
Ordered to be printed


PP No 257, Session 2014–17

The Hon. Bruce Atkinson MLC


Legislative Council

Parliament House

Hon Colin Brooks MP


Legislative Assembly

Parliament House


Dear Presiding Officers

Audit Summary


An effective system of performance measurement and reporting is critical if government is to achieve its policy goals in a way that is transparent and accountable.

In Victoria, the performance measurement and reporting system aims to:

Audit Summary

VAGO undertakes performance audits into the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of public sector agencies and their operations to provide assurance to Parliament and drive public sector improvement. We aim to achieve this by identifying issues and making recommendations to agencies about how to address them. However, our recommendations cannot result in improvements unless they are accepted and enacted by public sector agencies.

Audit Summary

Audit committees play a key accountability role in the governance framework of Victorian public sector agencies. While management retains ultimate accountability for operations, audit committees independently review and assess the effectiveness of key aspects of an agency's operations.

Audit Summary

The East West Link (EWL) was to be an 18 kilometre cross city road connecting the Eastern Freeway at Hoddle Street to CityLink, the Port of Melbourne precinct and on to the Western Ring Road at Sunshine West, with a range of associated works. It would have been one of the largest transport infrastructure projects ever undertaken in Australia, and significant in terms of its impact, complexity and cost.

Audit Summary


The effective planning and delivery of major capital projects is critical to governments achieving their policy objectives. If delivered well, infrastructure enhances services to the public and improves productivity. Poor management diminishes the benefits of these projects, potentially delays delivery and creates additional costs for taxpayers.

Audit Summary

A 2010 industry report estimated the Victorian Government's information and communications technology (ICT) expenditure at $1–$1.5 billion per year. This audit revealed that the actual overall spend is significantly greater.

Despite this significant expenditure, information on the status and outcomes of public sector ICT initiatives is currently difficult to obtain. Most agencies and entities provide little, if any, public information specifying these details.

Audit Summary

Citizens and consumers are increasingly accessing services via digital devices, including smart phones, tablets and laptops. The Victorian Government ICT Strategy (ICT Strategy), as the overarching strategy, was released in February 2013 and updated in March 2014. It was intended to drive the migration of government services online via digital devices and provided high-level direction on the design and use of information and communication technology (ICT) to deliver better government services.

Audit Summary

Digital devices of personal choice fall into two main types—devices like desktop personal computers, and mobile computing devices such as tablets and smartphones. Digital devices access a wide range of applications via the internet, using communication links such as Wi-Fi or other mobile data networks.

Victorian citizens and consumers expect that government services and information will be accessible online anytime, anywhere and on any device.

Audit Summary

This report summarises the results of our audits of selected public sector entities' information technology (IT) controls, performed in support of VAGO's 2014–15 financial audits. This report also summarises our reviews of two focus areas—identity and access management (IDAM), and software licensing practices.