Report on Public Sector Agencies - Results of 30 June 2001 financial statement audits

Tabled: 27 November 2001


At 30 June 2001, the Auditor-General, under the authority of the Audit Act 1994, had responsibility for the conduct of the financial statement audits of around 550 public sector agencies. Approximately 78 per cent, or 430 of these agencies have a 30 June balance date. The remaining agencies (comprising mainly educational bodies and associated companies, cemetery trusts and alpine resort management boards) have either 30 September, 31 October or 31 December balance dates. This report summarises the results of audits of public sector agencies (other than those relating to Parliament and the local government sector), with 30 June 2001 balance dates, which mainly comprise: departments and other administrative units; public bodies, such as government business undertakings and public financial institutions; public hospitals and ambulance services; registration boards; superannuation funds; companies and joint ventures; regional waste management groups; and water authorities. The report also provides an analysis of the timeliness of financial statement completion for those agencies with financial years ending 30 June 2001, and the nature of audit opinions issued.

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