2 Aquatic recreation centres – community needs and outcomes

At a glance


Councils must effectively engage with the community on existing and future aquatic recreation centre (ARC) developments to determine whether facilities meet current and future community needs. Councils also need to evaluate their services to determine whether they are achieving their strategic objectives. Sport and Recreation Victoria (SRV) provides support to councils' ARC developments through grants and the provision of facility development advice.

1 Background

1.1 Recreational services and facilities

1.1.1 Aquatic recreation centres

Aquatic recreation centres (ARC) are diverse active social spaces that contribute to local economies, and provide job and income opportunities. Council ARCs provide important health, wellbeing and social benefits to the community.

Audit summary

Aquatic recreation centres (ARC) are diverse active social spaces that contribute to local economies, and provide job and income opportunities. They have developed beyond being basic pools to incorporate water play areas, hydrotherapy and attached gym facilities offering fitness classes. Childcare facilities are also sometimes co-located with modern ARCs. While these additions can make facilities more attractive to customers, they also increase building and maintenance costs. The relatively low return on investment means the private sector has limited interest in this area.

Local Government Service Delivery: Recreational Facilities: Message

The Hon. Bruce Atkinson MLC
Legislative Council
Parliament House
The Hon. Telmo Languiller MP
Legislative Assembly
Parliament House

Dear Presiding Officers

Under the provisions of section 16AB of the Audit Act 1994, I transmit my report on the audit Local Government Service Delivery: Recreational Facilities.

Local Government Service Delivery: Recreational Facilities


This audit assessed whether councils effectively identify community needs for recreational facilities and services, whether council planning decisions for aquatic recreation centres are soundly based and whether councils are maximising value from these facilities.

The audited councils effectively engage with their communities and have a sound understanding of their needs relating to aquatic recreational centres (ARCs). This informs planning for ARC redevelopments and the establishment of new facilities.

Effectively Planning for Population Growth

With current forecasts indicating that Victoria’s population could reach up to 10 million by 2051, this audit examines whether strategic planning for rapid population growth is effective and integrated. We focus on planning for birthing, maternal and child health, and funded kindergarten services, which are critical for the long-term health and wellbeing of babies and young children.