Results of 2019–20 Audits: State–controlled Entities
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic significantly affected state government entities' ability to meet their annual reporting requirements and our ability to meet audit timelines. The government granted 286 entities a two-month extension to table their annual reports in Parliament. The new deadline was 31 December 2020 or the first sitting day after it. This meant financial reporting requirements were also changed. Financial reports were required to be prepared and audited within 18 weeks of the financial year's end, compared to 12 weeks in a normal year. Most entities were able to meet the revised financial reporting deadline. The four modified opinions we issued relate to subsidiaries of VicTrack, whose statements were also qualified. We reported on VicTrack's qualification in the November 2020 Auditor-General’s Report on the Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria: 2019–20. |
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1. Audit context
Victorians spent a significant part of 2020 under lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All aspects of how we live and work were affected. Restrictions on movement and access to workplaces, and remote working and learning meant there was no such thing as business as usual.
In response to these challenges, VAGO joined a working group that included representatives from Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) and the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) to address issues relating to the preparation of public sector entities' financial reports. The result was a staged approach to financial reporting and audit timelines, with the Assistant Treasurer providing non-material government entities with reporting relief.
This report details the audit outcomes of the 286 state-controlled entities that were granted that relief. It brings together the results of the financial audits of the entities and provides Parliament assurance regarding their overall financial management and accountability.
This chapter provides essential background information about:
1.1 The Victorian public sector
The Victorian public sector includes the state's public service, special bodies and public entities. Figure 1A illustrates this division within the public service.
FIGURE 1A: The Victorian public sector
Source: Victorian Public Sector Commission and VAGO.
The Victorian public sector plays a key role in supporting the government of the day to serve the people of the state. It does this by providing public services; supporting ministers in developing and implementing policies and legislation; building and maintaining physical and social infrastructure; managing resources; and administering state finances. It operates across a range of functions. Figure 1B illustrates the functions of government and expenditure incurred by each in 2019–20.
FIGURE 1B: Government operating expenditure by function in 2019–20
Note: Not allocated by purpose represents costs for services provided within or to government entities that are offset against revenue and assets.
Source: Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria: 2019–20.
1.2 Reporting requirements
Financial reports
Victorian public sector entities are required by the Financial Management Act 1994 (or other Acts) to prepare an annual report at the end of each financial year for tabling in Parliament by the relevant minister. Each annual report completed under the Financial Management Act 1994 (FMA) must include financial reports that have been audited by the Auditor-General.
Entities in scope of this report
The Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria: 2019–20 consolidates the financial information of 312 entities controlled by the State of Victoria.
In November 2020, we tabled the Auditor-General's Report on the Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria: 2019–20. It focused on the outcome of the financial audits of 26 entities that made up the majority of the state's assets and liabilities at 30 June 2020, and revenue and expenditure for the year then ended. These significant agencies are known as material entities. This report details the outcome of the financial audits of the remaining 286 non-material, state-controlled entities with a 30 June 2020 reporting date, that were not covered in our November report. These entities were given reporting relief in acknowledgement of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We also report on the timeliness of financial reporting, providing commentary on the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic had on entities' ability to meet their reporting obligations.
Entities not included in the scope of this report
Other entities that supply public services, which we also audit, are not included in the Victorian public sector because they fall outside the definition of a public sector body within the Public Administration Act 2004 (see Figure 1C).
FIGURE 1C: Sectors and entities not included in the Victorian public sector
Sectors and entities | Exclusion rationale |
Local government | Local government is a separate tier of government, with councils elected by and accountable to their ratepayers. |
Universities | The Australian Government is the main sector funder and the state only directly appoints a minority of university council members. |
Denominational hospitals | Denominational hospitals are private providers of public health services. Each one has its own governance arrangements. |
State superannuation funds | State superannuation funds’ net assets are members’ property. However, any net asset shortfalls related to certain defined benefit scheme entitlements are a state obligation and are reported in Victoria's annual financial report as a liability. |
Registered community health centres and aged care providers | These providers have various funding streams, and each one has its own governance arrangements. |
Source: VAGO.
We table separate sector-based reports on the financial audit outcomes for local government and university sectors. We also table a separate report (in May) on the financial audit outcomes of the technical and further education sector, which forms part of the Victorian public sector.
1.3 Our audit approaches
Our focus
Each year, we audit and provide opinions on the financial reports of Victorian public sector entities. Legislation enables us to conduct audits by arrangement, such as audits of the Parliament of Victoria and Senior Master of the Supreme Court of Victoria, both of which are part of this report.
The purpose of an audit is to increase the level of confidence a user has in an entity's financial report. Auditors achieve this by gaining reasonable assurance and issuing an opinion that financial reports are free from material misstatements.
Our method
We conduct our financial audits in accordance with the Audit Act 1994 and the Australian Auditing Standards.
As part of auditing financial reports, we:
- identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial report whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for an opinion
- obtain an understanding of internal controls relevant to the audit to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances
- evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used, and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures
- conclude on the appropriateness of using the going-concern basis of accounting
- evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial report, including the disclosures, and whether the financial report represents the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.
Our independence
The Auditor-General is:
- an independent officer of the Parliament of Victoria
- appointed under legislation to examine, on behalf of Parliament and taxpayers, the management of resources within the public sector
- not subject to the control or direction of either Parliament or the government.
The Auditor-General and staff of VAGO are required to meet the ethical requirements of:
- the Australian Auditing Standards and the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board’s APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
- the Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees of Special Bodies and the Public Administration Act 2004
- the Standing Directions Under the Financial Management Act 1994, which provide policies on the acceptance and provision of gifts, benefits and hospitality.
The cost of preparing this report was $60 000, which is funded by parliamentary appropriation.
1.4 Submissions and comments received
We consulted with DTF and the entities named in this report and considered their views when reaching conclusions. As required by the Audit Act 1994, we gave a draft copy of this report to those agencies and asked for their submissions or comments. We also provided a copy of the report to DTF and DPC.
VicTrack was the only agency that responded and its full response appears in Appendix A.
In summary, VicTrack's Chief Executive Officer noted that the agency is working through the issues associated with accounting for Victoria's transport assets. He noted that although the agency disagrees with the adverse audit qualification, it will continue to work through these technical issues with VAGO.
2. Results of audits
The financial audits of four controlled entities—Rolling Stock (Victoria-VL) Pty Limited, Rolling Stock (VL-2) Pty Limited, Rolling Stock (VL-3) Pty Limited and Rolling Stock Holdings (Victoria) Pty Limited—received modified opinions.
As at 28 February, the financial audits of Central Highlands Rural Health and the Yorta Yorta Traditional Owner Land Management Board were in progress.
This chapter discusses:
2.1 Financial report audit opinions
Figure 2A summarises the financial report audit opinions we issued to Victoria public sector entities.
FIGURE 2A: Financial report audit opinions issued for the year ended 30 June 2020
Note: The technical and further education sector is excluded from the numbers above. The results of this sector were reported in Results of 2019 Audits: Technical and Further Education Institutes (June 2020).
The 26 material entities that accounted for most of Victoria's assets and liabilities at 30 June 2020, and revenue and expenditure for the year then ended, have also been excluded from these numbers as outcomes of their audits were reported in the Auditor-General's Report on the Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria: 2019–20 (November 2020).
Source: VAGO.
We issued clear audit opinions on 280 Victorian public sector entities controlled by the state in 2019–20. A clear audit opinion adds credibility to financial reports by providing reasonable assurance that reported information is reliable, accurate, and complies with the requirements of relevant Australian accounting standards and applicable legislation.
The financial reports of four of the five Victorian Rail Track (VicTrack) subsidiary entities were assessed as not reliable and we provided adverse opinions on them.
Appendix C lists the entities included in this report. It details the date their financial reports were certified by those charged with governance and the type of audit opinion we issued for 30 June 2020. It also notes the date we issued our opinion to each entity.
Adverse audit opinions issued to VicTrack and four subsidiaries
In our Auditor-General's Report on the Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria: 2019–20, we detail the reasons why we issued an adverse audit opinion on VicTrack's 2019–20 financial report.
We reassessed the lease arrangement between VicTrack and the Department of Transport (DoT) and concluded it is a finance lease, based on the respective roles and responsibilities of all parties in the transport network. In substance, DoT is responsible for the operation of the transport network as a whole and its assets.
This means that VicTrack should not have reported leased assets and all associated transactions and balances. Instead, VicTrack should have reported a nominal finance lease receivable.
The effects of this noncompliance were so material and pervasive to VicTrack’s financial statements that we issued an adverse opinion.
We also issued the following VicTrack subsidiaries, covered in this report, adverse opinions on their 2019–20 financial reports:
- Rolling Stock (Victoria-VL) Pty Limited
- Rolling Stock (VL-2) Pty Limited
- Rolling Stock (VL-3) Pty Limited
- Rolling Stock Holdings (Victoria) Pty Limited.
The adverse audit opinions were issued to these entities because the assets they report form part of those leased to DoT by VicTrack. Like VicTrack, their financial reports do not present fairly in all material respects in accordance with the relevant Australian Accounting Standards.
2.2 Timeliness of financial reporting
The sooner after year-end that audited financial reports are published, the more relevant and useful they are for users to make informed decisions based on report contents. Timeliness is also measured against statutory reporting deadlines.
The FMA requires annual reports to be submitted to the relevant minister and tabled in Parliament within four months of the end of the financial year. These reports include the financial report for the entity and any entities they control. Financial reports have to be prepared and audited within 12 weeks of the financial year's end.
Entities reporting under the Corporations Act 2001 (CA) are required to present an annual report to their members within four months of the end of the financial year. A summary of the FMA and CA reporting timeframes, including the reporting relief provided due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is provided in Figure 2B.
FIGURE 2B: Legislative financial reporting timeframes
Source: FMA, CA and DTF.
For 2019–20, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation and production of financial reports in the public sector. While we were able to conduct our financial audits remotely, the need for agencies to divert resources to respond to the pandemic—combined with the challenges posed by restrictions on movement and access to workplaces, and flexible and remote learning arrangements—affected everyone's capacity to achieve annual financial reporting and audit timelines.
In response to these challenges, we joined a working group with representatives from DTF and DPC to consider alternative timelines. Outcomes of this working group allowed a staged approach to financial reporting and audit timelines, focusing first on the 26 material entities listed in Appendix C, whose financial results were significant to the Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria: 2019–20.
In acknowledgement of the COVID-19 pandemic challenges, the Assistant Treasurer issued temporary instructions under section 47 of the FMA, to agencies that had the annual reporting period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020. Material entities were required to table their annual report by 31 October 2020—effectively no change—while all non-material entities were given leeway to table their annual reports by 31 December 2020, an extension of two months. This meant financial reporting requirements were also extended—financial reports were required to be prepared and audited within 18 weeks of the financial year's end as opposed to 12 weeks from the financial year's end. The financial reporting extension relief can be seen in Figure 2B.
The extension of the reporting timelines was provided as relief; it was not a direct shift in requirements for non-material entities. In other words, relief was recommended only where the entity or audit capacity to deliver—or both—were challenged.
Figure 2C shows the financial reporting timeliness for non-material entities in 2019–20.
FIGURE 2C: Timeliness of entities against legislative financial reporting timelines for 2019–20
Source: VAGO.
Most financial reports were finalised after 12 weeks, in line with the financial report tabling relief provided by the Assistant Treasurer. In 2019–20, only 100 of 286 entities (35 per cent) met the original 12-week financial reporting timelines. The comparable figure for 2018–19 was 228 of 285 (80 per cent).
It is pleasing that 226 of the 286 entities (79 per cent) were able to prepare their financial reports and have them audited within the financial reporting relief timelines provided by the Assistant Treasurer in 2019–20.
Appendix A. Submissions and comments
We have consulted with DTF and VicTrack and we considered their views when reaching our audit conclusions. As required by the Audit Act 1994, we gave a draft copy of this report, or relevant extracts, to those agencies and asked for their submissions and comments.
Responsibility for the accuracy, fairness and balance of those comments rests solely with the agency head.
Responses were received as follows:
Response provided by the Chief Executive, VicTrack
Appendix B. Acronyms and abbreviations
Acronyms | |
DoT | Department of Transport |
DPC | Department of Premier and Cabinet |
DTF | Department of Treasury and Finance |
SPFR | Special Purpose Financial Report |
VAGO | Victorian Auditor-General's Office |
Abbreviations | |
ACNC | Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 |
AIRA | Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 |
CA | Corporations Act 2001 |
COVID-19 | coronavirus |
FMA | Financial Management Act 1994 |
Appendix C. Audit opinions on financial statements
Figure C1 lists the entities included in this report and the material entities reported in our earlier report Auditor-General's Report on the Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria: 2019–20. It details the date financial statements were certified by those charged with the entities' governance, the type of audit opinion we issued for 30 June 2020 and the date it was issued to each entity.
FIGURE C1: Audit opinions issued for the Victorian public sector for the year ended 30 June 2020
Entity | Material entity | Financial reporting framework | Financial statements certified | Audit opinion signed | Audit opinion type |
Education and Training portfolio | |||||
Adult, Community and Further Education Board | FMA | 30-Oct-20 | 04-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Adult Multicultural Education Services | FMA | 31-Aug-20 | 14-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Department of Education and Training Victoria | Yes | FMA | 14-Sep-20 | 22-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority | FMA | 26-Aug-20 | 16-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Institute of Teaching | FMA | 12-Aug-20 | 23-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority | FMA | 26-Aug-20 | 17-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Environment, Land, Water and Planning | |||||
Alpine Resorts Co-ordinating Council | FMA | 11-Nov-20 | 13-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Architects Registration Board of Victoria | FMA | 28-Aug-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Barwon Region Water Corporation | FMA | 02-Oct-20 | 05-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Barwon Asset Solutions | FMA | 02-Oct-20 | 05-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Barwon South West Waste and Resource Recovery Group | FMA | 27-Aug-20 | 07-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Caulfield Racecourse Reserve Trust | FMA | 9-Feb-21 | 16-Feb-21 | Unmodified | |
Central Gippsland Region Water Corporation | FMA | 28-Sep-20 | 29-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Central Highlands Region Water Corporation | FMA | 30-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
City West Water Corporation | Yes | FMA | 25-Aug-20 | 04-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Coliban Region Water Corporation | FMA | 24-Sep-20 | 30-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Corangamite Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 22-Oct-20 | 26-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning | Yes | FMA | 11-Sep-20 | 18-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Dhelkunya Dja Land Management Board | FMA | 19-Nov-20 | 20-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 27-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
East Gippsland Region Water Corporation | FMA | 13-Oct-20 | 20-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Energy Safe Victoria | FMA | 02-Sep-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Environment Protection Authority | FMA | 13-Oct-20 | 16-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Gippsland and Southern Rural Water Corporation | FMA | 07-Sep-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Gippsland Waste and Resource Recovery Group | FMA | 17-Dec-20 | 21-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 21-Oct-20 | 22-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 27-Aug-20 | 15-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Goulburn-Murray Rural Water Corporation | Yes | FMA | 03-Sep-20 | 10-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Goulburn Valley Region Water Corporation | FMA | 19-Aug-20 | 05-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Goulburn Valley Waste and Resource Recovery Group | FMA | 10-Sep-20 | 18-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Grampians Central Waste and Resource Recovery Group | FMA | 16-Nov-20 | 17-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water Corporation | FMA | 01-Oct-20 | 08-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Lake Fyans Recreational Area Committee of Management Inc | AIRA | 12-Oct-20 | 04-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Gunaikurnai Traditional Owner Land Management | FMA | 03-Dec-20 | 09-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Heritage Council of Victoria | FMA | 11-Nov-20 | 12-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Loddon Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery Group | FMA | 01-Oct-20 | 07-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Lower Murray Urban and Rural Water Corporation | FMA | 29-Sep-20 | 08-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Mallee Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 15-Oct-20 | 16-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Melbourne Water Corporation | Yes | FMA | 28-Aug-20 | 04-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group | FMA | 02-Dec-20 | 08-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
North Central Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 16-Oct-20 | 20-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
North East Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 18-Sep-20 | 23-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
North East Region Water Corporation | FMA | 07-Sep-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
North East Waste and Resource Recovery Group | FMA | 03-Sep-20 | 07-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
The Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability | FMA | 12-Oct-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Parks Victoria | FMA | 31-Aug-20 | 07-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Phillip Island Nature Parks | FMA | 15-Oct-20 | 06-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 23-Sep-20 | 28-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Royal Botanic Gardens Board Victoria | FMA | 28-Oct-20 | 02-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
South East Water Corporation | Yes | FMA | 31-Aug-20 | 04-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
• iota Services Pty Ltd | CA | 31-Aug-20 | 05-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
South Gippsland Region Water Corporation | FMA | 29-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria | FMA | 26-Nov-20 | 27-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Sustainability Victoria | FMA | 12-Nov-20 | 13-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Trust for Nature (Victoria) | FMA ACNC |
12-Feb-21 | 16-Feb-21 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Building Authority | FMA | 15-Oct-20 | 20-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Environmental Water Holder | FMA | 09-Nov-20 | 10-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Planning Authority | FMA | 11-Nov-20 | 12-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Wannon Region Water Corporation | FMA | 16-Oct-20 | 20-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 24-Sep-20 | 29-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Western Region Water Corporation | FMA | 18-Sep-20 | 23-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Westernport Region Water Corporation | FMA | 05-Nov-20 | 09-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Wimmera Catchment Management Authority | FMA | 05-Oct-20 | 08-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Yarra Valley Water Corporation | Yes | FMA | 28-Aug-20 | 04-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Yorta Yorta Traditional Owner Land Management Board | FMA | Not yet signed | Unmodified | ||
Zoological Parks and Gardens Board | FMA | 12-Nov-20 | 16-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Health and Human Services | |||||
Albury Wodonga Health | FMA | 27-Aug-20 | 23-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Alexandra District Health | FMA | 25-Sep-20 | 29-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Alfred Health | FMA | 18-Sep-20 | 21-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• Alfred Hospital Whole Time Medical Specialists Private Practice Trust | ACNC | 20-Oct-20 | 27-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• John F Marriott for HIV Trust | ACNC | 09-Nov-20 | 13-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• Marriott for HIV Ltd | ACNC | 09-Nov-20 | 13-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Alpine Health | FMA | 12-Oct-20 | 19-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Ambulance Victoria | FMA | 26-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Austin Health | FMA | 09-Oct-20 | 22-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Bairnsdale Regional Health Service | FMA | 18-Sep-20 | 25-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Ballarat General Cemeteries Trust | FMA ACNC |
31-Aug-20 | 07-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Ballarat Health Services | FMA | 26-Aug-20 | 04-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Barwon Health | FMA | 15-Sep-20 | 18-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• Barwon Health Foundation | ACNC | 14-Oct-20 | 19-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Barwon Health Foundation Limited | ACNC | 14-Oct-20 | 19-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Bass Coast Health | FMA | 09-Oct-20 | 15-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Beaufort and Skipton Health Service | FMA | 23-Sep-20 | 01-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Beechworth Health Service | FMA | 22-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Benalla Health | FMA | 09-Sep-20 | 10-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Bendigo Cemeteries Trust | FMA ACNC |
12-Aug-20 | 17-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Bendigo Health | FMA | 01-Sep-20 | 14-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Boort District Health | FMA | 23-Sep-20 | 28-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Casterton Memorial Hospital | FMA | 22-Oct-20 | 29-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Castlemaine Health | FMA | 28-Sep-20 | 01-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Central Gippsland Health Service | FMA | 11-Nov-20 | 13-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Central Highlands Rural Health | Not yet signed | Unmodified | |||
Cohuna District Hospital | FMA | 12-Oct-20 | 20-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Colac Area Health | FMA | 21-Oct-20 | 28-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Corryong Health | FMA | 28-Aug-20 | 15-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Dental Health Services Victoria | FMA | 24-Sep-20 | 30-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Department of Health and Human Services | Yes | FMA | 18-Sep-20 | 24-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Djerriwarrh Health Services | FMA | 04-Nov-20 | 05-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
East Grampians Health Service | FMA | 23-Sep-20 | 05-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• East Grampians Health Building for the Future Foundation | ACNC | 08-Sep-20 | 11-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
East Wimmera Health Service | FMA | 24-Sep-20 | 02-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Eastern Health | Yes | FMA | 03-Sep-20 | 11-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Echuca Regional Health | FMA | 14-Sep-20 | 16-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Edenhope and District Memorial Hospital | FMA | 13-Oct-20 | 19-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Geelong Cemeteries Trust | FMA ACNC |
11-Aug-20 | 17-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Gippsland Southern Health Service | FMA | 29-Oct-20 | 06-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Goulburn Valley Health | FMA | 18-Aug-20 | 10-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Great Ocean Road Health | FMA | 19-Oct-20 | 27-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Health Purchasing Victoria | FMA | 20-Aug-20 | 04-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Heathcote Health | FMA | 29-Oct-20 | 02-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Hesse Rural Health Service | FMA | 08-Oct-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Winchelsea Hostel and Nursing Home Society Inc | FMA ACNC AIRA |
08-Oct-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Heywood Rural Health | FMA | 14-Sep-20 | 16-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Inglewood and Districts Health Service | FMA | 23-Sep-20 | 28-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Kerang District Health | FMA | 09-Sep-20 | 14-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Kooweerup Regional Health Service | FMA | 01-Dec-20 | 02-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Kyabram District Health Service | FMA | 22-Oct-20 | 29-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Latrobe Regional Hospital | FMA | 19-Oct-20 | 28-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Maldon Hospital | FMA | 07-Oct-20 | 09-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Mallee Track Health and Community Service | FMA | 15-Oct-20 | 22-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Mansfield District Hospital | FMA | 09-Oct-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Maryborough District Health Service | FMA | 17-Sep-20 | 25-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Melbourne Health | Yes | FMA | 11-Sep-20 | 16-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Monash Health | Yes | FMA | 11-Sep-20 | 16-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
• Kitaya Holdings Pty Ltd | ACNC | 07-Sep-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Moyne Health Services | FMA | 21-Oct-20 | 28-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Woody's Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay Inc | AIRA | 12-Oct-20 | 20-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
NCN Health | FMA | 22-Sep-20 | 29-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Northeast Health Wangaratta | FMA | 28-Oct-20 | 02-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Northern Health | FMA | 24-Sep-20 | 29-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• Northern Health Research Training and Equipment Foundation | CA | 20-Aug-20 | 25-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
• Northern Health Research Training and Equipment Trust | ACNC | 20-Aug-20 | 25-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Omeo District Health | FMA | 12-Nov-20 | 20-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Orbost Regional Health | FMA | 27-Oct-20 | 04-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Peninsula Health | FMA | 21-Sep-20 | 28-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute | FMA | 16-Oct-20 | 29-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation | ACNC | 15-Oct-20 | 22-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation Limited | ACNC | 15-Oct-20 | 22-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Cell Therapies Pty Ltd | CA | 09-Nov-20 | 11-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• Cellularity Pty Ltd | CA | 09-Nov-20 | 11-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Portland District Health | FMA | 08-Oct-20 | 09-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Active Health Portland | ACNC | 07-Sep-20 | 17-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Robinvale District Health Services | FMA | 19-Oct-20 | 26-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Rochester and Elmore District Health Service | FMA | 28-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Rural Northwest Health | FMA | 05-Oct-20 | 08-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Seymour Health | FMA | 27-Aug-20 | 10-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
South Gippsland Hospital | FMA | 30-Oct-20 | 04-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
South West Healthcare | FMA | 24-Sep-20 | 29-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust | FMA ACNC |
19-Aug-20 | 03-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Stawell Regional Health | FMA | 28-Sep-20 | 08-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Stawell Regional Health Foundation | ACNC | 28-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Swan Hill District Health | FMA | 06-Oct-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Tallangatta Health Service | FMA | 31-Aug-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Terang and Mortlake Health Service | FMA | 15-Sep-20 | 22-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
The Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust | FMA ACNC |
19-Aug-20 | 28-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
The Kilmore and District Hospital | FMA | 27-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
The Mildura Cemetery Trust | FMA | 11-Nov-20 | 12-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
The Queen Elizabeth Centre | FMA | 13-Oct-20 | 06-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
The Royal Children’s Hospital | Yes | FMA | 24-Aug-20 | 11-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
• The Royal Children's Hospital Foundation | ACNC | 07-Aug-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital | FMA | 17-Sep-20 | 22-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
The Royal Women’s Hospital | FMA | 09-Sep-20 | 15-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• The Royal Women's Hospital Foundation Limited | ACNC | 20-Sep-20 | 25-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• The Royal Women's Hospital Foundation Trust Fund | ACNC | 20-Sep-20 | 25-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Timboon and District Healthcare Service | FMA | 13-Oct-20 | 20-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Tweddle Child and Family Health Service | FMA | 19-Oct-20 | 29-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority | FMA | 26-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Health Promotion Foundation | FMA | 26-Aug-20 | 03-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health | FMA | 26-Aug-20 | 14-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Pharmacy Authority | FMA | 08-Sep-20 | 11-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
West Gippsland Healthcare Group | FMA | 22-Oct-20 | 29-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
West Wimmera Health Service | FMA | 20-Oct-20 | 27-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Western District Health Service | FMA | 22-Sep-20 | 28-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Western Health | FMA | 04-Sep-20 | 01-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Western Health Foundation Trust Fund | ACNC | 14-Oct-20 | 10-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• Western Health Foundation Limited | CA | 14-Oct-20 | 10-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Wimmera Health Care Group | FMA | 22-Sep-20 | 25-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Yarram and District Health Service | FMA | 01-Dec-20 | 01-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Yarrawonga Health | FMA | 29-Sep-20 | 07-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Yea and District Memorial Hospital | FMA | 31-Aug-20 | 23-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Jobs, Precincts and Regions | |||||
Agriculture Victoria Services Pty Ltd | CA | 31-Aug-20 | 03-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• Phytogene Pty Ltd | CA | 31-Aug-20 | 03-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Australian Centre for the Moving Image | FMA | 24-Aug-20 | 28-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Australian Grand Prix Corporation | FMA | 22-Oct-20 | 26-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Dairy Food Safety Victoria | FMA | 24-Aug-20 | 01-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions | Yes | FMA | 01-Oct-20 | 02-Oct-20 | Unmodified |
Development Victoria | FMA | 08-Sep-20 | 11-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Docklands Studios Melbourne Pty Ltd | CA | 19-Aug-20 | 21-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Emerald Tourist Railway Board | FMA | 17-Nov-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Fed Square Pty Ltd | CA | 08-Sep-20 | 15-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Film Victoria | FMA | 27-Aug-20 | 28-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Game Management Authority | FMA | 29-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Geelong Performing Arts Centre Trust | FMA ACNC |
25-Nov-20 | 27-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Greyhound Racing Victoria | FMA | 08-Sep-20 | 10-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Harness Racing Victoria | FMA | 07-Oct-20 | 13-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• HRV Management Limited | CA | 07-Oct-20 | 13-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Melton Entertainment Trust | FMA | 07-Oct-20 | 13-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Kardinia Park Stadium Trust | FMA | 01-Sep-20 | 03-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Launch Victoria Ltd | CA | 13-Oct-20 | 22-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Library Board of Victoria | FMA | 16-Sep-20 | 22-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Melbourne & Olympic Parks Trust | FMA | 28-Oct-20 | 28-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Trust | FMA | 22-Oct-20 | 27-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Melbourne Market Authority | FMA | 22-Sep-20 | 28-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Melbourne Recital Centre Limited | FMA ACNC |
25-Aug-20 | 28-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Murray Valley Wine Grape Industry Development Committee | FMA | 07-Dec-20 | 07-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Museums Board of Victoria | FMA | 27-Aug-20 | 09-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Council of Trustees | Yes | FMA | 27-Aug-20 | 10-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
PrimeSafe | FMA | 24-Aug-20 | 28-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
State Sport Centres Trust | FMA | 26-Aug-20 | 28-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria | FMA | 07-Oct-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
VicForests | FMA | 12-Oct-20 | 19-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Arts Centre Trust | FMA | 25-Aug-20 | 27-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Institute of Sport Limited | FMA CA |
02-Oct-20 | 05-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Institute of Sport Trust | FMA | 02-Oct-20 | 05-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Strawberry Industry Development Committee | FMA | 14-Oct-20 | 21-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Visit Victoria | CA | 16-Oct-20 | 21-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Melbourne Convention Bureau Ltd | CA | 12-Oct-20 | 20-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Justice and Community Safety | |||||
Accident Compensation Conciliation Service | FMA | 26-Aug-20 | 31-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Country Fire Authority | FMA | 23-Nov-20 | 30-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Department of Justice and Community Safety | Yes | FMA | 23-Oct-20 | 27-Oct-20 | Unmodified |
Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority | FMA | 31-Aug-20 | 07-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission | FMA | 02-Sep-20 | 04-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board | FMA | 30-Nov-20 | 30-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Office of Public Prosecutions | FMA | 15-Dec-20 | 17-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Ombudsman | FMA | 09-Sep-20 | 11-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Professional Standards Council of Victoria | FMA | 18-Dec-20 | 21-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Residential Tenancies Bond Authority | FMA | 30-Nov-20 | 02-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Sentencing Advisory Council | FMA | 07-Dec-20 | 15-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Victoria Legal Aid | FMA | 02-Sep-20 | 11-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Victoria Police (including the Office of the Chief Commissioner of Police) | Yes | FMA | 15-Sep-20 | 17-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Victorian State Emergency Service Authority | FMA | 25-Nov-20 | 26-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation | Yes | FMA | 08-Sep-20 | 16-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission | FMA | 26-Nov-20 | 01-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Inspectorate | FMA | 08-Sep-20 | 09-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine | FMA | 07-Dec-20 | 08-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Law Reform Commission | FMA | 03-Dec-20 | 21-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner | FMA | 18-Aug-20 | 31-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation | FMA | 11-Dec-20 | 16-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian WorkCover Authority (WorkSafe Victoria) | Yes | FMA | 26-Aug-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee | FMA | 16-Sep-20 | 21-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Premier and Cabinet | |||||
Department of Premier and Cabinet | Yes | FMA | 16-Sep-20 | 18-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Labour Hire Licensing Authority | FMA | 30-Oct-20 | 05-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Portable Long Service Authority | FMA | 18-Aug-20 | 20-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Queen Victoria Women’s Centre Trust | FMA | 26-Aug-20 | 28-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Shrine of Remembrance Trustees | FMA | 12-Aug-20 | 25-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Electoral Commission | FMA | 07-Aug-20 | 10-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Public Sector Commission | FMA | 01-Sep-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
VITS Language Link | FMA | 27-Aug-20 | 02-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Transport | |||||
Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria | FMA | 18-Nov-20 | 23-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Department of Transport | Yes | FMA | 09-Oct-20 | 12-Oct-20 | Unmodified |
Melbourne Port Lessor Pty Ltd | Yes | FMA CA |
21-Sep-20 | 02-Oct-20 | Unmodified |
Port of Hastings Development Authority | FMA | 11-Sep-20 | 23-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Transport Accident Commission | Yes | FMA | 28-Aug-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
• Residential Independence Pty Ltd | CA | 14-Sep-20 | 23-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• Residential Independence Trust | FMA | 14-Sep-20 | 23-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
V/Line Corporation | FMA | 25-Nov-20 | 02-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Fisheries Authority | FMA | 22-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Fund | SPFR | 11-Nov-20 | 16-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) | FMA | 19-Nov-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Rail Track | Yes | FMA | 29-Sep-20 | 09-Oct-20 | Modified |
• Rolling Stock (Victoria-VL) Pty Ltd | FMA | 29-Sep-20 | 09-Oct-20 | Modified | |
• Rolling Stock (VL-1) Pty Ltd | CA | 29-Sep-20 | 09-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• Rolling Stock (VL-2) Pty Ltd | CA | 29-Sep-20 | 09-Oct-20 | Modified | |
• Rolling Stock (VL-3) Pty Ltd | CA | 29-Sep-20 | 09-Oct-20 | Modified | |
• Rolling Stock Holdings (Victoria) Pty Ltd | CA | 29-Sep-20 | 09-Oct-20 | Modified | |
Victorian Regional Channels Authority | FMA | 28-Sep-20 | 15-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Treasury and Finance | |||||
CeniTex | FMA | 24-Aug-20 | 26-Aug-20 | Unmodified | |
Department of Treasury and Finance | Yes | FMA | 01-Oct-20 | 05-Oct-20 | Unmodified |
Essential Services Commission | FMA | 30-Oct-20 | 30-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Infrastructure Victoria | FMA | 04-Sep-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
State Electricity Commission of Victoria | FMA | 27-Nov-20 | 01-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
State Trustees Limited | CA | 27-Sep-20 | 11-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• inveST Funds | SPFR | 28-Aug-20 | 14-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• State Trustees Australia Foundation | ACNC | 27-Aug-20 | 14-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• State Trustees Australia Foundation Open Fund | ACNC | 27-Aug-20 | 14-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• State Trustees Common Funds | SPFR | 27-Aug-20 | 14-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• STL Financial Services Ltd | CA | 27-Aug-20 | 14-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Treasury Corporation of Victoria | Yes | FMA | 19-Aug-20 | 31-Aug-20 | Unmodified |
Victorian Funds Management Corporation | FMA | 18-Aug-20 | 01-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFM Emerging Markets Trust | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFM Global Small Companies Trust | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Australian Credit Trust | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Balanced Fund | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Capital Stable Fund | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Cash Trust | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Emerging Markets Debt Trust 1 | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Emerging Markets Debt Trust 2 | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Equity Trust 1 | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Equity Trust 2 | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC ESSS Private Equity Trust 2004 | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC ESSS Private Equity Trust 2006 | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC ESSS Private Equity Trust 2007 | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Fixed Income Trust | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Growth Fund | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Inflation Linked Bond Trust | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Insurance Strategies Trust | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC International Equity Trust 1 | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC International Equity Trust 2 | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC International Fixed Income Trust | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Investment Trust I | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Investment Trust II | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Investment Trust IV | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Opportunistic Strategies Trust | SPFR | 29-Oct-20 | 19-Nov-20 | Unmodified | |
• VFMC Yield Optimised Dividend Accumulator Trust | SPFR | 21-Sep-20 | 14-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority | Yes | FMA | 28-Aug-20 | 08-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
Victorian Plantations Corporation (shell) | SPFR | 15-Oct-20 | 22-Oct-20 | Unmodified | |
Courts | |||||
Judicial College Victoria | FMA | 10-Dec-20 | 15-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Judicial Commission of Victoria | FMA | 14-Dec-20 | 16-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Court Services Victoria | FMA | 08-Dec-20 | 10-Dec-20 | Unmodified | |
Senior Master of the Supreme Court of Victoria* | SPFR | 08-Sep-20 | 15-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Parliament of Victoria | |||||
Parliament of Victoria* | FMA | 08-Sep-20 | 09-Sep-20 | Unmodified | |
Victorian Auditor General's Office | |||||
Victorian Auditor-General's Office | FMA | 04-Sep-20 | 04-Sep-20 | Unmodified |
(a)The technical and further education sector is excluded from the table above. The results of this sector were reported in Results of 2019 Audits: Technical and Further Education Institutes (June 2020).
*Audit by arrangement
Note: Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (ACNC); Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (AIRA); Special Purpose Financial Report (SPFR).
Source: VAGO.