National Tennis Centre Trust - Zoological Board of Victoria April 1993

Tabled: 1 April 1993


National Tennis Centre Trust

The overall objective of the audit was to examine the strategies and procedures established by the Trust for the management and operation of the Flinders Park National Tennis Centre with a view to assessing whether: the relationship and agreements between the Trust and Tennis Australia are conducive to the efficient and effective management of the Centre; the Trust has ensured that Tennis Australia adopts procedures and practices which lead to the economic, efficient and effective utilisation of resources; the financing arrangements put in place by the Government are the most appropriate to enable the Trust to meet its future financial obligations; adequate information systems and reporting processes exist for both management and accountability purposes; and the Trust has initiated positive and timely action to address the 1991 recommendations of the Economic and Budget Review Committee.

Zoological Board of Victoria

The overall objectives of the audit were to evaluate whether: policies and management processes were in place to assist the achievement of the the Zoological Board of Victoria's (ZBV) objectives, the effective and efficient utilisation of resources and the provision of an adequate accountability framework; financial and information systems were in place to facilitate economic and effective management of the ZBV's operations; and education programs were properly developed and evaluated.

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