Planning Permit Application: assessment checklist

Tabled: 1 May 2008


This better practice guide was published in May 2008.

The document on this page is historical only and does not represent current better practice.

This checklist has been developed to assist councils to evaluate the extent of compliance with key elements of the Act, Regulations and planning scheme in the processing of planning permit applications. The checklist reflects statutory procedures current as at May 2008, and was developed based on the work performed as part of our recent performance audit: Victoria’s Planning Framework for Land Use and Development (May 2008).

Ongoing quality control and assurance reviews of a council’s planning processes are important for ensuring that actions of council officers are transparent and appropriate and support the achievement of outcomes sought by the Act and planning scheme. The frequency of these reviews should be guided by the extent and significance of local issues identified through previous reviews.

To maximise the benefits gained from such reviews, this checklist should be applied to examining a sufficiently comprehensive and representative sample of planning permit decisions made in any given time period. The checklist does not attempt to exhaustively address every legislative and planning scheme requirement nor the quality or merit of the decision made. Instead, it focuses on the major stages of the permit process and on determining whether the key statutory and planning scheme requirements associated with each of these stages were addressed by council when processing a planning permit application.

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