1 Background

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 The importance of good public sector governance

Good governance is integral to the Victorian public sector effectively managing its operations, conforming to applicable legislative and policy requirements, and being accountable for the expenditure of public funds and the achievement of outcomes. Good governance also assists in meeting public expectations of transparency and integrity and enhances confidence in decisions and actions.

Audit Committee Governance

This audit examined the effectiveness of governance arrangements for public sector audit committees, including their composition, operational arrangements and the information they received.

Annual Plan 2017–18

Section 7A of the Audit Act 1994 requires the Auditor-General to develop an annual plan and present it to Parliament, following consultation with Parliament's Public Accounts and Estimates Committee. The annual plan is a key accountability mechanism for the office of the Auditor-General. It gives Parliament, the public sector and the community an opportunity to assess our goals, understand our audit priorities and scrutinise our program. It sets out, for the coming financial year, our work program and the resources required to implement the program.

Appendix A. Audit Act 1994 section 16—submissions and comments


In accordance with section 16(3) of the Audit Act 1994, a copy of this report, or part of this report, was provided to the Department of Treasury & Finance, the Department of Premier & Cabinet, the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning, the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources, the Red Tape Commissioner, the Commissioner for Better Regulation, WorkSafe, VicRoads, Consumer Affairs Victoria (part of the Department of Justice & Regulation) and the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (under the

3 Making red tape reduction more effective

At a glance


To date, red tape reduction programs have focused the attention of government agencies on the need to make sure regulation does not inappropriately or disproportionately place an undue burden on business, the not‑for‑profit sector, government sector agencies or the community. Government needs to consider how best to ensure that these programs continue to drive the desired outcomes and deliver on their full potential.

2 Effectiveness in reducing red tape

At a glance


Red tape reduction programs have existed in Victoria for over a decade and have progressively expanded the group of beneficiaries. Each program has had a set target, represented in either percentage or monetary terms, and these targets have been determined to have been met or exceeded. Burden reduction has been measured through monetary savings to program beneficiaries and recorded as an overall program saving by government rather than measured by individual portfolios.