Appendix C. Audit opinions

Figure C1 lists the entities included in this report. It details the type of audit opinion for their 2020 financial reports and performance reports and the date we issued them to each entity.

FIGURE C1: Audit opinions issued for the TAFE sector for the year ended 31 December 2020

3. Financial results and performance


In 2020, the sector generated $1.24 billion of revenue (compared to $1.21 billion in 2019) and outlaid $1.22 billion (compared to $1.22 billion in 2019) to produce a net surplus of $16.8 million (compared to a $43.8 million deficit in 2019).

The COVID-19 pandemic affected the sector's financial performance in 2020. Increased government support was required to help TAFEs manage the impacts of COVID 19 during the year. 

The sector is financially sustainable in the short term based on its historical performance and reserves. 

2. Results of audits


We provided clear audit opinions for all financial reports and performance reports across the TAFE sector.

The financial and performance reports of the TAFE sector are reliable. Parliament and the community can use them with confidence.