Appendix D. Acronyms and glossary


AAS Australian Auditing Standard

AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board

CMA Catchment Management Authority

DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

DTF Department of Treasury & Finance

ESC Essential Services Commission

FAL Financial Accommodation Levy

FMA Financial Management Act 1994

FRD Financial Reporting Direction

Appendix C. Risks to financial sustainability

Financial sustainability risk assessment indicators

This Appendix sets out the definitions, criteria and changes made to the financial indicators applied in this report from prior years that assist us in conducting our assessment of risks to financial sustainability across the water sector.

The financial sustainability indicators used in this report are indicative and merely highlight risks to ongoing financial sustainability at a sector and cohort level—metropolitan, regional urban and rural.

3 Performance reporting

At a glance


This Part covers the results of the 2014–15 audits of water entity performance reports. Our annual audit of the performance report of water entities provides an opinion on whether the actual results reported are presented fairly and in compliance with the legislative requirements. We do not form an opinion on the relevance and appropriateness of the reported performance indicators.

2 Financial outcomes

At a glance


This Part looks at the collective 30 June 2015 financial position of the 19 water entities. It details the main drivers behind the net results achieved, and analyses the sector's financial sustainability risks.

1 Context

1.1 Introduction

This report details the outcomes of the 2014–15 financial audits of Victoria's 19 water entities. In addition, there are two controlled entities, where one no longer actively trades, and the other is captured in the consolidated results of the parent entity. As a result, no further comments are made on the results of these audits throughout this report.