4 Progress of the early works phase

The Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project is a large, expensive, risky and complex transport infrastructure program.

The state decided to accelerate the overall program schedule by starting some components of the project early. These activities are known as early works and are designed to prepare the Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project for the main tunnel and stations works.

For this component of the audit we assessed whether the four early works packages have been delivered within expected scope, cost, time, quality and environmental performance parameters.

3 Detailed design and environmental approvals

Major transport projects have the potential for wide-scale impacts on the community and the natural environment. They should be carefully planned and well designed, should undergo scrutiny of proposed construction techniques and designs, and should be diligently assessed for environmental impacts before construction starts.

This part of the report assesses whether the reference design for the Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project:

2 Strategic planning for the Melbourne Metro Tunnel

Before the Victorian Government funds a public sector project, agencies must show that they have examined the need for the investment, understood the underlying context of the need, and can propose strategic interventions and project options to solve the problem and deliver benefits to the community and the economy.

This strategic conceptualising and planning process helps agencies to develop a detailed business case, which is the typical vehicle used to seek government approval and funding of a project.

1 Audit context

Melbourne's train patronage has been growing faster than the metropolitan system's ability to cope with demand.

The aim of the Melbourne Metro Tunnel Project is to free up Melbourne's central rail system by removing three of the city's busiest train lines—Pakenham, Cranbourne and Sunbury—from the City Loop. This will create capacity to run more trains across the metropolitan rail network and increase service reliability.

Audit overview

City Loop refers to the two above ground and three underground stations that surround Melbourne's CBD—Flinders Street, Southern Cross, Flagstaff, Melbourne Central and Parliament.


CBD Central business district
ClicSim City Loop and Inner Core Simulation
DEDJTR Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
DoT Department of Transport
DPC Department of Premier and Cabinet

Transmittal letter

Independent assurance report to Parliament

Ordered to be published


PP No 38, Session 2018–19

The Hon Shaun Leane MLC
Legislative Council
Parliament House
The Hon Colin Brooks MP
Legislative Assembly
Parliament House

Dear Presiding Officers