3. Performance monitoring and reporting

DH’s regular performance monitoring enables the collection of important data from health services and Ambulance Victoria on their short-term performance. Longer-term performance data is also important for the public because it provides greater insights into trends over time and improves the accountability and transparency of public health services.

DH is improving its ability to monitor patient safety trends and is working with health services to capture real-time hospital data, and to better use data insights to make improvements at health services.

1. Access to emergency healthcare

DH has several key performance measures for timely access to emergency healthcare. One of these is that health services immediately see all triage category 1 patients (with immediately life threatening conditions). From 2013–14 to 2022–23, Victorian health services met this target. However, they did not meet the targets for the following performance measures:

2. Understanding and improving timely access to emergency healthcare

DH, AV and audited health services understand the demand drivers and barriers to timely access to emergency healthcare, and they have implemented various initiatives to address them. We examined 8 initiatives, and 6 of them have mostly achieved their specific goals, which are broader than improving timely access to emergency healthcare. Performance evaluation data for 2 of the 8 initiatives is not available.

However, health services' overall performance against key timeliness measures has not improved over the period we examined between 2013–14 to 2022–23. 

What we found

This section summarises our key findings. The numbered sections that follow detail our complete findings, including supporting evidence.

When reaching our conclusions, we consulted with the Department of Health (DH), Ambulance Victoria and 3 health services (The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Werribee Mercy Hospital and Bendigo Hospital) and considered their views. The agencies’ full responses are in Appendix A.