Accessibility of Tram Services

Melbourne’s tram network is a crucial public transport mode, with 205 million trips taken each year.

In Victoria, 17 per cent of the population lives with some form of disability.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) requires that all tram stops must be fully compliant with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (DSAPT) by 31 December 2022 and all trams must be DSAPT compliant by 31 December 2032.

Appendix D. Compliance against DSAPT requirements

Figure D1 shows DoT’s stated level of compliance with DSAPT requirements for existing tram infrastructure and tram vehicles as at April 2020.

The DSAPT targets (for example, 25 per cent by 2007) refer to the percentage of tram stops or trams on the network that must be compliant by that date. For example, by 2007, 25 per cent of all tram stops on the network must have satisfied the DSAPT access paths requirements.

DoT’s data shows that it is only meeting one of the target requirements.

Appendix A. Submissions and comments

We have consulted with DoT and YT, and we considered their views when reaching our audit conclusions. As required by the Audit Act 1994, we gave a draft copy of this report, or relevant extracts, to those agencies and asked for their submissions and comments. 

Responsibility for the accuracy, fairness and balance of those comments rests solely with the agency head.

3. Planning to make the tram network more accessible


DoT does not have conclusive plans for how it will create an accessible tram network, 18 years after DSAPT was established. 

DoT is developing a strategy to rollout level-access stops, but the strategy will not be complete until June 2021. This means DoT will only have 18 months to upgrade up to 1 215 stops to level access at an estimated cost of at least $2 billion, although this does not guarantee full DSAPT compliance.

1. Audit context

Accessible public transport is important for people living with disability or temporary injury, the elderly, and people travelling with young children.

DSAPT sets targets for when public transport operators and providers must provide fully compliant transport services. The next milestone is 31 December 2022 for transport infrastructure. The final milestone for rolling stock is on 31 December 2032.

DoT and YT are responsible for ensuring the tram network is accessible for all and complies with relevant accessibility standards and anti-discrimination legislation.