1. Context for this review

Appropriation Acts give the Treasurer the legal authority to make payments from the state's Consolidated Fund.

An amount for the Treasurer's Advance is authorised in each annual Appropriation Act. This advance gives the government the necessary flexibility to meet funding needs that were not (or not fully) provided for when departments’ annual appropriation authorities were set.

The unused balance of the advances approved for departments lapses at year end.

Managing State-significant Risks

This audit examined if agencies are working collaboratively to identify and manage state-significant risks and if the Department of Treasury and Finance provides confidence to the Assistant Treasurer and Treasurer on how well agencies manage them.

Government Advertising

This audit assessed whether selected government campaign advertising complies with the Public Administration Act 2004 and is cost-effective.

Management of Spending in Response to COVID-19

This audit assessed if agency spending in response to COVID-19, including through the Treasurer’s Advance, has been used for its stated purpose and complies with relevant laws and policies.

Business Continuity During COVID-19

This audit assessed if agencies’ business continuity arrangements enabled the continuation of essential public services during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic state of emergency.

Major Projects Performance

This audit assessed if public sector reporting of major capital projects contains relevant and sufficient information to enable Parliament to understand project performance against approved scope, cost, time and benefit expectations.