Audit Summary

Volunteering is critical to the delivery of community services throughout Victoria. When volunteers provide their time and resources, not only do they help to deliver services and contribute to the community, they enable these services to be delivered more cost effectively than if delivered by a paid workforce. The most recent Victorian Government estimate of the value of volunteering in Victoria was made in 2006 and placed the value at around $16.4 billion per year.

Appendix F. Audit Act 1994 section 16 — submissions and comments


In accordance with section 16A and 16(3) of the Audit Act 1994, a copy of this report, or relevant extracts from the report, was provided to the Treasurer and all relevant agencies with a request for submissions and comments.

The submissions and comments provided are not subject to audit nor the evidentiary standards required to reach an audit conclusion. Responsibility for the accuracy, fairness and balance of those comments rests solely with the agency head.

Responses were received as follows:

Appendix D. Glossary


Responsibility of public sector entities to achieve their objectives, with regard to reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and efficiency of operations, compliance with applicable laws, and reporting to interested parties.


Establishing control of an asset, undertaking the risks, and receiving the rights to future benefits, as would be conferred with ownership, in exchange for the cost of acquisition.