1 Audit context

Each year we audit the AFR, which measures the financial position of the state at the end of the financial year, and how it performed during the year.

Section 16A of the Audit Act 1994 requires that we report to Parliament on our audit. This report satisfies our obligation.

1.1 Entities included in the AFR

The AFR combines the financial results of 265 state-controlled entities. These are classified into three sectors:


The Treasurer tabled the 2017–18 Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria (AFR) in Parliament on 20 September 2018. The AFR includes the financial statements of the State of Victoria (the state) and the general government sector (GGS).

This report provides Parliament with information about matters arising from our financial audit of the 2017–18 AFR. It also provides our assessment of the financial sustainability of the three sectors that make up the state at 30 June 2018—the GGS, public financial corporations (PFC) and public non‑financial corporations (PNFC).


AFR Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria
DET Department of Education and Training
DJR Department of Justice and Regulation
DTF Department of Treasury and Finance
EBITDA earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
ESC Essential Services Commission