Management of the Multi-Purpose Taxi Program

Tabled: 3 December 2008


The Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP) is a subsidy program administered by the Victorian Taxi Directorate within the Department of Transport. The MPTP makes taxi travel more accessible for Victorians with a severe and permanent disability by providing a 50 per cent fare subsidy, with a cap of  $1 090 per year. The government announced that from 13 December 2008, the MPTP fare subsidy will increase from $30 to $60 per trip and the annual subsidy cap from $1 090 to $2 180.

This report examined: whether projections of service demand are soundly based;   the effectiveness of organisational arrangements for monitoring and assessing service demand; the extent to which projected demand and cost pressures are likely to affect the long-term sustainability of the program; the degree to which robust controls are in place to safeguard against fraud.

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