Managing offenders on community corrections orders

Tabled: 25 November 2009


Managing offenders in the community provides a range of financial and social benefits. It is a cost-effective alternative to imprisonment. It also enables offenders to maintain connection with their community, by retaining employment, social networks and accommodation. Offenders can also take part in programs designed to address their behaviour and reduce the likelihood of them re-offending.

The audit assessed how effectively Community Correctional Services manages offenders on community orders. Specifically, the audit examined whether:

  • performance monitoring and management information systems adequately inform Community Correctional Services whether they are achieving their aims
  • offender management practices are consistent with better practice
  • Community Correctional Services manage offenders in accordance with its policies, procedures and practices and apply them consistently
  • Community Correctional Services’ quality assurance mechanisms adequately safeguard its offender management.

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