Maintaining the condition of state-managed roads

Financial Year: 2024-2025


Why this is important

Roads play a vital role in people's daily lives and a critical role in the economy by supporting the movement of goods and services.

Victoria has more than 200,000 kilometres of roads. This includes freeways and arterial roads, local roads and minor roads, and tracks in parks and forests. Of these, approximately 23,000 kilometres are classified as state roads and managed by the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP).

Roads that are in poor condition increase the cost to the community through increased vehicle costs and longer travel times. They are also more costly to maintain and repair.

In its financial statements for 2022–23, DTP included an accumulated impairment for roads and bridges of $1.18 billion at 30 June 2023 – an upward adjustment of $412.1 million from the previous year. This impairment was driven by declining asset condition, which significantly exceeded restoration works ($128.2 million).

It is vital that DTP has in place effective policies and practices for road maintenance. This includes comprehensive asset information to support investment decisions, asset standards and efficient maintenance practices.


What we plan to examine

We plan to examine whether DTP is effectively maintaining state-managed roads and identify areas where asset management practices could be improved.


Who we plan to examine



Further information

Our Maintaining State-Controlled Roadways report, tabled in 2017, looked at whether VicRoads’ road pavement maintenance program was soundly based and efficiently managed to achieve the desired outcomes for the state. The report identified an increasing road maintenance backlog and lower levels of service for road users, and the need for VicRoads to take a more strategic approach to road pavement maintenance.


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