Acquittal Report Annex C: Public Hospitals

Tabled: 9 February 2011


This report acquits the final results of the 2009–10 audits of all entities with 30 June 2010 balance dates.

Parliament can have confidence in the financial reports, standard statements and performance statements prepared for 30 June 2010.

The average time taken by portfolio departments, public hospitals and water entities to finalise their financial statements substantially improved by one to three weeks and were finalised within eight weeks, on average, of balance date. Timeliness of local government financial reporting remained consistent at around 11 weeks, on average, of balance date.

Indicators of financial sustainability show that short-term challenges exist for many self funded state entities, public hospitals and water entities. There has however been improvement in the financial sustainability of councils.

Acquittal Report: Results of the 2009–10 Audits

Download the complete report (PDF)(2.5 MB)

Download the Audit summary (RTF)(128 KB)


Acquittal Report Annex A: Portfolio Departments and Associated Entities

Download the Acquittal Report Annex A (PDF)(1.2 MB)

Download the Acquittal Report Annex A Audit summary (RTF)(38 KB)


Acquittal Report Annex B: Local Government

Download the Acquittal Report Annex B (PDF)(2.4 MB)

Response inadvertently omitted from tabled report (PDF)(216 KB)

Download the Acquittal Report Annex B Audit summary (RTF)(31 KB)


Acquittal Report Annex C: Public Hospitals

Download the Acquittal Report Annex C (PDF)(2 MB)

Download the Acquittal Report Annex C Audit summary (RTF)(29 KB)


Acquittal Report Annex D: Water Entities

Download the Acquittal Report Annex D (PDF)(1.6 MB)

Download the Acquittal Report Annex D Audit summary (RTF)(30 KB)

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