Finance, 1956-57 : the Treasurer's statement of the receipts and payments of the Consolidated Fund and the Trust Fund for the year ended 30th June, 1957

Tabled: 23 October 1957


The Statement and the subsidiary accounts which were received from the Treasury on 23 October 1957 have been checked with the records in the Audit Office and are in agreement therewith. The Supplementary Estimates, the entries in respect of which must be incorporated in the 1956–57 accounts, were approved on 22 October 1957, by Act No. 6102. The report is arranged to present initially a review of the Treasurer's accounts followed by comments and explanations under appropriate headings by way of amplification. Reference is also made on pages 107–155 to the accounts of a number of statutory bodies which the Office is required by law to audit. In respect of some of these bodies the figures presented are subject to completion of audit but, except where indicated, sufficient progress has been made to establish that the figures published are substantially correct.

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