Metropolitan Ambulance Services: fulfilling a vital community need

Tabled: 11 November 1997


The Metropolitan Ambulance Service has undergone a turbulent period since the early 1990s, with sustained criticism over poor ambulance response times, highlighted by a number of events receiving extensive press coverage. The Service’s financial performance has been poor with deficits. The awarding of the communications contract to Intergraph Bureau of Emergency Services Telecommunications (BEST) (Victoria) Pty Ltd, has created considerable public controversy. Given the above background which had arisen under the previous administration, audit found the current management of the Service to be very competent. The financial position of the Service remains a concern for Government. In this regard, audit considered that the Service was at a disadvantage in maximising its revenue opportunities primarily due to: the failure of the Department of Human Services to allow the Service to recoup the full cost of ambulance transport provided to non-subscribers; declining revenue from the Ambulance Membership; the provision of free ambulance transport to pensioners and health care card holders without full recoup.

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