2. Financial outcomes for the GGS


In 2021–22 the state made an operating loss from transactions of $15.3 billion (compared to $18.3 billion in 2020–21) and had an operating cash deficit of $4.8 billion (compared to $9.3 billion in 2020–21).

The GGS made an operating loss from transactions of $13.8 billion (compared to $14.6 billion in 2020–21) and had an operating cash deficit of $8.9 billion (compared to $13.0 billion in 2020–21).

1. Audit outcomes


Our unmodified opinion provides reasonable assurance that the financial performance and position of the State of Victoria, and within that the general government sector (GGS), as reported in the 2021–22 Annual Financial Report of the State of Victoria (AFR), are reliable.

3. Improving data quality


DH needs to improve the VADC’s data quality so it has complete and accurate information about AOD services across the state.

DH makes limited use of VADC data to monitor AOD services and DFFH uses it to broadly monitor individual providers' performance. 

DH understands the data quality issues that affect the VADC and is working to address them. This will likely achieve some improvement in data quality.