Annual Plan 2017–18

Section 7A of the Audit Act 1994 requires the Auditor-General to develop an annual plan and present it to Parliament, following consultation with Parliament's Public Accounts and Estimates Committee. The annual plan is a key accountability mechanism for the office of the Auditor-General. It gives Parliament, the public sector and the community an opportunity to assess our goals, understand our audit priorities and scrutinise our program. It sets out, for the coming financial year, our work program and the resources required to implement the program.

Appendix A. Audit Act 1994 section 16—submissions and comments


In accordance with section 16(3) of the Audit Act 1994, a copy of this report was provided to the Department of Health & Human Services.

The submissions and comments provided are not subject to audit nor the evidentiary standards required to reach an audit conclusion. Responsibility for the accuracy, fairness and balance of those comments rests solely with the agency head.

RESPONSE provided by the Secretary, Department of Health & Human Services

1 Residential Care Services for Children

1.1 Introduction

At 31 January 2016, there were 442 children in residential care in Victoria. These children are among the most vulnerable in the community, and have complex needs. They are in the out-of-home care (OOHC) system because, in most instances, the Children's Court has decided they are at significant risk of harm, abuse or neglect from their families and cannot remain at home.

Follow up of Residential Care Services for Children

This follow-up audit examined the progress the Department of Health and Human Services have made in implementing actions to address the recommendations from our 2014 audit, Residential Care Services for Children.

Appendix C. Project status

Performance against budget and time lines

Figure C1 shows the performance against budget and time lines for 215 projects based on self-attested data provided in our survey of agencies.

Within approved time/budget

Within six months of approved timeline or 5 per cent of approved budget

Appendix A. Surveyed agencies

Agencies within scope

  • Barwon Region Water Corporation
  • Bendigo Kangan Institute
  • Central Gippsland Region Water Corporation
  • Chisholm Institute
  • City West Water Corporation
  • Coliban Region Water Corporation
  • Country Fire Authority
  • Court Services Victoria
  • Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport & Resources
  • Department of Education & Training
  • Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning
  • Department of Health & Human Services
  • Department o