Electronic procurement in the Victorian government

Tabled: 3 June 2003


This audit examined the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning and introduction of electronic procurement (e-procurement) in Victorian government agencies, with a focus on: achievements of the Electronic Commerce for Procurement (EC4P) Project and key factors impacting on progress to date; the identification and management of key risks associated with the implementation and ongoing operations of e-procurement; and planning and management to ensure the sustainability and roll-out of e-procurement to the broader public sector. The audit included examinations within: the Department of Treasury and Finance, the central agency responsible for co-ordination and management of the EC4P Project from a whole-of-government perspective; and three of the agencies in which e-procurement is in the process of being implemented, namely: the Department of Natural Resources and Environment; the Department of Education and Training, and Victoria Police. A description of the audit’s objectives, scope and methodology is provided in Appendix A of this report.

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