Annual work program

In 2024–25 we plan to deliver 26 reports to Parliament, including 22 performance and 4 financial engagement topics.

View our Annual Plan 2024–25

Our performance engagement work program consists of topics identified by applying our planning framework.

Strategic planning framework

This is an infographic of our planning framework. It covers the whole of government including all activities and services provided to over 6 million Victorian citizens from state and local governments, and associated agencies. The first step is to define focus. Our 5 pillars span public sector strategies, policies, programs and services of interest to the Auditor-General that impact citizens and communities in different ways. They are: 1) citizen experiences and outcomes, 2) communities and regions, 3) data and digital technologies, 4) natural environment, resource management and primary industries, and 5) transparency, accountability, fiscal management and stewardship. The second step is to seek and analyse information. We take in, analyse and consolidate information from key sources to identify potential themes and topics. This includes parliamentary referrals, engagement with PAEC and MPs, community group consultation, correspondence from the public, engagement with public sector agencies, external reviews, parliamentary inquiries, and information from think tanks. We analyse government strategic priorities, finances and workforce data. We consolidate information, and analyse trends and emerging issues. We identify potential topics to focus on for future engagements. The third step is to refine themes and topics. We scrutinise topics in relation to VAGO’s role and potential impacts from work in this area. We consider, is this within VAGO’s remit? Can this topic be audited? Is there a gap in the understanding of Parliament / the community? Are there recent reviews and inquiries related to the topic? What is the right timing? The fourth step is to prioritise topics. We assess the relative importance of proposed topics to shape our work program. We consider, how material is this topic? How are people affected? What is the relationship to government priorities? What is the impact of the activity or failure of an activity? What are the risks of the activity? This results in our Annual Plan, which is tabled in Parliament by 30 June. It is a work program listing engagement topics for the following year.

Our 5 pillars

Citizen experiences and outcomes

Strategies, policies, programs and services that are designed for or impact citizens, including experiences and outcomes for all citizens as well as specific cohorts

Communities and regions

Strategies, policies, programs and services that are designed to build and support communities

Data and digital technologies

The uses and impacts of data and digital technologies on public sector activities, performance and service delivery

Natural environment, resource management and primary industries

Management and protection of the natural environment, management of renewable and non-renewable energy sources, and primary industries

Transparency, accountability, fiscal management and stewardship

How government performs its role, including system-level, whole of government activities that potentially impact on many citizens, government priorities and management of government finances

Planned and in-progress engagements