Appendix A. List of community-based integrated family service providers

Figure A1 lists the community-based service providers funded by the Department of Health & Human Services in 2013–14 to deliver Child and Family Information, Referral and Support Teams (Child FIRST) and Integrated Family Services (IFS).

Figure A1

Community-based Child FIRST and IFS service providers in 2013–14


Aborigines Advancement League Inc

Anglicare Victoria

4 Monitoring performance and measuring outcomes

At a glance


Adequate and timely performance reporting enables the Department of Health & Human Services (the department), as the funder, to be assured that Child and Family Information, Referral and Support Teams (Child FIRST) and Integrated Family Services (IFS) are effectively delivering the services they are being paid to deliver and that the needs of vulnerable families are being met.

3 Effective governance and partnership

At a glance


Effective partnerships and governance are characterised by mutual trust and accountability, clear roles and responsibilities, a common purpose, and regular monitoring and review of these arrangements. These features are critical to the coordinated and efficient delivery of Child and Family Information, Referral and Support Teams (Child FIRST) and Integrated Family Services (IFS), given that multiple organisations are involved in responding to vulnerable children and families.

1 Background

1.1 Introduction

The 1996 VAGO report,Protecting Victoria's Children: The role of the Department of Human Services, identified ongoing strain in the statutory child protection system. It recognised that effective prevention and early intervention strategies were key to preventing children from entering the child protection system.

Early Intervention Services for Vulnerable Children and Families

The objective of this audit was to determine the effectiveness of community-based child and family services for vulnerable children and families. Specifically we examined whether community-based child and family services are improving outcomes for vulnerable children and families and whether vulnerable children and families are able to access community-based child and family services as needed.

4 Support for carers

At a glance


Carers and families play an essential and irreplaceable role in the palliative care system. Without them, patients would miss out on high levels of support, care and comfort. Carers and families can also bear significant physical and emotional strain.