Sustainable Farm Families Program

Tabled: 1 September 2010


Victorians in rural and remote areas generally have poorer health than those in major cities, with higher rates of mortality, disease and health risk factors. The Department of Primary Industries has funded the Sustainable Farm Families program since 2007 in an attempt to close the gap in the health differential and to support farmers during the protracted drought.

The audit found that a large proportion of program participants were referred to  health practitioners after assessments conducted during the program.

Results indicate the program is effective in improving participants' health. Participants are more knowledgeable about their health after attending the program, and their clinical health indicators improve from the first to second year. At-risk males and females had the highest rates of significant improvement. However, it is too early to know whether positive health outcomes will be sustained.

The department has a strong, positive relationship with the program developer, Western District Health Service. Overall, the department’s project management is satisfactory but it should strengthen oversight of spending and financial reporting.

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