Measuring the success of the our Forests : our Future policy

Tabled: 7 October 2004


This report sets out a framework of performance indicators and measures that may be used to assess whether the implementation of the Our Forests, Our Future policy is successful. Our Forest, Our Future is an important sustainable forest management policy in Victoria. Though there are several different measuring and reporting frameworks in place for the broader topic of sustainable forest management, the Department of Sustainability and Environment, the lead agency across government for the implementation of this policy, has not yet established a specific reporting framework for the Our Forests, Our Future policy. The Auditor General's Office has developed performance indicators, measures and standards that may form the basis of future performance audits of the implementation of Our Forests, Our Future. The Office is providing these assessment tools in advance to assist Parliament, the Department of Sustainability and Environment and other stakeholders in gauging whether the agencies involved in Our Forests, Our Future are implementing the policy as planned and whether the intended policy outcomes are being achieved.

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