Managing Acute Patient Flows

The report examined how well five hospitals managed the flow of patients through the hospital system, including patient admission, the patient stay and patient discharge. It also examined whether the Department of Human Services (DHS) and hospitals planned for acute inpatients.

Private practice arrangements in Health Services

This audit examined whether the private practice arrangements at the health service complied with the legislation and policy. As private practice arrangements are widely used in Victoria, the findings and conclusions of this audit should be considered by all public health services.

Patient safety in Public Hospitals

The report, Patient Safety in Public Hospitals, examines the performance of the patient safety system, including how well agencies worked together and the progress made since VAGO’s 2005 patient safety audit.

Delivering HealthSMART -Victoria's whole-of-health ICT strategy

The audit examined: the extent of achievement of implementation, milestones and budgeted costs, the extent of realisation of the expected benefits as set out in the ICT strategy, the effectiveness of overall monitoring and review of the program, the soundness of controls in place to assure the probity of procurement processes.

Management of Specific Purpose Funds by public health services

Specific Purpose Funds (SPFs) are moneys and property received by public health services from various sources and may include donations, bequests and research funding. Public health services disclosed in excess of $255 million in SPF reserves and more than $45 million in trust funds in their 30 June 2007 financial statements. Our audit covered 4 public health services which disclosed a total of around $118 million in SPF reserves and $28 million in trust funds in their financial statements. This audit examined how well 4 public health services managed such funds for the period May 2006 through April 2007.

Promoting better health through healthy eating and physical activity

Over the last 30 years, lifestyle changes in exercise and eating habits have led to more Victorians becoming overweight or obese and increasing numbers of people at risk or suffering from chronic disease conditions. There is an increasing body of evidence to show the effectiveness of health promotion to reduce the onset of chronic disease and promote good health and wellbeing. This audit examined whether the Victorian Government's investment in health promotion had encouraged people to adopt healthier eating habits, to exercise more regularly and to achieve healthy weight levels.