Victoria’s child protection system
Objective To determine whether the reforms to Victoria’s child protection system enable it to protect children and young people from significant harm caused by abuse or neglect within the family and ensure they receive services required to deal with the effect of abuse and neglect.
Issues Child protection is an area of critical interest to the Victorian community and Parliament, yet it has been critically underfunded over many years, an issue highlighted by the challenges faced by vulnerable children in accessing child protection workers. The government has committed to a significant reform agenda in response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence, and this audit will help assure Parliament about the effectiveness of the planned reforms and revised services.
The reforms focus on the child protection model used in Victoria, resource requirements, and training and capability development for child protection workers. The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) has established a taskforce to oversee the reforms, but DHHS will be responsible for much of the reform in its role as the line agency that delivers Victoria’s child protection programs.
This audit will examine DHHS’s implementation of the change agenda two to three years from its commencement, to provide assurance to Parliament. Key issues to address will be planning, governance and capability development in the sector.
Proposed agencies DHHS, DPC and selected agencies.