1. Audit context

Victoria has a long history of mineral and quarry exploration. Since the Ballarat gold rush started in 1851, Victoria has produced over 2 400 tonnes of gold. This accounts for 32 per cent of all gold mined in Australia and almost 2 per cent globally.

Victoria is also rich in other minerals, such as coal, silver, gemstones and heavy mineral sands, and in extractive resources, including rock, gravel, limestone and clay.

Management of Spending in Response to COVID-19

This audit assessed if agency spending in response to COVID-19, including through the Treasurer’s Advance, has been used for its stated purpose and complies with relevant laws and policies.

Business Continuity During COVID-19

This audit assessed if agencies’ business continuity arrangements enabled the continuation of essential public services during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic state of emergency.

Delivering the Solar Homes Program

This audit assessed if the Solar Homes Program is enabling Victorian households to reduce their carbon emissions and control their power bills.

Major Projects Performance

This audit assessed if public sector reporting of major capital projects contains relevant and sufficient information to enable Parliament to understand project performance against approved scope, cost, time and benefit expectations.

Appendix B. Delivering financial audits

The Auditor-General undertakes financial audits for over 580 public sector entities each year. The Auditor-General uses VAGO staff to undertake around a third of these financial report audits. For the remaining financial report audits, the Auditor-General contracts private sector firms (audit service providers) to assist with these. VAGO reviews this work and all audit opinions are issued on behalf of the Auditor-General.