Motor vehicles

Tabled: 1 April 1987


The review covered the existence and practical application of policies and procedures for the acquisition and disposal of motor vehicles, encompassing: (1) the identification of the need for vehicles; (2) the acquisition of appropriate vehicles; and (3) purchase and disposal. The review also determined the extent to which effective vehicle recording and reporting systems were maintained and used to monitor and control vehicle usage, maintenance, security, accidents and performance.  Key findings included: data in vehicle fleet management information systems were incomplete, and in many instances inaccurate; most organisations examined could not produce effective operating costs and performance reports on either individual vehicles or their overall fleet; the Government motor vehicle fleet contained vehicles surplus to requirements; organisations servicing their vehicles incurred substantially higher costs for repairs and maintenance and held vehicles for longer periods which impacted adversely on change-over costs; one in three vehicles of the 4 200 operated by the seven agencies examined was involved in an accident during


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