1. VAGO’s Annual Plan

The purpose and work of the Victorian Auditor-General

Our role

The Auditor-General is an independent officer of the Victorian Parliament, supported by the Victorian Auditor-General's Office (VAGO). We provide assurance to Parliament and the Victorian community about how effectively public sector agencies provide services and use public money. 

Annual Plan 2024–25

This annual plan sets out our proposed work program for the 2024–25 financial year.

4. Identifying and managing SSRs

Departments collaborate through the Risk Committee to identify and describe SSRs. But the processes departments use to determine SSRs lack rigour.

All departments have programs and reforms to manage their organisational risks and responsibilities. This includes coordinating with other agencies on shared risks. But only DFFH has checked that its work appropriately manages the statewide implications of the SSRs it leads.

2. SSR responsibilities under the Framework

The Framework does not sufficiently explain what individual agencies need to do to manage SSRs they share with others. It lacks detail on what they should include in their own risk management frameworks and what they need to do when they take a lead role for an SSR.

The Framework does not clarify what the Risk Committee and the Secretaries' Board need to do to support agencies or to advise government on SSRs. It also does not explain what DTF, the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) and the Insurance Authority need to do for SSRs.