1 Audit context

In an MLP, the private sector makes an unsolicited approach to government for support to deliver infrastructure or services through direct negotiation rather than a competitive procurement process. The private sector usually asks the government for financial support but may also ask for regulatory or other forms of assistance.

The government issued a new guideline and established a five-stage process for considering MLPs in early 2015 and declared that MLPs would only succeed if found to be unique, VFM and in the public interest.

Audit overview


What is a market-led proposal?

In a market-led proposal (MLP), the private sector makes an unsolicited approach to government for support to deliver infrastructure or services through direct negotiation rather than a competitive procurement process. The private sector usually asks the government for financial support, but may also ask for regulatory or other forms of assistance.


AFP Australian Federal Police
BCR benefit-cost ratio
CBA cost-benefit analysis
CBD central business district
DEDJTR Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
DJPR Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
DoT Department of Transport

Developing Fishermans Bend

We plan to determine whether responsible agencies are effectively delivering the Fishermans Bend Framework.

Personnel Security: Due Diligence over Public Service Employees


In this audit, we examined personnel security measures at all eight government departments, and the Victorian Public Service Commission. We specifically assessed agencies’ employment screening practices and how they are managing conflict of interest risks during recruitment.