2. Financial performance and position


The financial performance and position of the state deteriorated significantly in 2020–21.

This year the state made an operating loss of $18.3 billion (compared to $9.0 billion in 2019–20) and had net operating cash outflows of $9.3 billion ($375 million net inflows in 2019–20). This was largely a result of increased costs incurred by the GGS responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Results of audits


Our unmodified opinion provides reasonable assurance that the financial performance and position of the state of Victoria, and within that the general government sector, 
as reported in the 2020–21 AFR, is reliable.

The separate financial statements of 24 of the 26 material entities (entities that contribute most to the consolidated financial results in the AFR) are also reliable. We identified material errors in the financial statements of VicTrack, but they were corrected on consolidation into the AFR.

3. Optimising recycled water use


DELWP is delivering Water for Victoria's actions to increase recycled water use for non-drinking purposes. It is too early to see the impact of these activities because most of them are still in progress.

Barwon Water proactively pursues opportunities to increase recycled water use. It has set an ambitious long-term goal for recycled water use that is challenging to meet. It is on track to achieve its interim goal to increase recycled water allocated for productive use by 1 000 ML per year by June 2023.

2. Managing barriers to using recycled water


DELWP, EPA and Barwon Water have a good understanding of the barriers that can influence recycled water use. DELWP is working with the water sector to deliver a program of initiatives to explore and manage these barriers.

Community and stakeholder attitudes towards recycled water have improved over the last decade. However, DELWP needs to play a greater role in educating water users about water security and the benefits and risks of using recycled water.

1. Audit context

Water is critical to life and the liveability of our cities and towns. However, in Water for Victoria, the Victorian Government estimates that our demand will exceed our water supply in some areas of Victoria as early as this decade due to population growth and climate change.