Results of 2020 Audits: Universities

This report outlines the results of our 2020 financial audits of the eight public universities in Victoria and the 48 entities that they control.

Appendix E. Better practice PD

Performance reviews enable organisations to understand their employees’ performance, professional development and contribution to the organisation’s performance.

Performance reviews have two purposes, to:

  • identify areas for growth and learning to form an employee’s PDP
  • inform administrative decisions on aspects of employment, such as salary progression or promotion.

Goal setting and performance appraisals are therefore essential elements of the performance review process.

Appendix D. Survey analysis

In February and March 2020, we surveyed Victorian Government school principals to support this audit. We did this to understand principals’ experiences with the PD process, what works well and what could work better.

We sent the survey to 1 332 principals across primary, secondary and special schools. We received 479 responses (a response rate of 36 per cent). Because the survey was optional, there was a risk that respondents did not represent the whole principal population due to self-selection.

3. Understanding principals’ performance and learning and development needs


DET does not have a comprehensive understanding of principal performance or learning and development needs across its regions or the state. It does not analyse performance outcomes, systematically monitor how principals participate in the PD cycle or routinely analyse principals’ professional learning and development needs.

This is a missed opportunity to take a more evidence-informed approach to improving principal performance through tailored and targeted performance and professional development.