with finalisation expected by the date shown below. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DPC manages the network onboarding process that involves password allocation. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Premier & Cabinet |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DPC has reviewed the ASD's patching guidelines and implemented DPC-specific patching guidelines. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Department of Treasury & Finance
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Planning, Delivery and Benefits Realisation of Major Asset Investment: The Gateway Review Process |
Date Tabled |
08 May 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Department of Treasury and Finance should systematically validate whether projects should be subject to Gateway review, by verifying that robust project risk assessments are completed for new projects. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has enhanced its processes and documentation including establishing a template to validate whether projects should be subject to High Value High Risk and more clearly outline the rationale for the Department's risk assessment of projects. These processes and documentation, supported by DTF's 'Assessment of Project Risk' template, have been fully implemented. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
February 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Planning, Delivery and Benefits Realisation of Major Asset Investment: The Gateway Review Process |
Date Tabled |
08 May 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The Department of Treasury and Finance should track and report on the impact of the Gateway Review Process on improving the outcomes of completed projects. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF engaged consulting firm, AECOM, to assess the impact of the Gateway Review Process on improving the outcomes of completed projects. AECOM's report included a recommendation for an ongoing evaluation methodology which has since been developed and implemented. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Public Asset Valuation |
Date Tabled |
17 April 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
The Department of Treasury and Finance should lead the process to develop comprehensive guidance for valuing physical non-current assets at fair value and include guidance on discount rates. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF's view was that the Valuer-General Victoria (VGV), as the State's independent valuation authority with the relevant valuation expertise, was best placed to lead the development of comprehensive guidance for valuing non-current physical assets. DTF considered it inappropriate to lead the process, as it would impinge the VGV's independence and role. Instead, DTF collaborated with VGV and developed comprehensive guidance for valuing non-current physical assets at fair value, including guidance on the application of discount rates for valuing different types of assets. This was to ensure that VGV valuations would remain consistent with reporting requirements of the State’s Financial Reporting Direction(s) in this area. The valuation guidance was acquitted by VAGO on 24 July 2015 and published on the VGV website at end of August 2015. DTF has created a link on DTF's website to the guidance material on VGV's website. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Public Asset Valuation |
Date Tabled |
17 April 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
The Department of Treasury and Finance should identify possible alternatives for assessing movements in asset values between formal revaluations. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF, in consultation with the Valuer-General Victoria (VGV), has been exploring possible alternatives for assessing movements in asset values between formal (5-yearly) revaluations including: |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance improves its approach to selecting projects for inclusion in the High Value High Risk process by systematically reviewing projects between $5 million and $100 million to determine whether they should be subject to the High Value High Risk process through documented reviews of project risk assessments |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has expanded the application of the Project Profile Model (PPM) to all projects above $5 million. The PPM is used to inform assessment of individual projects' risk profiles. Processes and documentation have been enhanced including establishment of a template to validate whether projects should be subject to High Value High Risk and to more clearly outline the rationale for the Department's risk assessment of projects. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
February 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance improves its approach to selecting projects for inclusion in the High Value High Risk process by clarifying the criteria for selecting public projects that do not require Budget funding for inclusion in the High Value High Risk process |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Confirmation of the Government’s position on the HVHR framework has been received and will inform future amendments to HVHR criteria. DTF is currently preparing a brief to the Treasurer proposing clarification the High Value High Risk (HVHR) criteria. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance improves its approach to selecting projects for inclusion in the High Value High Risk process by recommending that projects over $100 million selected under the government's unsolicited bids policy be subject to High Value High Risk processes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF reviewed the 'Unsolicited Proposal Guidelines' including how the HVHR process could be applied to unsolicited proposals. This approach was agreed and is now published on the DTF website. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance develops assessment guidance and templates covering all High Value High Risk stages to improve the consistency, rigour and transparency of High Value High Risk reviews |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The HVHR Business Case Deliverability Assessment Guidance and Templates have been updated and provided to relevant analysts within the department. Procurement and contract assessment guidance and templates have been trialled and await final approval. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance improves its administration of the High Value High Risk process by applying a standardised file structure for managing assessment documents and supporting evidence |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has developed a standard file structure for HVHR projects (and more broadly for work undertaken in support of HVHR projects). The new file structure contains guidance material, templates, completed assessments, supporting evidence and documentation. DTF has also distributed supporting guidance on the new system including file naming conventions for HVHR projects. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance improves its administration of the High Value High Risk process by developing and maintaining a comprehensive central register of High Value High Risk review activity by project and High Value High Risk process stage |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has enhanced the central register of HVHR review activity to include additional information fields to better track projects throughout their lifecycle activities. Information will be updated on a quarterly basis as part of the existing quarterly asset reporting processes and more frequently when required. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 4.1 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance improves how it communicates with and informs departments by developing a structured approach to collating and sharing the lessons from all High Value High Risk reviews |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has developed and implemented a formal approach to collating and sharing lessons learnt from HVHR reviews across the sector through the Infrastructure Policy Reference Group (IPRG). The IPRG first considered lessons learned from HVHR reviews in April 2015. DTF will share lessons learned through this forum on an ongoing basis. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 4.2 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance improves how it communicates with and informs departments by completing an annual satisfaction survey of agencies that have been subject to High Value High Risk reviews |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has drafted a satisfaction survey which is expected to be finalised by the end of September 2015. In addition, DTF is preparing a factsheet on the HVHR communication and engagement framework. This is a structured approach for DTF and departments to engage and share lessons learnt through formal and informal communication channels. The factsheet will also be finalised by end September. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance identifies potential conflicts of interests of reviewers and documents how these are mitigated. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has amended a number of guidance materials to include references to conflict of interest to ensure reviewers regularly address potential conflicts. DTF is also updating the existing internal conflict of interest form in consultation with the Procurement Resources Unit to ensure that reviewers identify conflicts of interest for HVHR projects. The updated internal conflict of interest form is expected to be finalised by the end of September 2015. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance develops and applies an evaluation tool to measure the extent to which the High Value High Risk process is affecting project outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF engaged consulting firm AECOM to assess the impact of the HVHR process. As part of their report, AECOM developed an evaluation tool to measure the extent to which the High Value High Risk process is affecting project outcomes. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 7 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance provides greater assurance that High Value High Risk reviews comprehensively test compliance with its Investment Lifecycle and High Value High Risk Guidelines in areas critical for project deliverability. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF is providing greater assurance that HVHR reviews comprehensively test compliance with its Investment Lifecycle and High Value High Risk Guidelines having amended a number of guidance materials to include references to the 'Investment Lifecycle and High Value High Risk Guidelines' (ILG). DTF has also amended the business case deliverability assessment template to include additional guidance from the ILG. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Impact of Increased Scrutiny of High Value High Risk Projects |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
That Department of Treasury and Finance checks that for complex, risky projects-particularly those involving information and communications technology transformations-the specialist skills needed to successfully manage, oversee and quality assure these projects have been assessed and acquired. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has amended the Business Case Deliverability Assessment guidance and template, increasing emphasis on skills and expertise of project teams. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of the Government Risk Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Treasury and Finance works with the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority to update the Victorian Government Risk Management Framework to clearly articulate minimum requirements that agencies need to meet to demonstrate that they are effectively managing risk-including improving the coverage of interagency and statewide risks, updating the attestation requirements and better describing its intent, purpose and key risk concepts. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF worked with VMIA and completed the update of the Victorian Government Risk Management Framework (VGRMF). The updated VGRMF was signed off by the Minister for Finance in March 2015. The updated VGRMF clearly articulates minimum requirements that agencies need to meet to demonstrate that they are effectively managing risk—including improving the coverage of interagency and statewide risks. Updated attestation requirements will come into effect from 2016. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of the Government Risk Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Department of Treasury and Finance review progress in applying VAGO's 2007 audit recommendations and address those recommendations that have not yet been fully applied. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has reviewed and addressed the 2007 audit recommendations. All recommendations are now ‘fully applied’ through implementation of the updated VGRMF. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of the Government Risk Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Treasury and Finance work with the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority to develop, clearly communicate and monitor the effectiveness of a whole-of-government framework for managing interagency and statewide risks with the intended outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This recommendation has been addressed the through implementation of the updated VGRMF. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by documenting the essential planning work to justify the use of external resources, to identify and manage risks, and to determine a preferred procurement route |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF is addressing this recommendation through its transition to the new Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) supply framework which came into effect on 1 July 2013. The framework is underpinned by the procurement principles of value for money, probity, accountability and scalability. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by comprehensively documenting conflict of interest issues and always evaluating bids, providing greater clarity about progress and performance monitoring, and meeting mandatory records management requirements |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF is addressing this recommendation through its transition to the new Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) supply framework which came into effect on 1 July 2013. The framework is underpinned by the procurement principles of value for money, probity, accountability and scalability. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by taking a more structured approach to managing engagements by documenting progress and performance to monitor and manage risks |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF is addressing this recommendation through its transition to the new Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) supply framework which came into effect on 1 July 2013. The framework is underpinned by the procurement principles of value for money, probity, accountability and scalability. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1.4 |
That departments review and improve their policies and practices to adequately demonstrate the integrity of and value for money achieved through advisory engagements by completing post-implementation reviews of all engagements, commensurate with their size and complexity, to verify deliverables and the achievement of process integrity and value for-money outcomes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF is addressing this recommendation through its transition to the new Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) supply framework which came into effect on 1 July 2013. The framework is underpinned by the procurement principles of value for money, probity, accountability and scalability. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Department of Treasury and Finance describes in its response to this recommendation the steps it will take to verify the accuracy of departments' classification and reporting of consultancy expenditure. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has improved the reporting of consultancy and contractor expenditure at the departmental level, including through an updated Financial Reporting Direction which includes a revised definition of consultancy expenditure. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
February 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Treasury and Finance as a matter of standard practice, verifies the basis of government's financial commitments, where these have not been informed by prior Department of Treasury and Finance input, and advises the government of the implications. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As a matter of regular practice, when DTF becomes aware of a government commitment that is not informed by prior DTF input, DTF prepares appropriate advice for government on the policy, financial and budgetary implications of the commitment. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That Departments collect and analyse the information needed to confirm that business units are complying with mandated policies and practices, and manage the risks to achieving value for money and maintaining process integrity. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has commenced a three pronged approach to compliance with mandated policies and practices: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2017 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Department of Treasury and Finance should improve its existing public private partnership project oversight regime in the water sector to address gaps in implementation and seek ongoing assurance that water corporation boards are effectively managing contract performance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF and (the former) DEPI have designed a new 'Operational Water Infrastructure Oversight Reporting and Assurance Regime' which has been rolled out to the relevant water authorities. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
The Department of Treasury and Finance should develop a best-practice approach to assessing value for money throughout the public private partnership contract operating period. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The 'Partnerships Victoria Contract Guide' is currently being updated and is expected to be finalised by September 2015. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should take a more rigorous approach to completing their annual information security management framework self-assessment report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF employs a more rigorous approach to completing the self-assessment report by including the annual network penetration test report. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should make sure their annual self-assessment reports reflect the true status and risk to agency business from any third party service provider they may use. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Risks to the department from third party service providers are mitigated through inclusion of terms and conditions in contracts designed to protect agency data. The department is working towards greater standardisation to ensure that security requirements with contracted services providers is applied more consistently. DTF will also act on guidance from from the Commissioner for Privacy and Data Protection. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF has joined the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre and updated the list of DTF-owned IP addresses. This is now an ongoing management activity. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
1: application whitelisting - DTF has engaged CenITex to implement application whitelisting. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
DTF currently relies on two third-party service providers: NEC for the State Resource and Information Management System; and CenITex for workplace and hosting services. DTF has in place stringent processes for the on-boarding and off-boarding NEC staff. These processes include the allocation of administrative privileges/passwords to the application. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Department of Treasury & Finance |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This is an ongoing process and part of DTF's business as usual processes. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Eastern Health
Agency |
Eastern Health |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Infection Prevention and Control in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
That health services develop and implement targeted strategies to address persistent underperformance in hand hygiene compliance among relevant healthcare worker groups. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A management strategy to address low hand hygiene compliance has been developed including the following actions: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Eastern Health |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health and health services follow Department of Treasury and Finance guidance for future clinical ICT investments and require comprehensive business cases, relevant and measurable performance indicators and clearly articulated benefits and outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Eastern Health refreshed the ICT strategy with the assistance of Deloitte being ' Great Digital Information: Tranforming Health Care into Great Health and Well Being' strategy. The full business case was presented in the Department of Treasury & Finance format. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Eastern Health |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Health and health services align any future clinical ICT procurements to the key principles of Victoria's ICT strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Eastern Health has aligned its future ICT procurement in line with the key principles of the Victoria ICT Strategy. This occurred with the assistance of Deloitte |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Eastern Health |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Health and health services ensure expertise is available to plan and implement future clinical ICT development and change projects, particularly in the areas of clinical engagement and leadership, socio-technical systems analysis, health informatics and benefits realisation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A full Department of Treasury and Finance business case has been completed, identfying benefits and outcomes for the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) project. A plan exists for engaging an appropriate Program Manager. Clinical engagement has occurred including the appointment of both Chief Clinical and Chief Medical Officers. The appointment of independent Project Assurance and Risk officer for monitoring is underway. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Golden Plains Shire Council
Agency |
Golden Plains Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
Councils should clearly identify and publicly report their sustainability challenges and associated strategies and actions, including how they will monitor, report and evaluate their effectiveness, using relevant and appropriate performance indicators. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council reports its sustainability challenges in a number of ways including: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Golden Plains Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
Yarriambiack Shire Council should develop a long-term financial plan and all councils should update their existing plans in accordance with better practice. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
While we are not Yarriambiack Council as referred to above, we have completed the following: SRP and 10yr Plans updated Dec 2013. Annual update of both December 2014. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Golden Plains Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including assessing overall service delivery levels to determine appropriate levels and provide the rationale for their decision |
Action |
Prepared a template for service standards and collected information. Prepared guidance templates for Best Value reviews on |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Golden Plains Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including consulting with their communities on their ability and willingness to pay for desired services in the development of the council plan |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Community consultation during budget process. Regular meetings with two Ratepayer Groups. Consultation of service |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Golden Plains Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including developing a plan to regularly review all services over time |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Selection criteria established. Procedure manual developed. Priority list established. Time table for review prepared. Reviews |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Greater Shepparton City Council
Agency |
Greater Shepparton City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include details of how the effectiveness of their ratepayer engagement and communication activities will be assessed and reported |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
GSCC operates with an annual marketing plan which details key community engagement and communication activities that will be undertaken during the financial year. The effectiveness of activities is evaluated, with outcomes reported internally to Executive and Councillors and externally to the community via the Annual Report and other channels such as print and online. In developing its 2013–2017 Rating Strategy, GSCC utilised a Rating Strategy Reference Group (RSRG) to act as an advisory group, comprising 11 non-Council members representing the various categories of ratepayers. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2013 |
Agency |
Greater Shepparton City Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.3 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
GSCC operates with an annual marketing plan which details key community engagement and communication activities that will be undertaken during the financial year. The effectiveness of activities is evaluated, with outcomes reported internally to Executive and Councillors and externally to the community via the Annual Report and other channels such as print and online. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2013 |
Greyhound Racing Victoria
Agency |
Greyhound Racing Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
That Greyhound Racing Victoria implement requirements for managing project records that are consistent with its procurement and contract management policies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The VAGO audit identified deficiencies in project documentation including evidence of decisions, completeness of project files and the basis for variations. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Harness Racing Victoria
Agency |
Harness Racing Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
That Harness Racing Victoria include in its procurement policy minimum requirements for market testing to confirm pricing and competition in areas of specialised supply for capital projects. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Manager - Development and Infrastruture surveys annually other authorities in Australia to ensure that HRV is not exposure to any higher costs for those specialised contract services |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Harness Racing Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
That Harness Racing Victoria implement contracts for all capital project consulting services in accordance with its new contract management policy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
HRV is fully complaint with its Procurement and tendering Procedures - 3.1 Last updated 22 February 2014 |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
February 2014 |
Agency |
Harness Racing Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 10 |
That Harness Racing Victoria establish grounds and standards of justification for exemptions from Development Fund Operating Guidelines and procurement policy and procedures. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
All exemptions from the VGBP Guidelines must be have a Procurement Exemption Form signed by Responsible Officer and Delegated Authority Manager. See Procurement and Tendering Policy v1 Released 22-2-2014 |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
February 2014 |
Agency |
Harness Racing Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Racing Industry: Grants Management |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 11 |
That Harness Racing Victoria implement requirements for managing project records that are consistent with its procurement and contract management policies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
All project undertaken by HRV requires a project file to be established. In the project file the index is created for each project. The index tracks all documents required to be kept and each responsible officer sign off the index register to record the completion |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Hepburn Shire Council
Agency |
Hepburn Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That councils ensure future initiatives are soundly based, including clearly identifying expected benefits and costs and how they will be measured. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council's existing Project Brief and Project Management documentation was reviewed and updated to confirm that costs, benefits and methods of measuring outcomes are clearly identified prior to project approval. All major project proposals (not just shared services) require identification of benefits and costs, and explanation of how they will be measured. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Hepburn Shire Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That councils develop and implement comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and reporting on shared services, supported by reliable baseline data and clear and measurable outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council's current systems for financial management and project development, management and reporting were reviewed and updated (where required) to fully implement the recommendation. Council's financial system is currently set up to enable baseline data for future shared services to be readily determined. Council's Project Brief template as part of our Project Management System was reviewed and updated to require the monitoring, evaluation and reporting of outcomes to be developed and implemented for all major projects (including shared services projects) prior to approval. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Hobsons Bay City Council
Agency |
Hobsons Bay City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That councils ensure future initiatives are soundly based, including clearly identifying expected benefits and costs and how they will be measured. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Have not been involved in any further shared services |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Hobsons Bay City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That councils develop and implement comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and reporting on shared services, supported by reliable baseline data and clear and measurable outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Have not been involved in any further shared services |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Hume City Council
Agency |
Hume City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That councils ensure future initiatives are soundly based, including clearly identifying expected benefits and costs and how they will be measured. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Since the Audit, Council has not been party to any new Shared Services Initiative, however should Council undertake a shared service,then prior to its development it will be soundly based on reliable baseline data with clear measures of benefits and costs. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Hume City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That councils develop and implement comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and reporting on shared services, supported by reliable baseline data and clear and measurable outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Since the Audit being performed, Council has not participated in any new shared service, however accepts the need for well developed monitoring, evaluation and reporting should a shared service be undertaken. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Latrobe City Council
Agency |
Latrobe City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That councils ensure future initiatives are soundly based, including clearly identifying expected benefits and costs and how they will be measured. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Latrobe City are still in the discovery phase of future Shared Service opportunities in the Gippsland Region under the guidance of the Gippsland Local Government Network (GLGN). |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Latrobe City Council |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Shared Services in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
28 May 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That councils develop and implement comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and reporting on shared services, supported by reliable baseline data and clear and measurable outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Latrobe City are still in the discovery phase of future Shared Service opportunities in the Gippsland Region under the guidance of the Gippsland Local Government Network (GLGN). |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board
Agency |
Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Unplanned Leave in Emergency Services |
Date Tabled |
06 March 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should strengthen performance management of firefighter managers and reduce the financial disincentive to more effectively manage personal unplanned leave. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The current Operational Staff and Assistant Chief Fire Officer Enterprise Agreements do not have provision for performance management. MFB has sought to negotiate provisions in its new enterprise agreements which will assist in improving attendance and increasing line management accountability. MFB's application to terminate the 2010 enterprise agreements was unsuccessful and dismissed by FWA in November 2015. Bargaining for new agreements commenced in 2013. Negotiations have been difficult, however bargaining is ongoing. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Unplanned Leave in Emergency Services |
Date Tabled |
06 March 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should provide operational commanders, senior station officers and station officers with regularly updated information on the personal unplanned leave of firefighters in their teams. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
IT improvements have been achieved which have enabled new reports (including Individual and Commanders' Leave Taken Reports). MFB has sought to introduce these in accordance with enterprise agreement consultation requirements. They were first proposed to the UFU Consultative Committee in June 2014 and were not agreed however partial implementation occurred with the Individual leave reports commencing on 15 September 2014 to all employees. These continue to be distributed monthly. A comprehensive Commanders' leave report is finalised and has been before the Consultative Committee since December 2014. The UFU has requested the formation of an Attendance Management Working Party (May 2015). There has been much interaction between the parties and discussion at each Consultation Committee but unfortunately the parties have not yet reached agreement. In the interim the new monthly management report is being distributed to all Executive Leadership Team members and corporate executives monthly. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Unplanned Leave in Emergency Services |
Date Tabled |
06 March 2013 |
Recommendation 10 |
The Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board should continue to strengthen human resource management processes and controls to reduce avoidable overtime costs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In relation to human resource management processes and controls to reduce avoidable overtime costs, management has initiated the following activities: |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Metropolitan Planning Authority
Agency |
Metropolitan Planning Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Growth Areas Authority, in consultation with state transport agencies, finalise development of effective arrangements for transparently acquitting the Precinct Structure Plan guidelines and related transport requirements. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Growth Areas Authority (now known as the Metropolitan Planning Authority) has developed an internal checklist which is completed for each Precinct Structure Plan (PSP). The checklist contains all the standards from the PSP Guidelines, including the transport requirements. The checklist is in use at present, and will be formally incorporated into the PSP Guidelines when these are revised (revision is in progress, and planned for completion by June 2016). |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Metropolitan Planning Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement a statewide framework for prioritising the delivery of transport infrastructure that reconciles broader statewide priorities against the needs of growth areas |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Growth Areas Authority (now known as the Metropolitan Planning Authority) supports the recommendation and understands that the Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources will take the lead on developing a framework. We anticipate that our role in this activity will be primarily advisory. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Metropolitan Planning Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement an implementation and funding strategy incorporating alternative financing options and innovative solutions to systematically address the transport backlog and meet the future needs of growth areas |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Growth Areas Authority (now known as the Metropolitan Planning Authority) supports the recommendation and understands that the Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources will take the lead in developing a strategy. We anticipate our role in this area will be primarily advisory. We note that there are some initiatives underway that partially address this recommendation. GAIC Work-in-Kind guidelines have been developed to enable the development industry to deliver state infrastructure by providing land and/or capital infrastructure the value of which are offset against their GAIC liabilities. The Better Roads Victoria Trust Account will also provide some funding for roads in outer suburban communities. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
Metropolitan Planning Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement an associated monitoring and evaluation framework to assess whether the progressive delivery of transport infrastructure and services in growth areas is being achieved as planned and has been effective |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Growth Areas Authority (now known as the Metropolitan Planning Authority) supports the recommendation and understands that the Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources will take the lead on developing a framework. The Authority is also developing a process for reviewing Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) after five years to assess their status. As part of this review, the delivery of transport infrastructure and services in each PSP will be assessed. A monitoring framework is also being developed for Plan Melbourne under initiative 7.5. This will monitor the implementation of transport initiatives in Plan Melbourne. The monitoring framework is currently on hold while Plan Melbourne is being reviewed. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Monash Health
Agency |
Monash Health |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 3 |
That health services review and improve service delivery for culturally and linguistically diverse consumers, including the provision of interpreters. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
1) Cultural training provided across sites in partnership with external organisations and other groups on request. This training is delivered by our Monash Health Community and Language Services teams. Patient Centered Care training has a cultural diversity focus. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2016 |
Murrindindi Shire Council
Agency |
Murrindindi Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Councils should periodically conduct a comprehensive review of their rating strategies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
New audit strategy adopted by Council in March 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Murrindindi Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.3 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include details of how the effectiveness of their ratepayer engagement and communication activities will be assessed and reported |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As a part of adopting its new rating strategy, Council consulted widely in the community receiving numerous pieces of feedback and holding a well-attended town hall meeting. Council will also include updated FAQs that are distributed with each rates notice as well as featuring this information on its website. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Museum Victoria
Agency |
Museum Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Collections Management in Cultural Agencies |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2.1 |
The agencies should expedite finalisation of strategies to guide digitization activity |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Museum Victoria response: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Museum Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Collections Management in Cultural Agencies |
Date Tabled |
24 October 2012 |
Recommendation 4.1 |
The agencies should gather comprehensive condition information to better inform the allocation of conservation resources |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Museum Victoria response: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2011 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
North East Water
Agency |
North East Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
The water corporations should routinely and regularly report to their boards on contract performance, including realisation of anticipated benefits |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
West Wodonga Waste Water treatment facility PPP contract terminated North East Water has resumed operations. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2012 |
Agency |
North East Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
The water corporations should routinely and regularly report to their boards on contract performance, including financial performance |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
West Wodonga Waste Water treatment facility PPP contract terminated North East Water has resumed operations. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2012 |
Agency |
North East Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 1.3 |
The water corporations should routinely and regularly report to their boards on contract performance, including effectiveness of risk management |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
West Wodonga Waste Water treatment facility PPP contract terminated North East Water has resumed operations. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2012 |
Agency |
North East Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The water corporations should revise their contract administration manuals to comply with Partnerships Victoria's Contract Management Guide. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
West Wodonga Waste Water treatment facility PPP contract terminated North East Water has resumed operations. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2012 |
Agency |
North East Water |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Operating Water Infrastructure Using Public Private Partnerships |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The water corporations should improve their risk management frameworks for each public private partnership project to systematically identify, mitigate and report on risks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
West Wodonga Waste Water treatment facility PPP contract terminated North East Water has resumed operations. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2012 |
Office of Public Prosecutions
Agency |
Office of Public Prosecutions |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Office of Public Prosecutions should develop a performance framework, independent of the Scheme, to enable the Office of Public Prosecutions' management to assess the performance of the Proceeds of Crime directorate. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The OPP has developed and documented a comprehensive Proceeds of Crime (POC) Performance Framework which establishes an ongoing, systematic approach to improving results through evidence-based decision making, continuous learning, and a focus on accountability for performance. Performance management and reporting processes have been integrated into the POC directorate’s management so that the directorate is focused on achieving improved results for the organisation, and for key stakeholders. A POC Performance Report provides a bi-annual snapshot of outputs and activities, together with the directorate manager’s analysis comments and interpretation of directorate outputs and trends. The POC Performance Framework, and the associated POC Reporting Template incorporate processes for reporting of engagement with key internal (OPP) and external stakeholders (ACS, CPS, DoJ, and Courts) in order to allow POC to identify and to assess the impact and effect of broader sector cooperation, initiatives, and priorities on its work and priorities. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Office of Public Prosecutions |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
The Office of Public Prosecutions should implement quality assurance processes around data and databases. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Existing OPP case management systems do not automatically capture all performance information required by the Proceeds of Crime directorate (POC). A new case management system is under development and is specified with workflows and data collection capabilities to allow POC to efficiently capture and report on all relevant outputs and timeliness measures for cases managed. In the interim, POC staff have developed an Excel spreadsheet containing additional information about performance, including output based and timeliness data. POC staff review and update existing POC databases (PRISM, CARS and Excel) weekly, and data is regularly crosschecked to ensure alignment and consistency. The reconciliation and quality assurance processes are documented, as is the workflow governing the management and reporting of POC data. The POC Performance Framework, and the associated POC Reporting Template govern the use and reporting of data. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Office of Public Prosecutions |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 17 |
The Office of Public Prosecutions should develop strategic and operational plans, linked to those of the Asset Confiscation Scheme and other Asset Confiscation Scheme agencies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The POC annual Business Plan was finalised and implemented for the 2014–15 year with identified activities and targets aligned with OPP strategic goals. The Business Plan is subject to bi-annual review and reporting to the OPP Executive on progress against Business Plan activities. The POC Performance Framework document records the interrelationship between operational business priorities, business objectives and POC operational outputs and reporting, and the ACS strategic and operational planning and reporting framework. The POC Performance Framework forms part of, and informs the broader strategic and business planning cycle of the OPP. The POC Performance Framework identifies relevant measures and indicators to assess POC progress in meeting strategic and business objectives. POC activities and outputs are monitored and reported to the OPP Executive on a regular basis to allow for the systematic and continuous review of directorate outputs, activities, and initiatives. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Parks Victoria
Agency |
Parks Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries, the Environment Protection Authority and Parks Victoria should improve the documentation of the information and processes used to select performance indicators and output measures. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
An Annual Planning Guideline has been established, which details the process for developing, selecting and reviewing publicly reported performance indicators and output measures. This process relies on linking performance indicators and output measures to PV strategic objectives. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Parks Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries, the Environment Protection Authority and Parks Victoria should: assess annually how performance reporting practices comply with organisational standards, and conduct detailed biennial reviews to evaluate the adequacy of key performance indicators and output measure controls, data systems processes and controls, and development of performance reports. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A process of continuous improvement exists for the performance reporting process. Specified in the Annual planning guideline, this includes the effectiveness and efficency of reporting practices, relevance of key performance indicators and output measures, data systems, processes and controls, and the adequacy and appropriateness of performance reports. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Parks Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Parks Victoria should improve the documentation of standardised and centrally managed records to include more complete descriptions, definitions, and rationale of data for all publicly reported indicators and output measures. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Annual Planning Guideline includes a template for KPI measurement methodology, and also details data capture and storage requirements for publicly reported indicators and measures. Furthermore, management have documented the sources of data which will be utilised to report against publicly reported indicators and measures. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Parks Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Parks Victoria should develop minimum standards for performance data collection, management, analytical processes and systems, and monitor compliance with these standards. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PV have developed standards for performance data collection, management and analytical processes and systems. These processes have been adequately documented within the Annual |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Parks Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Parks Victoria should develop and document detailed quality assurance standards for performance data collection and collation processes, and monitor compliance with these standards. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Annual Planning Guideline incudes requirements for assigning accountability with regard to quality assurance standards for performance data collection and collation processes. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Parks Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Environment and Sustainability Sector: Performance Reporting |
Date Tabled |
26 June 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
The Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Parks Victoria should clarify the specific tasks and responsibilities of staff at all levels responsible for report development roles, and specify the checks and approvals that are required. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Corporate and Business Plan development procedure specifies the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders (lead and other accountable stakeholders) in the development of the Corporate and Business Plan. Individuals (program and project managers) are assigned accountability for the achievement of indicators specified in the Corporate and Business Plan. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Peninsula Health
Agency |
Peninsula Health |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health and health services follow Department of Treasury and Finance guidance for future clinical ICT investments and require comprehensive business cases, relevant and measurable performance indicators and clearly articulated benefits and outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A draft Peninsula Health ICT Plan has been developed. The major ICT project under this plan has had a detailed business case undertaken consistent with the DTF guidelines. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Peninsula Health |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Health and health services align any future clinical ICT procurements to the key principles of Victoria's ICT strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Development of the Peninsula Health ICT strategy recognizes the Victorian ICT Strategy and the Statewide Health ICT Strategic Framework released in January 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Peninsula Health |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Health and health services ensure expertise is available to plan and implement future clinical ICT development and change projects, particularly in the areas of clinical engagement and leadership, socio-technical systems analysis, health informatics and benefits realisation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Have appointed a Chief Medical Information officer to formalize medical engagement for new clinical ICT projects. This position and other clinical involvement have been important in developing the Peninsula Health ICT Strategic Plan. This plan is currently in draft. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Agency |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 1 |
That health services involve consumers in the design and review of consumer information. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Framework and procedure in place for creation and redevelopment of consumer information that includes: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 2 |
That health services make sure consumers receive and understand basic health service information. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Consumers receive health information throughout their cancer journey at Peter Mac. The distribution of information is aligned to their needs at their respective journey points. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 3 |
That health services review and improve service delivery for culturally and linguistically diverse consumers, including the provision of interpreters. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A position of Aboriginal health Services Officer has been established to ensure there is a link between the community and the health service. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 5 |
That health services provide consumer participation training and development for clinical, middle management and executive level staff. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Clinical leaders, senior managers and the workforce are trained in patient centred care and in engaging patients, carers and consumers in their care. Staff education resources include: understanding and responding to patient and carer feedback; providing patient care from the consumer perspective; the principles of consumer and community engagement; understanding and supporting engagement in health. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Consumer Participation in the Health System |
Date Tabled |
10 October 2012 |
Recommendation 6 |
That health services increase and diversify consumer participation in strategic planning, staff training, and evaluation activities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
-Peter Mac has embarked on an innovative program of work to develop a process of engaging and working together with our community. Significant community stakeholder engagement has occurred with key cancer community advocacy groups, patients, carers, consumer representatives and members, and staff via a 'Listening to and Learning from' Forum designed to inform and develop Peter Mac's ongoing consumer engagement strategy and community participation plan. A further 22 community events are planned for Sept/Oct/Nov 2015 with healthcare providers, multi-cultural groups, regional and rural stakeholders, and patients, carers and consumers to provide broader community input into Peter Mac's consumer engagement strategy, service planning, training and evaluation. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health and health services follow Department of Treasury and Finance guidance for future clinical ICT investments and require comprehensive business cases, relevant and measurable performance indicators and clearly articulated benefits and outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
• The major clinical ICT investment request since Oct 2013 is the development of a business case for the implementation of an electronic Medical Records solution across the precinct in collaboration with Melbourne Health, Royal Women’s Hospital and Peter Mac. The business case was submitted to the Dept of Health and was developed utilising the DTF guidelines. It has since undergone a gate review and recommended actions are being progressed. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Health and health services align any future clinical ICT procurements to the key principles of Victoria's ICT strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
• Since Oct 2013, a number of the ICT procurements strategies were already determined in relation to the building ICT projects. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Health and health services ensure expertise is available to plan and implement future clinical ICT development and change projects, particularly in the areas of clinical engagement and leadership, socio-technical systems analysis, health informatics and benefits realisation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
• Peter Mac ICT programme of work is currently focused on replacement of end of life departmental systems, preparation for moving to the new building in Parkville and changes to existing ICT systems to support the new clinical services operating model in the precinct. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Port of Melbourne Corporation
Agency |
Port of Melbourne Corporation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Port of Melbourne Channel Deepening Project: Achievement of Objectives |
Date Tabled |
14 November 2012 |
Recommendation 1 |
The Port of Melbourne Corporation, in consultation with the Department of Transport, should review the impact of the global financial crisis on the expected timing and quantum of future economic benefits from the Channel Deepening Project. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PoMC has undertaken a review of the impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Channel Deepening Project in consultation with the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Port of Melbourne Corporation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Port of Melbourne Channel Deepening Project: Achievement of Objectives |
Date Tabled |
14 November 2012 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Port of Melbourne Corporation, in consultation with the Department of Transport, should review existing Channel Deepening Project critical success factors/metrics and expedite development of a benefits management plan and related strategies for optimising the achievement of Channel Deepening Project objectives and future benefits. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PoMC completed a Benefits Management Plan (BMP) which included a review of the original Channel Deepening Project (CDP) Business Case Critical Success Factors (and associated metrics) by which the benefits of the CDP were to be measured and monitored. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Agency |
Port of Melbourne Corporation |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Port of Melbourne Channel Deepening Project: Achievement of Objectives |
Date Tabled |
14 November 2012 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Port of Melbourne Corporation, in consultation with the Department of Transport, should commencing from 2014, implement regular and timely benefits reviews/reporting to the corporation's board, executive management and the Department of Transport, against the benefits management plan. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Channel Deepening Project Benefits Management Plan includes the collection of data on an annual basis and formal reporting and review every five years, effective 30 June 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Public Transport Victoria
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Fare Evasion on Public Transport |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 1 |
Public Transport Victoria should develop survey-based estimates of fare evasion across regional public transport. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
V/Line commuter train services continue to be included in the Fare Compliance Surveys, with the May 2015 results for regional train showing 93.9 per cent of customers pay for their travel. A bus component of the annual Network Revenue Protection Plan is being developed, covering both metropolitan and regional buses. A pilot survey on regional myki-enabled buses was undertaken in November 2014 and is being used as an input to this work. The plan will be developed for implementation from 1 January 2016. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2014 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Fare Evasion on Public Transport |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 2 |
Public Transport Victoria should review the cost-effectiveness of ticketing enforcement on Melbourne's trains, trams and buses and on regional public transport. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
An additional 78 Multi-Modal Authorised Officers (MMAOs) were added to the network, commencing in stages from mid-2014. The MMAOs are deployed across the network, with a particular focus on buses. They also work on the regional network. Since their introduction, fare compliance on the metropolitan network has increased from 91.3 per cent in May 2014 to 95.0 per cent in May 2015. This is the highest rate of fare compliance since surveys began in May 2005. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Fare Evasion on Public Transport |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 3 |
Public Transport Victoria should consider the economic case for allocating additional resources to this task. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Public Transport Victoria (PTV) reviewed the cost-effectiveness of ticketing enforcement across the public transport network and concluded that there were opportunities to expand enforcement and deliver positive revenue returns. This resulted in a successful business case for 70 additional Authorised Officers (AOs) to work multi-modally across the metropolitan area. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Fare Evasion on Public Transport |
Date Tabled |
29 August 2012 |
Recommendation 4.2 |
Public Transport Victoria should develop and deliver a plan to reduce fare evasion to match, or better, the lowest fare evasion rates achieved between 2007 and 2009 |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
An additional 78 Multi-Modal Authorised Officers (MMAOs) were added to the network, commencing in stages from mid-2014. Since their introduction, fare compliance on the metropolitan network has increased from 91.3 per cent in May 2014 to 95.0 per cent in May 2015. This is the highest rate of fare compliance since surveys began in May 2005. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Traffic Congestion |
Date Tabled |
17 April 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That Public Transport Victoria develops explicit mode shift strategies and targets that are demonstrably aligned with defined statewide congestion management priorities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PTV is reorganising its operating structure to better understand customer needs and improve the customer experience. PTV is developing Customer Experience Standards as part of this process. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
That Public Transport Victoria develops minimum service standards to guide planning for the frequency and directness of public transport services. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PTV is developing a series of principles to guide planning for bus service frequency and directness in the Network Development Plan, and is piloting these principles in new and restructured bus networks in Point Cook, Brimbank and Wyndham (as part of the RRL activation). PTV is consulting with the community on the Regional Network Development Plan. PTV is also working with the Government on the Network Development Plan for the bus and tram networks. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement a statewide framework for prioritising the delivery of transport infrastructure that reconciles broader statewide priorities against the needs of growth areas |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PTV continues to work closely with the Department and the Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) to prioritise the delivery of transport infrastructure and assess the effectiveness of delivering transport infrastructure and services in growth areas. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement an implementation and funding strategy incorporating alternative financing options and innovative solutions to systematically address the transport backlog and meet the future needs of growth areas |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PTV continues to engage with local, state and commonwealth governments to seek to secure the necessary funding to meet Melbourne's future public transport needs including in growth areas. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement an associated monitoring and evaluation framework to assess whether the progressive delivery of transport infrastructure and services in growth areas is being achieved as planned and has been effective |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PTV continues to work closely with the Department and the Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) to prioritise the delivery of transport infrastructure and assess the effectiveness of delivering transport infrastructure and services in growth areas. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, Public Transport Victoria and VicRoads develop a statewide strategic document on traffic management to ensure that VicRoads' efforts are in line with broader government policies and objectives, and to clarify the role and expectations for ICT traffic management systems to help address congestion and priority for road-based public transport. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PTV is working closely with VicRoads on the development of the Road Use Strategy which will provide directions to improve priority for road-based public transport. PTV will continue to collaborate closely with VicRoads in the development of the Network Development Plan - On Road. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
That Public Transport Victoria upgrades and improves the quality and reliability of bus and tram ICT systems communications and interface with the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System to enable more effective public transport prioritisation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
PTV has worked closely with the bus tracking system suppliers and metro bus operators and is currently achieving real time monitoring at 94% of metro bus services. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2017 |
Agency |
Public Transport Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
That Public Transport Victoria works with VicRoads to better use technology to give trams and buses improved road priority, in conjunction with other potential regulatory and engineering measures. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The PTV / VicRoads Executive Forum was established in June 2014 and is overseeing the direction of on-road public transport priority initiatives. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Shire of Campaspe
Agency |
Shire of Campaspe |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Councils should periodically conduct a comprehensive review of their rating strategies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Existing Rating Strategy reviewed with Council, new differentials being explored and further discussions to continue with new Council in October 2016 |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Shire of Campaspe |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Rating Practices in Local Government |
Date Tabled |
20 February 2013 |
Recommendation 9.3 |
Councils should develop and implement comprehensive ratepayer communication and engagement strategies that include details of how the effectiveness of their ratepayer engagement and communication activities will be assessed and reported |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
An internal audit conducted April 2015 confirmed Community consultation is conducted in line with VAGO's best practise recommendations, policies and procedures are in line with best practice and Council conducts strong community consultation throughout the Council Plan and budget planning process. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
State Revenue Office
Agency |
State Revenue Office |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should take a more rigorous approach to completing their annual information security management framework self-assessment report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Already complying |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
State Revenue Office |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should make sure their annual self-assessment reports reflect the true status and risk to agency business from any third party service provider they may use. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
We already include these risks |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
State Revenue Office |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The SRO already does this. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
State Revenue Office |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Work plan developed to comply. This requires a funding allocation to complete. Two of the four have been implemented and the remaining two are in the work plan. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2017 |
Agency |
State Revenue Office |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The SRO already complies with this. |
Status |
- |
Date commenced |
Date completed/due for completion |
Agency |
State Revenue Office |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Reviewed and completed. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2015 |
Strathbogie Shire Council
Agency |
Strathbogie Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including assessing overall service delivery levels to determine appropriate levels and provide the rationale for their decision |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council is currently mid way through developing service plans for all services identified through the budget process. This will be completed by November 2015 and Council will then discuss what services to review with the community prior to the development of the 2016/17 budget. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Agency |
Strathbogie Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including consulting with their communities on their ability and willingness to pay for desired services in the development of the council plan |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council will complete the internal review of service planning by November 2015. At that stage Council will decide which services to take to the community for further discussion in 2016. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Strathbogie Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including developing a plan to regularly review all services over time |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council has restructured the Corporate support area to include regular service reviews by the Executive Manager Corporate & community. This will become a key performance indicator and be reviewed regularly. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
The Royal Children's Hospital
Agency |
The Royal Children's Hospital |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health and health services follow Department of Treasury and Finance guidance for future clinical ICT investments and require comprehensive business cases, relevant and measurable performance indicators and clearly articulated benefits and outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The RCH submitted a business case for the procurement and implementation of an Electronic Medical Record. This business case was in accordance with the Department of Treasury and Finance guidelines for high risk projects. The Business case included appropriate and measurable KPI’s, quantifiable and achievable benefits and outcomes. The RCH EMR project is subject to Department of Treasury and Finance Gateway review. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
The Royal Children's Hospital |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Health and health services align any future clinical ICT procurements to the key principles of Victoria's ICT strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The RCH business case for the procurement and implementation of an Electronic Medical Record aligns with the key principles of Victoria’s ICT strategy which focuses on governance, planning, access to information, increasing productivity, taking advantage of emergent technologies, engagement and the management of risk. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
The Royal Children's Hospital |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Health and health services ensure expertise is available to plan and implement future clinical ICT development and change projects, particularly in the areas of clinical engagement and leadership, socio-technical systems analysis, health informatics and benefits realisation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The RCH as part of its business case and the implementation of the Electronic Medical Record ( EMR) have recruited a highly skilled and balanced implementation team to ensure effective communication and engagement and change management process. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
August 2012 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
The Royal Eye and Ear Hospital
Agency |
The Royal Eye and Ear Hospital |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Department of Health and health services follow Department of Treasury and Finance guidance for future clinical ICT investments and require comprehensive business cases, relevant and measurable performance indicators and clearly articulated benefits and outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Eye and Ear Hospital agrees with the recommendation and believe it supports it's goal of strong ICT project governance. Our project governance process and templates to support comprehensive business cases, relevant and measurable performance indicators and clearly articulated benefits and outcomes are undergoing further development. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
The Royal Eye and Ear Hospital |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That the Department of Health and health services align any future clinical ICT procurements to the key principles of Victoria's ICT strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
All clinical ICT procurements are aligned with the Department of Health & Human Services Statewide Health ICT Strategic Framework. Also, prior to the procurement of clinical systems, engagement is sought with the team of the Chief Information Officer of Health within the Business Technology & Information Management group. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
The Royal Eye and Ear Hospital |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Clinical ICT Systems in the Victorian Public Health Sector |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Department of Health and health services ensure expertise is available to plan and implement future clinical ICT development and change projects, particularly in the areas of clinical engagement and leadership, socio-technical systems analysis, health informatics and benefits realisation. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Eye and Ear Hospital agrees to the recommendation and believe it supports it's goal of successful clinical ICT projects. Our project approach and templates to support the planning and implementation of future clinical ICT development and change projects, particularly in the areas of clinical engagement and leadership, socio-technical systems analysis, health informatics and benefits realisation is underway. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Tourism Victoria
Agency |
Tourism Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Tourism Strategies |
Date Tabled |
12/12/2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
That Tourism Victoria develops and documents plans that provide an effective platform for the whole-of-government implementation, evaluation and reporting of Victoria's 2020 Tourism Strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
-- A monitoring and implementation plan for Victoria’s 2020 Tourism Strategy was completed and approved by the TV Board. A status report for 2013–14 has also been completed. The timeframe for future reporting and the end of program evaluation of the Strategy have been established. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Tourism Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Tourism Strategies |
Date Tabled |
12/12/2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
That Tourism Victoria completes a thorough review of the 2006 10 year Tourism and Events Industry Strategy's achievements and challenges, as well as the areas where it failed to deliver as expected so that it can advise government how to best manage these risks for Victoria's 2020 Tourism Strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A review of the 10 Year Strategy was completed in December 2014 and distributed to Risk and Audit Committee members. This review was considered by the Visitor Economy Review and influenced the implementation of the 2020 Strategy (to be superseded by the Visitor Economy Review). |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Tourism Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Tourism Strategies |
Date Tabled |
12/12/2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
That Tourism Victoria develops a good understanding of the likely scale and nature of the expenditure currently captured in its estimates of economic activity that is unrelated to actions included in the 2006 10 year Tourism and Events Industry Strategy and Victoria's 2020 Tourism Strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Tourism Victoria has previously sought to measure the impact of its activities while identifying external factors that contribute to outcomes. The next step is to calculate the value of these external factors. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Tourism Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Tourism Strategies |
Date Tabled |
12/12/2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That Tourism Victoria fully explains the basis and limitations of the indicators it uses to describe tourism's contribution to the economy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Explanations as to limitations of data have been included on Tourism Victoria’s corporate website. They are also highlighted in evaluation planning and reporting. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Tourism Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Tourism Strategies |
Date Tabled |
12/12/2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That Tourism Victoria uses external expertise to review its evaluation framework and help it conduct and document a rigorous annual review of Victoria's 2020 Tourism Strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Tourism Victoria has sought advice from the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources as to Tourism Victoria’s evaluation framework. The framework is now better aligned with Departmental processes. A department representative has also agreed to be part of the internal Evaluation Working Group and to provide an independent review of key evaluation documents. The Department representative on the Evaluation Working Group has been a key driver in developing evaluation frameworks for 2015 budget initiatives. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Towong Shire Council
Agency |
Towong Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including assessing overall service delivery levels to determine appropriate levels and provide the rationale for their decision |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Service plans drafted for externally provided services, for example, kindergartens, libraries, playgrounds, youth services. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Towong Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including consulting with their communities on their ability and willingness to pay for desired services in the development of the council plan |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In 2013 a range of consultation was undertaken to develop the 2013–2017 Council Plan. More recently Council conducted community engagement sessions at four key locations within our municipality (Bethanga, Corryong, Mitta Mitta and Tallangatta). These sessions, conducted in February / March 2015, focused on sharing Council's current financial sustainability challenges (particularly with the indexation freezing of Financial Assistance Grants and impending rate capping framework), the value of average annual rates notices and discussion on services that were provided by Council and their importance (or not) to the community. The feedback received was used to inform the 2015/16 budget and the annual review of the 2013–2017 Council Plan, as well making adjustments to some service plans, e.g. mobile library. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Towong Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including developing a plan to regularly review all services over time |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A service plan review schedule has been developed. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Transport Accident Commission
Agency |
Transport Accident Commission |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should take a more rigorous approach to completing their annual information security management framework self-assessment report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As an outer agency, TAC is not required to complete an annual information security management framework self-assessment report. TAC has amended their process in relation to annual compliance reporting: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Transport Accident Commission |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should make sure their annual self-assessment reports reflect the true status and risk to agency business from any third party service provider they may use. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As an outer agency TAC is not required to complete an annual information security management framework self-assessment report. The TAC process for compliance reporting considers the corporate information security policy and includes control effectiveness and risk in relation to third party service providers. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Transport Accident Commission |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Accuracy of IP address ranges has been validated as part of the annual Penetration Test audit for FY14/15. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Transport Accident Commission |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Top 4 Strategies to mitigate targeted cyber intrusions has been reviewed and considered as a driver for planning of vulnerability management activities. The agreed plan is monitored by the ITSS Vulnerability Management Committee. Progress updates are provided to the Information Security Governance Committee. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Transport Accident Commission |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Detailed requirements for audit logging and monitoring of privileged accounts have been defined. A new monitoring tool (Sentinel) has been deployed and is being progressively rolled out across core platforms. The risk in relation to privileged accounts has been assessed, tabled and accepted at the Vulnerability Management Committee. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Agency |
Transport Accident Commission |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate’s website have been considered in the ITSS Security Standard. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Transport Safety Victoria
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Director, Transport Safety develops arrangements to systematically assess and report on the efficiency and effectiveness of Victoria's marine safety system, and related performance of duty holders and co-regulators, and uses this data to target regulatory activities. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
TSV is responding to this recommendation by developing a Marine Safety Report Card. This is intended to be a reporting tool which will provide a readily understood assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of the marine safety system. It is intended to identify the contribution made by ourselves and co-regulators, and integrate into our business planning and reporting processes. This task has proven to be a complex one and activity to date has focussed on the development of a theoretical model, which takes into account meaningful and prioritised areas of measurement, aligned to regulatory responsibilities. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Director, Transport Safety reviews management of budgets and financial resources to assure existing funds are effectively and efficiently utilised to optimise regulatory outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Safety Director together with the TLT Leadership Team have undertaken a zero-based budget development for 2015/16 against the priorities of the organisation as a whole. TSV continues to liaise with DEDJTR on its budgetary constraints that impact its ability to deliver against its regulatory priorities. In addition, we are developing emerging budget pressure bids for the consideration of DEDJTRs Executive Board. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That waterway managers, in consultation with the Director, Transport Safety establish effective arrangements to systematically identify, assess and monitor safety risks on waters designated to them for control under the Marine Safety Act 2010. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
We note this is a recommendation for waterway managers, however acknowledge our role on this. Well established processes such as boating activity exemptions, rule making, works permits, and applications for urgent safety rules will be further supported by the newly developed guidance material and upcoming waterway manager education workshops. Additionally, stage 2 of the VOZR review project will engage with waterway managers to improve their understanding of risk management as it relates to their waterway, and the effectiveness of their specific waterway rules. Success on this task is highly dependent on the willingness of waterway managers to participate. Upcoming workshops (October 2015) will address the issue of effective risk management, and further workshop series are intended to be held in 2016 (subject to budget) further exploring these issues. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 7.1 |
That the Director, Transport Safety strengthens Transport Safety Victoria's waterway risk assessment practices by establishing arrangements to systematically assure the quality and reliability of information it relies on from waterway managers to assess marine safety risks |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
We have addressed this in two ways. Firstly, we have introduced a risk-based audit program focussing on on-water events where a Boating Activity Exemption or exclusion zone were sought and granted. A follow up audit is conducted, assessing compliance with the risk controls detailed in the event application. We then present findings to the waterway manager and event proponent, focusing on exploring opportunities for continuous improvement in the safe operation of events, and enhance the understanding of parties on effective risk management of on-water events. The audit program for the 2014/15 summer season was carried out as planned, with further event audits for 2015/16 currently being planned. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 7.2 |
That the Director, Transport Safety strengthens Transport Safety Victoria's waterway risk assessment practices by establishing arrangements to systematically work with waterway managers to review and estimate the number of unmanaged waterways |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
We have undertaken a project to identify unmanaged waterways in Victoria, and undertake an assessment of risks on those waterways with a view to providing advice to the Minister and department on the nature of unmanaged risks, proposing options for consideration, and taking more urgent action where justified. We identified 204 waterways where no manager was appointed. We developed a risk framework and assessment criteria. Approximately half were excluded from further analysis due to boating being prevented by either legislative or physical means. Of the remainder, a two tier classification system is being used, with Tier 1 waterways (likely to be of highest risk) being prioritised for detailed audit. This priority group were all audited within the last year. A briefing to the Minister on our findings is currently being prepared. Audit of Tier 2 waterways will occur in the future, as further intelligence on use/risk is received. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 7.3 |
That the Director, Transport Safety strengthens Transport Safety Victoria's waterway risk assessment practices by establishing arrangements to systematically assess risks cost-effectively across the state's unmanaged waterways |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
We have undertaken a project to identify unmanaged waterways in Victoria, and undertake an assessment of risks on those waterways with a view to providing advice to the Minister and department on the nature of unmanaged risks, proposing options for consideration, and taking more urgent action where justified. Our approach to this work had regard of the need to use resources effectively, so we used desktop activities as much as possible to provide an initial view on waterways that should be prioritised for audit attention. We developed specific criteria to help us define and quantify potential risk, and focussed on highest risk areas as an initial priority. Careful planning allowed us to combine detailed audits with work to verify information about lower priority waterways. It also allowed us to utilise available staff from other teams. Our approach continued to focus on areas of greatest need first. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 7.4 |
That the Director, Transport Safety strengthens Transport Safety Victoria's waterway risk assessment practices by establishing arrangements to systematically review and assure the appropriateness of existing waterway rules for managing current safety risks |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
We have commenced a detailed review of the Vessel Operating and Zoning Rules (VOZR) - the waterway rules for the state's waterways. We have transferred a vacant position and recruited a Senior Policy Officer to the role, who commenced in April 2015. Work to date has included development of a project plan and associated project scoping. Considerable desktop analysis of other jurisdictions waterway rulemaking schemes has occurred, with particular focus on Australian jurisdictions. Several consultation groups have been established, comprising internal and external stakeholders. An initial workshop was held, with a focus on analysis of a range of risk mitigators and how well (or otherwise) waterway rules work to manage risk. Further consultation designed to help focus an approach to revised rules is planned to be held in September 2015. Particular focus is being applied to ensuring rules across a range of waterways are clarified, streamlined, and effectively manage risk. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
April 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
That the Director, Transport Safety periodically assesses the impact of Transport Safety Victoria's communication and education activities on achieving compliance with marine safety laws. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In late 2014, TSV engaged IPSOS to undertake detailed pre and post campaign research of our primary 2014/15 summer safety campaign which focussed on wearing lifejackets and understanding of related rules. The purpose of the IPSOS engagement was to understand campaign recall and effectiveness. Further assessment of safety campaigns and other education activities will occur, on a scale commensurate with that of the relevant activity. Additionally, our project plan template for activities requires project managers to consider how success / effectiveness will be measured or observed so as to understand the contribution of the activity to achieving compliance with relevant maritime regulation. This is an ongoing activity. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
September 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
That the Director, Transport Safety periodically assesses the effectiveness of Transport Safety Victoria's and co-regulators' enforcement activities-including the impact of the discretionary involvement of waterway managers in enforcement-on achieving desired regulatory outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Waterway manager workshops which were scheduled for August 2014 were delayed due to budget considerations, and are to be held in October 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 10 |
That the Director, Transport Safety broadens Transport Safety Victoria's audits of waterway managers to assure they provide adequate insights into the effectiveness of their risk management practices. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Our response to this recommendation explained that legislative amendment would be required before we could take the action that we understood was sought. In the interim, we are doing several things. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 11 |
That the Director, Transport Safety periodically follows up on Transport Safety Victoria's audits of waterway managers to assure that required remedial actions to improve marine safety have been satisfactorily addressed. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Our audit program for 2014/15 specifically focussed on unmanaged waterways. The program for 2015/16 is currently being finalised and will include a follow up audit program, examining waterways previously audited, and will assess the extent to which recommendations previously made have been actioned, and the effectiveness of activities undertaken. Additionally, our high risk event audit program will focus on adequate management of risks associated with on-water events, looking at compliance with risk mitigation measures proposed, and effectiveness of those measures. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 12 |
That the Director, Transport Safety, in consultation with the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure defines the minimum competencies and capabilities of waterway managers. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Competency and Capability Framework for Waterway Managers (C&C framework) has been developed by TSV which defines required competencies and capabilities in 6 key areas, in order to effectively perform the function of a waterway manager. TSVs consultation with the department did not progress as planned due to machinery of government changes. We are currently in discussion with the department about a department-led review of waterway management. Consultation on the C&C framework is expected to form part of that review. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 13 |
That the Director, Transport Safety, in consultation with the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure implements a waterway manager capability framework that includes periodic assessments of capability gaps to better inform provision of support to waterway managers. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A framework has been developed, which identifies 6 key areas of competency / capability for waterway managers. The capability gaps identified have been used to inform the development of guidance material and the program for an upcoming (October 2015) series of workshops. The workshops will examine, among other things, the role of rulemaking to manage and reduce risk on waterways. The assessment of specific waterway managers against the framework will inform the re-appointment process for waterway managers (required by legislation to occur by July 2017). The assessment is expected to assist to in the further development of tools to better support waterway managers, and to help inform the development of briefings for the Minister/department on resourcing challenges facing waterway managers which may be a barrier to achieving higher performance against each competency/capability area. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2017 |
Agency |
Transport Safety Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Recreational Maritime Safety |
Date Tabled |
25 June 2014 |
Recommendation 14 |
That the Director, Transport Safety, in consultation with the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure uses the insights from these assessments to provide advice to the Minister for Ports on the appointment and/or reappointment of waterway managers. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
At this stage the framework is in draft, and has been used to inform a number of activities by TSV to better support waterway managers. Additionally, it will be used to help inform the development of a briefing to the Minister relating to the legislative requirement for the re-appointment of the majority of current waterway managers by July 2017. It should be noted that as issues specific to waterway managers arise, the Minister is briefed on these as would be expected. Future such briefings will have regard to the C&C framework. An example of this is the briefing to be provided to the Minister on Tier 1 unmanaged waterways as a consequence of the Unmanaged Waterway Identification Project. |
Status |
No action |
Date commenced |
October 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2017 |
Treasury Corporation of Victoria
Agency |
Treasury Corporation of Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
TCV have confirmed that the records held by APNIC for the TCV domain are correct. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2014 |
Agency |
Treasury Corporation of Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
TCV has reviewed the ASD top 4 strategies to mitigate targeted cyber intrusions. TCV has implemented three of the items ; patching applications, patching operating systems and minimising administrative privileges. Application whitelisting is substantially underway and is planned for completion during the 2015 calendar year. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Treasury Corporation of Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
TCV has never delegated authority to manage passwords to a third party. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Treasury Corporation of Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
TCV complies with the recommended patching practices. All applications and operating systems are patched on a regular basis, with the only exception being the Sybase database (for compatibility reasons) |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2014 |
Agency |
VicForests |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
That VicForests continues to improve its approach to scheduling the sustainable harvest level to address identified weaknesses. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Estimating sustainable yield: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
VicForests |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That VicForests clearly and accurately reconciles its successfully regenerated areas against the area harvested and reports this publicly. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicForests has undertaken a full reconciliation of the last 10 years (2004 – 2014) of timber harvesting, regeneration and associated operational data and in addition is reviewing the processes and standards necessary to undertake operational data capture and management in a more consistent way in the future. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicForests |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Victoria's Native Forest Timber Resources |
Date Tabled |
11 December 2013 |
Recommendation 10 |
That VicForests improve and better document the assessment of threats and consequences that biodiversity management decisions in timber production areas may have on forest environmental, economic and social values, and more transparently manage the risks and trade-offs involved. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicForests has focussed its biodiversity efforts on two key projects since December 2013. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Traffic Congestion |
Date Tabled |
17 April 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
That VicRoads develops a strategy, including time frames, for implementing Network Operating Plans and activating SmartRoads priorities across the metropolitan road network. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
New team formed in late 2013 by VicRoads to develop a Road Use Strategy. VicRoads is currently working with Councils, other government departments and stakeholders to prepare the Road Use Strategy. A draft will be released in mid-late 2015. This action is also being addressed as part of Recommendation 1 of the 2014 VAGO Using ICT to Improve Traffic Flow Audit. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Traffic Congestion |
Date Tabled |
17 April 2013 |
Recommendation 10 |
That VicRoads develops a strategy, in consultation with local councils, to better leverage the potential of clearways for managing congestion along the arterial road network. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicRoads is currently working with Councils, government departments and stakeholders to prepare the Road Use Strategy. A draft will be released in mid-late 2015 for consultation. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Traffic Congestion |
Date Tabled |
17 April 2013 |
Recommendation 11 |
That VicRoads systematically reviews the efficiency and effectiveness of its operational management of the road system. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicRoads has an on going program for Traffic Signal Route Reviews it continues to deliver benefit cost ratios of greater than 10 (in 2013/14 it achieved a BCR of 13.8) and ensure the relevant signals are consistent with the network operating plans under SmartRoads. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
May 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Managing Traffic Congestion |
Date Tabled |
17 April 2013 |
Recommendation 12 |
That VicRoads develops measures and targets for network efficiency and congestion management initiatives in consultation with stakeholders. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Part of the development of a Road Use Strategy. VicRoads is currently working with Councils and stakeholders to prepare the Road Use Strategy. A draft will be released in mid-late 2015 for consultation. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement a statewide framework for prioritising the delivery of transport infrastructure that reconciles broader statewide priorities against the needs of growth areas |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicRoads is working with Government agencies led by Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) to complete a statewide framework for prioritizing the delivery of transport infrastructure including growth areas. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement an implementation and funding strategy incorporating alternative financing options and innovative solutions to systematically address the transport backlog and meet the future needs of growth areas |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicRoads 'case-by-case' approach to considering alternative funding sources is reasonable. However, a broader strategy focused on specifically addressing the extensive backlog of road projects in growth areas has the potential to further guide and assist this approach. VicRoads also advised that it has been taking steps over the past two years to improve its evaluation processes so that there is clearer understanding of the effectiveness of road infrastructure delivered in growth areas. This is being led by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) to complete a statewide framework. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Developing Transport Infrastructure and Services for Population Growth Areas |
Date Tabled |
21 August 2013 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, in conjunction with Public Transport Victoria, VicRoads and the Growth Areas Authority develop and implement an associated monitoring and evaluation framework to assess whether the progressive delivery of transport infrastructure and services in growth areas is being achieved as planned and has been effective |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicRoads is working with Government agencies led by Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) to develop a statewide framework, implementation strategy and evaluation framework. VicRoads has developed and implemented a Benefit Management Framework, Prioritisation Framework and Evaluation Framework to assist in this area. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure, Public Transport Victoria and VicRoads develop a statewide strategic document on traffic management to ensure that VicRoads' efforts are in line with broader government policies and objectives, and to clarify the role and expectations for ICT traffic management systems to help address congestion and priority for road-based public transport. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicRoads is currently working with DEDJTR, other Government Departments, Councils and stakeholders to develop a Road Use Strategy. A draft will be released in mid-late 2015. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That VicRoads develops a work program to ensure that traffic signals across the Victorian road network are consistent with network operating plans developed under the SmartRoads policy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicRoads’ Road Use Strategy will include strategies and actions to guide determination of the number and location of, and selection criteria for, its program of planned signal route reviews, and how these relate to the broader statewide strategic approach. As a result, VicRoads has already made several changes to its process of route review selection for 2014/15, taking into account SmartRoads principles, available congestion data, stakeholder nominations and discussions. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
That VicRoads reviews how its internal resource allocation decisions are impacting on its ability to effectively manage traffic in the Victorian road network. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicRoads has recently undergone a major restructure and has put considerable effort into how it has distributed resources throughout the organization. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 6.1 |
That VicRoads improves performance monitoring of deployed intelligent transport systems and assets by developing reliable and cost efficient methods to monitor performance of intelligent transport systems and assets |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Over the past three years, VicRoads has been developing and establishing an ITS asset performance monitoring program, and targets based on availability and evaluation of performance targets on community travel disruption costs. As part of this program, an investigation will be undertaken to address monitoring of reliability and effectiveness of asset operation and maintenance. The investigation is expected to be completed by December 2015. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 6.2 |
That VicRoads improves performance monitoring of deployed intelligent transport systems and assets by developing a set of performance indicators that includes measures of reliability and effectiveness |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Austroads Project NT1913 ITS Performance Benchmarking, for which VicRoads was the Project Manager has now been completed which includes performance indicators for measuring reliability and effectiveness. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 7.1 |
That VicRoads as a priority, makes improvements to the traffic signal review program, including increasing the frequency of reviews |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Funding for traffic signal reviews was increased in 2014/15 resulting in 660 sites being reviewed or around 16% of the network compared to 8.5% in 2013/14. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 7.2 |
That VicRoads as a priority, makes improvements to the traffic signal review program, including working with transport agencies and stakeholders when considering which routes to review, such as public transport routes |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
When developing the route review program for 2014/15, VicRoads sought input from a range of stakeholders including PTV, Yarra Trams and VicRoads Regions (which have engagement with all stakeholders). |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 7.3 |
That VicRoads as a priority, makes improvements to the traffic signal review program, including undertaking cost-benefit analysis of traffic signal modifications |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VicRoads has undertaken a cost-benefit analysis for each individual route review in a manner that allows aggregation over the annual program. VicRoads will apply this analysis commencing from the 2014/15 signal route review program. This ties-in with the evaluation required to seek additional funding from the budget process in future years. Increased funding in 2014/15 for signal reviews resulted in 16% of network completed. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
VicRoads |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Using ICT to Improve Traffic Management |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
That VicRoads better informs decisions, evaluates the costs and benefits of the further deployment of intelligent transport system assets such as ramp metering, variable message signs, and reversible traffic lanes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
All submissions for funding of ITS improvements or renewal in 2015–16 will be required to demonstrate likely costs and benefits. Completed projects are evaluated and reported. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2014 |
Victoria Police
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
Victoria Police should develop a performance framework, independent of the Asset Confiscation Scheme, to enable Victoria Police management to assess the performance of the Criminal Proceeds Squad. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The performance of the Criminal Proceeds Squad (CPS) is monitored through plans for the Crime Command Serious Crime (now Finance and CyberCrime) Portfolio, within the existing Crime Command planning and risk framework. In 2013/14and 2014/15 CPS Action Plans Performance Measures also accommodated strategy to service Asset Confiscation Scheme (ACS) objectives. To further assist in understanding business performance a CPS Performance Dashboard was developed and commenced operating as of January 2014. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
Victoria Police should implement quality assurance processes around data and databases. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
All CPS investigations are now recorded on Interpose, a single corporately supported database. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2013 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
Victoria Police should develop strategic and operational plans, linked to those of Crime Command, the Asset Confiscation Scheme and other Asset Confiscation Scheme agencies. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Strategic and Operational planning for the ACS is contained within the annual plans of Crime Command which form part of the comprehensive Victoria Police coprporate planning process and hence sets direction for subsequent CPS unit planning. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
Victoria Police should undertake a risk assessment of the Criminal Proceeds Squad and its operating environment. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A risk assessment of the CPS has been undertaken as part of the annual corporate planning process within Crime Command. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
Victoria Police should review the resourcing model for the Criminal Proceeds Squad, including the cost-effectiveness of using Victorian Public Service staff. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The resourcing model for CPS is annually reviewed as a part of the process of the Crime Command workgroup review, which is an internal process to consider the alignment of all Command workgroups and resources. The priorities of CPS (and the ACS) are included in the decision making process. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 18 |
Victoria Police should refocus the Criminal Proceeds Squad's investigations to be predominantly focused on profit-motivated, serious and organised crime. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The audit came at a time when the Criminal Proceeds Squad was already undergoing significant change in the way that it undertook its work and this recommendation was already being actioned. Crime Command sponsored proposed changes to the VicPol Accountability and Resource Model (ARM) which directs the focus of CPS operations. A new Accountability & Resouce Model, predominantly focusing CPS investigations on profit-motivated, serious crime and organised crime, became effective 1.7.14. A 6 month transition period applied. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 19 |
Victoria Police should reallocate responsibility across the organisation for assisting victims of crime in identifying and restraining assets. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Whilst it was intended to decentralise the activity within Victoria Police in the short term, the Criminal Proceeds Squad sees an opportunity for government to improve service to victims in the longer term by developing a facility external to Victoria Police to manage and perform this important service. Crime Command sponsored changes to the VicPol Accountability & Resource Model (ARM) which directs the focus of CPS operations excluding CPS from victims’ comp work effective 1.7.2014. A 6 month transition period applied. State-wide training to decentralise victims’ compensation activity commenced in June 2014 supported this activity (Linked to Recommendation 18). |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
February 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 20 |
Victoria Police should redevelop practices to ensure that investigative tools are used to their full potential. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A framework was developed to test VAGO assumptions by sampling CPS cases over a 6 month period. Specifically, review of CPS’ use of information notices was conducted in order to address VAGO’s concerns regarding the use of information notices as investigative tools and to refine CPS’ process for collecting intelligence from financial institutions. It was found that the existing CPS practice of issuing information notices to the sixteen major financial institutions is a strategy that clearly represents the best value for the time invested in doing so. The testing scheme was used to ensure the the process for CPS’ intelligence collection are not over-engineered and provide value for effort outcomes. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 21 |
Victoria Police should develop and implement a Criminal Proceeds Squad training strategy that includes consistent, compulsory inductions for new staff members. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Induction manual and internal induction processes revised and now operating. In addition training has been provided across the force to 1700 investigators and an additional 50 trained to the Subject Matter Expert level to ensure a frontline investigative response. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 22 |
Victoria Police should establish processes for the routine and regular review of criminal proceeds guidance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Investigation Guidelines revised and published under an annual review framework. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 23 |
Victoria Police should develop, document and enforce the consistent use of case prioritisation and allocation procedures. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
ARM has been amended and an internal CPS case prioritisation framework (5 levels) has been developed and is being used to guide consistent prioritisation and allocation concerning CPS proactive and reactive investigations. Two new processes, namely the Target Viability Assessment Commitee and multi-skilled input into the Monthly Case Review process further enhance prioritisiation and allocation. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Asset Confiscation Scheme |
Date Tabled |
04 September 2013 |
Recommendation 24 |
Victoria Police should improve the way that the Criminal Proceeds Squad records prioritisation and allocation information to enable better management reporting. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Conversion of data base from standalone to Interpose Completed 1.7.2013. CPS Management team will use Interpose to enable improved management reporting. Rationale and/or investigation approach is now included in Interpose. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
Public sector agencies should establish agency-wide oversight of fixed voice and mobile usage and expenditure. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Enterprise level Summary of Voice and mobile accounts expenditure has been implemented. Recommendation has been made to Executive Command that oversight will be undertaken through expenditure on phone usage being included in standard quarterly reports. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
Public sector agencies should develop clear guidance on the allocation and use of mobile phones. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The approved Action Plan had two parts: |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
Public sector agencies should establish consistent, agency-wide controls for effectively managing expenditure. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Finance to include Agency -Wide Expenditure and Usage in regular reporting report to Executive Command. Local business managers to review local phone allocations and usage. Linked to Recommendation 1. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
Public sector agencies should review thresholds for allowable personal usage, and implement time frames for recovering associated costs. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A $20/mth personal use trigger point has been recommended for monitoring by exception at local business manager level. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 5 |
Public sector agencies should promptly adopt variations to the whole-of-government agreements to optimise savings. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Telecommunications Division has implenmented a monitoring and escalation process for each contract variation step and intervention where necessary. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
Public sector agencies should systematically verify the accuracy of fixed voice and mobile invoices. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Victoria Police is currently developing a Force -wide standard 'best practice ' validation procedures instead of individual Command procedures for local Business Managers to implement and follow. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Public sector agencies should regularly monitor fixed voice and mobile usage and cancel unused services. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Current planning is for regular audits to be undertaken to identify unused phones for consideration of cancellation, with results to be incorporated into monthly reports. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Public sector agencies should regularly monitor data usage and actively manage data plans to optimise value. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Telecommunications Division will continue to proactively monitor and manage data usage across the organisation and assist Commands and Departments to monitor and assess suitability of plans. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Telecommunications Usage and Expenditure |
Date Tabled |
18 September 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
Public sector agencies should actively enforce compliance with policies on personal usage. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Covered by Action Plan Plans in Recommendation 1. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
October 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
October 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prisoner Transportation |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 1 |
That Corrections Victoria and Victoria Police develop information and communications technology systems to support greater coordination and capacity utilisation of prisoner transport undertaken by different stakeholders. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Victoria Police is working with Corrections Victoria to develop a solution that allows: |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
February 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria Police |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Prisoner Transportation |
Date Tabled |
11 June 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That Corrections Victoria and Victoria Police examine the use of different types of prisoner transportation, and the costs and risks across the full spectrum of the prisoner transportation system, to determine the value for money of current contractual arrangements. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Prisoner Transport Operating System will combine data from Prisoner Information Management System (PIMS) and e-justice for each transport order and have order status updated in near real time back to PIMS and eJustice. It provides for cross agency placement and tracking of orders and reporting including for costs of transports for each agency and in the system as a whole. Additionally, extensions to scope have been identified in relation to Telecourt (court appearance via Video), and effort in the Melbourne Assessment Prison related to management of prisoner files. This effort is currently being scoped and a resource has been recruited to undertake this work. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
February 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Victoria State Emergency Service
Agency |
Victoria State Emergency Service |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1.1 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should improve their central and regional oversight of volunteer workforce management by strategically using the available information, such as volunteer demographic data, Brigade Operational Skills Profiles and ERAS-e profiles, and developing new information, such as risk assessment, to increase their awareness of actual and required volunteer numbers |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Data integrity project undertaken to validate volunteer numbers. Ongoing ERASi project which is refining the requirement around our emergency activity practices and hence the volunteer numbers required to respond to the various activities. Ongoing data cleansing and reporting using the spotfire tool to ensure the quality of the data is maintained. The new onboarding volunteer registration and membership portal will collect additional demographic data. further enhancements are required to achieve more robust demographics. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2016 |
Agency |
Victoria State Emergency Service |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 1.2 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should improve their central and regional oversight of volunteer workforce management by strategically using the available information, such as volunteer demographic data, Brigade Operational Skills Profiles and ERAS-e profiles, and developing new information, such as risk assessment, to increase their awareness of the gaps and risks around volunteer capability and capacity |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Improving the emergency activity practices within Units and updating and benchmarking against historical response data from the ERASi system. The identified gaps are then addressed in the 3 year cycle Unit business plans. More work is required to understand the dynamic availability of the volunteer workforce. This will be addressed through the workforce management and volunteer availability project. These systems were not funded through the government expenditure review subcommittee therefore they have been funded from reprioritisation of existing resources. This has lead to a delay in action taken. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
February 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Victoria State Emergency Service |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should develop recruitment and retention strategies to guide these activities centrally, regionally and at the district, brigade and unit level, so that approaches are consistent with the organisations' strategic goals. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Two recruitment and retention pilot programs were undertaken in North West Region and Central Region. A volunteer recruitment and retention manual was developed as an outcome of these two pilots. These two regions were chosen as they were the most diverse. The onboarding process was also an issue for new volunteers this has now been streamlined. Volunteers are now surveyed every 3 months in the first 18 months of joining VICSES and any issue identified in the surveys are addressed by the Region. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria State Emergency Service |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 3 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should implement risk management processes within regions, districts, brigades and units to understand and manage the local risks associated with their volunteer workforces. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The development of the VICSES Service Delivery Strategy 2025 will support the capability and capacity of staff and volunteers to respond to emergencies in an effective and sustainable way, meeting community needs and demands driven by chnaging climate, population and culural diversity. The strategy set the direction for systems development, and enhance policy, procedures and processes that will support evidence based decision making and effective investment in service delivery. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Victoria State Emergency Service |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 4 |
The Victoria State Emergency Service should review and improve data quality around volunteer numbers and skills. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Data integrity project was formed in July 2014 to undertake a few initiatives, including data cleansing of volunteer data, building a tool for regions to check and maintain the data quality on a regular basis. These two initiatives are now close to being completed. As part of this same project, a new Volunteer membership portal is currently being kicked-off as a joint initiative with CFA, which will allow the volunteer registration process to run smoothly but also to capture all the volunteer data electronically instead of paper. A new Learning Management System is being considered but not yet approved due to funding constraints, to assist amongst other things with the data quality around our volunteer skills. It is planned that it will replace our current TRAIN database, our current repository of volunteer skills data. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Victoria State Emergency Service |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should evaluate volunteer support systems and processes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The systems and process reviewed are the SafeGate system for reporting hazards, incidents and accidents. More training to staff to support volunteers in the application of this system. New onboarding system that reduces manual entry and optimises accurate data. New online training packages that support the 'learning anywhere' model. Access to an availability app for volunteers so they can nominate a roster they are available for. An new learning management system and student management system that will support on line learning and accreditation and well as supporting recognition of prior learning. Role and training pathways project that will support more efficent and effective targetting of skills againsrt the ERASi profiles. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
May 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Victoria State Emergency Service |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
The Country Fire Authority and the Victoria State Emergency Service should explore further opportunities to collaborate with each other. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
CFA and VICSES have been working together on a number of initiatives since the audit: |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2016 |
Agency |
Victoria State Emergency Service |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
The Victoria State Emergency Service should improve ERAS-e profiles to reflect volunteer activity and availability. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This project was commenced 4 years ago and has had many enhancements. Currently each Region is reviewing the EAPs in ERASi to update them and work with the Units to develop their three year business plan to address any gaps in their required resources. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Victoria State Emergency Service |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Emergency Services Volunteers |
Date Tabled |
05 February 2014 |
Recommendation 10 |
The Victoria State Emergency Service should align ERAS-e profiles with its planning cycle. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VICSES is continuing to work with each Unit to ensure their ERASi profiles align with the planning cycle. The implmentation of the Service Delivery Strategy will enable longer term planning. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
November 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2016 |
Victorian Funds Management Corporation
Agency |
Victorian Funds Management Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should take a more rigorous approach to completing their annual information security management framework self-assessment report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VFMC is an outer budget agency and is not required to submit an annual ISMF self-assessment compliance report. At the same time, with guidance from an appropriately skilled IT security consulting firm, VFMC has established and annually updates IT and IT security policies and standards that are based on the requirements contained in ISO 27001. The IT internal controls form part of the annual GS007 audit. The findings of this audit are reported to VFMC's Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (ARCC) and Board. VFMC’s IT platform, management and controls have changed significantly since the performance audit was performed in July 2013. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Funds Management Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should make sure their annual self-assessment reports reflect the true status and risk to agency business from any third party service provider they may use. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VFMC is an outer budget agency and is not required to submit an annual ISMF self-assessment compliance report. At the same time, VFMC has established IT and IT security policies and standards that are based on the requirements contained in ISO 27001. These policies and standards are updated annually and include the responsibilities of third party service providers. The IT internal controls form part of the annual GS007 audit. The findings of this audit are reported to VFMC's Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (ARCC) and Board. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Funds Management Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
VFMC's IP addresses are supplied by its internet services provider. The internet services provider then registers these IP addresses with the Asia-Pacific Internet Centre. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Funds Management Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Inner WoVG agencies are required to implement the ASD Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions. VFMC is not an inner WoVG agency. At the same time, VFMC has established IT and IT security policies and standards that are based on the requirements contained in ISO 27001. These policies and standards include the requirements that form the ASD Top 4 Strategies. These IT and IT security policies and standards are updated annually. The IT internal controls form part of the annual GS007 audit. The findings of this audit are reported to VFMC's Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (ARCC) and Board. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Funds Management Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Inner WoVG agencies are required to implement the ASD Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions. VFMC is not an inner WoVG agency. At the same time, with guidance from an appropriately skilled IT security consulting firm VFMC has established IT and IT security policies and standards that are based on the requirements contained in ISO 27001. These policies and standards include the VFMC's third party service requirements around security and third party responsibilities. The IT internal controls form part of the annual GS007 audit. The findings of this audit are reported to VFMC's Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (ARCC) and Board. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Funds Management Corporation |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Inner WoVG agencies are required to implement the ASD Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions. VFMC is not an inner WoVG agency. At the same time, with guidance from an appropriately skilled IT security consulting firm VFMC has established IT and IT security policies and standards that are based on the requirements contained in ISO 27001. These policies and standards include patching guidelines that are reviewed and updated annually. The IT internal controls form part of the annual GS007 audit. The findings of this audit are reported to VFMC's Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (ARCC) and Board. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2014 |
Victorian Government Purchasing Board
Agency |
Victorian Government Purchasing Board |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 2 |
That the Victorian Government Purchasing Board updates its guidance to more clearly explain departments' records management obligations and how these should be incorporated in contracts. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The VGPB has updated its Guide to Specification Writing (see attached) to include detailed reference to the Public Records Office of Victoria's (PROV) policy and guidance material for outsourced arrangements. Please see page 4, rows 2 and 3 titled Technology, systems and management techniques and records management. Reference to PROV is also included on page 1 in the Using this Guide box. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Government Purchasing Board |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Managing Consultants and Contractors |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
That the Victorian Government Purchasing Board defines how it will monitor, evaluate and report on the impacts of procurement reform and the actions needed to address emerging issues and reinforce beneficial outcomes. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This recommendation has been fully implemented. VGPB's supply policy framework and monitoring framework are both in place. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
April 2015 |
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
Agency |
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of the Government Risk Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
That the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority update the detailed guidelines to reflect the Department of Treasury and Finance's updates to the Victorian Government Risk Management Framework, incorporating our recommendations to address the gaps-including most importantly how agencies should manage interagency and statewide risks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This was incorporated in VMIA’s Annual Business Plan 2014–15 with a specific action item to “support the update and implementation of the revised Victorian Government Risk Management Framework and Ministerial Directions”. The timeliness was set by a KPI to update VGRMF guidance material and client learning strategy (target 30/09/14). Actions leading to this implementation include: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2015 |
Agency |
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Implementation of the Government Risk Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
30 October 2013 |
Recommendation 4 |
That the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority develop a learning and development strategy to clearly guide and focus its support and training activities, prioritising actions for addressing the most significant weaknesses and gaps in current risk management practices. This strategy should be informed by the Department of Treasury and Finance's review of agencies' compliance. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
This was incorporated in VMIA’s Annual Business Plan 2014–15 with a specific action item to “deliver client training and events and supporting guidelines and tools to build risk management capability” and “implement client learning and development strategy” The timeliness was set by a KPI to deliver a new strategy (target 30/9/2014). Actions leading to this implementation include: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
May 2015 |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
Agency |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 5 |
Due to ongoing change over the short to medium term, it is essential that the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority document and make publicly available comprehensive information about its regulation of apprenticeships and traineeships to facilitate regulatory compliance and the effective operation of the system. The document should include details of: objectives for regulation of apprenticeships and traineeships; roles and responsibilities of all parties, including escalation points; common problems, their solutions and who to contact for more information. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The VRQA's website now contains substantially more information on apprenticeship and traineeship regulation than it did at the start of 2014. The scope of this information covers VAGO's recommendation (objectives, roles and responsibilities of parties; problems and solutions). In 2015, in response to the VRQA Client and Stakeholder Survey, further information was developed for apprentices, trainees and their employers. This includes an employer checklist and a two-minute video that covers the roles and responsibilities of employers and their apprentices or trainees. A link to this video is sent via SMS to commencing apprentices and trainees and their employers once a quarter. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
July 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 6 |
That the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, in collaboration with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, prioritise development of a secure register of apprentices and trainees which includes all the information required to meet the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority's needs in relation to planning, policy development and regulation of apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The existing register, called DELTA, is being replaced. This project is on schedule. Following a public tender process, the VRQA and the Information Technology Division of the Department are finalising contract negotations with the leading bidder to create a new secure register, to be implemented by June 2016. The revised implementation timeline is set out in the Ministerial Statement of Expectations for the VRQA. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 7 |
The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority should develop memoranda of understanding-documenting information sharing protocols and roles and responsibilities-with: Australian Apprenticeships Centres; WorkSafe Victoria; Fair Work Australia; the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
MoUs with the Fair Work Ombudsman and the Commonwealth Department of Industry (now renamed the Department of Education and Training) are published on the VRQA website at |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 8 |
That the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority develop a more robust employer approval process that gives due consideration to whether employers are fit and proper. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Implemented 1 January 2015. The changes strengthen protections for apprentices and trainees without increasing regulatory burden. When seeking to register a training contract, new employers are asked to make declarations about their background, including convictions for indictable offences and any findings or convictions in relation to workplace safety, pay and conditions. The new process is documented on the VRQA website at |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2015 |
Agency |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 9 |
That the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority, in addition to the monitoring and evaluation required under contract, develop arrangements to regularly analyse information collected through regulatory field services to identify improvement opportunities and inform policy and program development. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Implemented in January 2014 and reporting commenced in February 2014 with the first detailed report to the VRQA Board on field activities. Additionally the VRQA formally briefed senior Departmental officers on the outcomes of the 2014 regulatory field services review, which included a large amount of information collected through field services. In 2015 further enhancements have been made to the reporting VRQA provides to the VRQA Board, the Department and the public. This includes quarterly field work reports generated through the JobReady and DELTA databases. These reports identify emerging risks and problem areas (such as high cancellation and dispute rates). This intelligence is used to inform programmatic responses - for example the VRQA's campaign in the automotive industry, as described on the VRQA website at |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
January 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
January 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 10.1 |
That the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority: review the risks identified in the due diligence report for: implementation of mitigation measures or risk treatment; changes in risk rating |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The VAGO report noted that the VRQA had developed a risk register to address the major risks identified in its 2012 due diligence report. A new risk register was developed and endorsed by the Apprenticeship and Traineeship subcommittee of the VRQA Board in March 2014. This is a 'live' register and updates are provided and discussed at each subcommittee meeting. Existing controls are examined in light of emerging risks and changing risk ratings. This in turn leads to the formulation of operational plans and work schedules. An example is that evidence of increased levels of RTO and employer non-compliance with Section 5.5 of the ETRA led to the decision to undertake apprenticeship regulatory campaigns in the automotive and commercial cookery industries. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 10.2 |
That the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority: identify emerging risks, following the changes the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority has made to the apprenticeship and traineeship regulation system |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The risk register, which is a 'live' document, identifies risks associated with the change in the regulatory field services model to an outsourced service from September 2013. This includes, for example, the risk that clients and stakeholders may not understand the VRQA's role and regulatory model. The actions taken to address this risk have included |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Agency |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Apprenticeship and Traineeship Completion |
Date Tabled |
12 March 2014 |
Recommendation 10.3 |
That the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority: develop a schedule of work to address these new and residual identified risks |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
A new risk register was developed and endorsed by the Apprenticeship and Traineeship subcommittee of the VRQA Board in March 2014. This is a 'live' register and existing controls are examined in light of residual and emerging risks and changing risk ratings. This in turn leads to the formulation of operational plans and work schedules. An example of a 'residual' risk that the VRQA inherited from the Department is the risk of unauthorised access, manipulation and release of personal and private information from the DELTA database. This is being addressed through a) undertaking security remediation work on DELTA and b) replacing DELTA. An example of a 'new' risk is the regulatory campaigns in the automotive and commercial cookery industries to address systemic RTO and employer non-compliance with Section 5.5 of the ETRA. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
March 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Worksafe Victoria
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 3 |
That WorkSafe provides support to the boards of public hospitals and health services on occupational health and safety leadership and requirements to raise awareness of their responsibilities to comply with occupational health and safety laws, so that public hospital staff receive the highest practicable level of occupational health and safety protection. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
We’ve developed a hospital intervention program that includes strategic targeting, a dedicated specialist health unit, a new employer based prevention programs, retrained inspectors, the piloting of a major data initiative to provide new industry wide reports and a high level engagement strategy to build long term sustainability in the health services OHS protection of its workers. Work to date includes: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 5.1 |
That while public hospital industry occupational health and safety risk remains significant compared to other industries, WorkSafe annually confirms to the Department of Health that public hospitals and health services comply with occupational health and safety legislation |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
WorkSafe is implementing its new Hospital Intervention Program which provides for the assessment of OHS compliance across the industry. The program starts with the hospital board and executive visits with compliance visits the third stage. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 5.2 |
That while public hospital industry occupational health and safety risk remains significant compared to other industries, WorkSafe annually confirms to the Department of Health that public hospitals and health services have in place a systematic approach to the control of occupational health and safety risks, and that effective risk control mechanisms exist. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
See response to recommendation 5.1. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 6 |
That WorkSafe identifies sector-wide occupational health and safety risks in public hospitals and provides this information to the Department of Health, public hospitals and health services. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
WorkSafe has issued the top OHS risk as part of the hospital board presentation visits. WorkSafe will issue a more comprehensive industry wide report when WorkSafe and ISCRR have completed the analysis of public health service OHS industry incident data set. This initiative was agreed to as part of the occupational violence audit and will result the in most comprehensive assessment of OHS risk in any Australian jurisdiction. The project has been scoped by ISCRR. The compensation research database has been readied for receiving information and research is currently being selected to undertake the first mapping of the data for matching purposes. Notwithstanding this, the first industry report will be produced in early 2016 and will cover emerging issues in research and OHS risk for the health services industry prepared by ISCRR. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2016 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
Occupational Health and Safety Risk in Public Hospitals |
Date Tabled |
28 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
That the Department of Health and WorkSafe collaborate to assist public hospitals and health services to control the highest occupational health and safety risks. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The strategy for collaboration with DHHS as the system manager provides for support from WorkSafe to build OHS ownership in DHHS. In 2014/15 WorkSafe implemented the following collaboration: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should take a more rigorous approach to completing their annual information security management framework self-assessment report. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As an outer agency, WorkSafe is not required to complete an annual information security management framework self-assessment report. WorkSafe has amended their process in relation to annual compliance reporting: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should make sure their annual self-assessment reports reflect the true status and risk to agency business from any third party service provider they may use. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
As an outer agency, WorkSafe is not required to complete an annual information security management framework self-assessment report. The WorkSafe process for compliance reporting considers the corporate information security policy and includes control effectiveness and risk in relation to third party service providers. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
April 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2014 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 13 |
Departments and agencies included in this audit should implement appropriate action to maintain the accuracy of their IP address information with the Asia-Pacific National Internet Centre. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Accuracy of IP address ranges has been validated as part of the annual Penetration Test audit for FY14/15. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
June 2015 |
Date completed/due for completion |
June 2015 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 14 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the Australian Signals Directorate Top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions, and implement these practices as a matter of urgency. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The Top 4 Strategies to mitigate targeted cyber intrusions has been reviewed and considered as a driver for planning of vulnerability management activities. The agreed plan is monitored by the ITSS Vulnerability Management Committee. Progress updates are provided to the Information Security Governance Committee. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 15 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should retain responsibility for managing and allocating passwords if third party service providers are used. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Detailed requirements for audit logging and monitoring of privileged accounts have been defined. A new monitoring tool (Sentinel) has been deployed and is being progressively rolled out across core platforms. The risk in relation to privileged accounts has been assessed, tabled and accepted at the Vulnerability Management Committee. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
March 2014 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2013–14 |
Audit Report |
WoVG Information Security Management Framework |
Date Tabled |
27 November 2013 |
Recommendation 16 |
All public sector agencies in Victoria should review the patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate's website and develop, implement or review their patching strategy. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
The patching guidelines published on the Australian Signals Directorate’s website have been considered in the ITSS Security Standard. |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2013 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Staff Occupational Health and Safety in Schools |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2013 |
Recommendation 7 |
WorkSafe should evaluate all injury reduction tools to understand their impact on claims and workplace behaviour. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Action taken: |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Staff Occupational Health and Safety in Schools |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2013 |
Recommendation 8 |
WorkSafe should provide regular updates to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development on school occupational health and safety performance, compliance and claims trends based on workplace visits and other available resources. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Action taken: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
November 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
August 2014 |
Agency |
Worksafe Victoria |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Management of Staff Occupational Health and Safety in Schools |
Date Tabled |
29 May 2013 |
Recommendation 9 |
The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and WorkSafe should jointly investigate ways to improve occupational health and safety compliance in government schools. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Action taken: |
Status |
Completed |
Date commenced |
July 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
September 2015 |
Yarriambiack Shire Council
Agency |
Yarriambiack Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 1 |
Councils should clearly identify and publicly report their sustainability challenges and associated strategies and actions, including how they will monitor, report and evaluate their effectiveness, using relevant and appropriate performance indicators. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Council Plan 2013–2017 was reviewed and four appropriate goals developed and implemented as part of the annual report. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Agency |
Yarriambiack Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 2 |
Yarriambiack Shire Council should develop a long-term financial plan and all councils should update their existing plans in accordance with better practice. |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
In draft - 10 year Financial Plan. |
Status |
Partially completed |
Date commenced |
December 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
November 2015 |
Agency |
Yarriambiack Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.1 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including assessing overall service delivery levels to determine appropriate levels and provide the rationale for their decision |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Service Plans - 75% completed. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
June 2013 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Yarriambiack Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.2 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including consulting with their communities on their ability and willingness to pay for desired services in the development of the council plan |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Service Plans - 75% completed. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Agency |
Yarriambiack Shire Council |
2012–13 |
Audit Report |
Organisational Sustainability of Small Councils |
Date Tabled |
12 June 2013 |
Recommendation 3.3 |
Councils should review service planning and delivery in accordance with Best Value Principles as a priority, including developing a plan to regularly review all services over time |
Acceptance (current) |
Accepted |
Action |
Service Plans - 75% completed. |
Status |
Substantially completed |
Date commenced |
August 2014 |
Date completed/due for completion |
December 2015 |
Appendix C. Audit Act 1994 section 16—submissions and comments
In accordance with section 16(3) of the Audit Act 1994, a copy of this report, or part of this report, was provided to all agencies and departments—see Appendix A for the list.
The submissions and comments provided are not subject to audit nor the evidentiary standards required to reach an audit conclusion. Responsibility for the accuracy, fairness and balance of those comments rests solely with the agency head.
Responses were received as follows:
- Coliban Region Water Corporation
- Department of Justice & Regulation
- Department of Treasury & Finance
- Monash Health
- Transport Safety Victoria
- Victorian Government Purchasing Board
- Victorian Managed Insurance Authority
- Worksafe Victoria
RESPONSE provided by the Acting Managing Director, Coliban Region Water Corporation

RESPONSE provided by the Secretary, Department of Justice & Regulation

RESPONSE provided by the Secretary, Department of Treasury & Finance

RESPONSE provided by the Chief Executive, Monash Health

RESPONSE provided by the Director, Transport Safety Victoria

RESPONSE provided by the Chair, Victorian Government Purchasing Board

RESPONSE provided by the Chief Executive Officer, Victorian Managed Insurance Authority

RESPONSE provided by the Chief Executive, Worksafe Victoria
