3. Producing and using information to identify and reduce risks


VAHI is yet to fully meet its intended functions, set by the Minister for Health, to provide accessible and meaningful information to inform improvements and increase accountability across the health system. VAHI has made some improvements, such as reducing reporting overlap, using more statistical techniques to show outliers and continuing to build its workforce capability.

1. Audit context

Clinical governance is central to delivering quality and safe healthcare. The 2016 Targeting Zero review found that DHHS could not assure Victorians that the health system was safe and providing high-quality care. It recommended 179 actions to improve clinical governance across the state.

Clinical Governance: Department of Health

This audit assessed if the Department of Health has improved clinical governance, following the Targeting Zero report, to reasonably assure Victorians that public health services deliver quality and safe care.

Appendix C. About this assurance review

Matters referred to the Auditor-General

During September and October 2020 the Auditor-General received separate referrals relating to procurement activities at DHHS, Parks Victoria and DJPR.

One referral alleged that DHHS, in engaging community service providers to deliver the Victorian Family Preservation and Reunification Response:

  • may not have managed a perceived conflict of interest
  • appointed providers that did not meet the tender criteria.

A second referral alleged that Parks Victoria: