4 Department of Health and Human Services

In this part of the report, we assess whether DHHS can effectively recover its critical ICT systems and data if a disruption occurs.

DHHS's disaster recovery processes are not robust enough to effectively and efficiently recover all critical systems after a disruption. DHHS currently only has capability to recover selected critical systems. The department needs to further develop its disaster recovery processes and capabilities to minimise any loss of critical services in the event of a disruption.

3 Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

In this part of the report, we assess whether DELWP can effectively recover its critical ICT systems and data if a disruption occurs.

DELWP's disaster recovery processes are not robust enough to effectively and efficiently recover all critical systems after a disruption. DELWP currently only has capability to recover selected critical systems. The department needs to further develop its disaster recovery processes and capabilities to minimise any loss of critical services in the event of a disruption.

2 Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

In this part of the report, we assess whether DEDJTR can effectively recover its critical ICT systems and data if a disruption occurs.

DEDJTR's disaster recovery processes are not robust enough to effectively and efficiently recover all critical systems after a disruption. DEDJTR currently only has capability to recover selected critical systems. The department needs to further develop its disaster recovery processes and capabilities to minimise any loss of critical services in the event of a disruption.

1 Audit context

The Victorian Government delivers a diverse range of services that are important to the economic and social wellbeing of Victorians—from management of state finances to child protection and criminal justice.


AMAF Asset Management Accountability Framework
ANAO Australian National Audit Office
BIA Business impact analysis
DEDJTR Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DJR Department of Justice and Reg

Transmittal letter

Ordered to be published


PP No 262, Session 2014–17

The Hon. Bruce Atkinson MLC
Legislative Council
Parliament House
The Hon Colin Brooks MP
Legislative Assembly
Parliament House

Dear Presiding Officers

Appendix E. Glossary


Responsibility of public entities to achieve their objectives in the reliability of financial reporting, the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, compliance with applicable laws, and reporting to interested parties.

Adverse opinion

An audit opinion expressed if the auditor has sufficient appropriate audit evidence and concludes that misstatements, individually and in aggregate, are both material and pervasive in the financial report.