Access to specialist medical outpatient care

The audit points to a need for the Department of Human Services to improve its strategic planning activities for outpatient services, given its fundamental and growing importance in the healthcare chain.

Health procurement in Victoria

This audit examines the extent to which the activities of public hospitals, health services and Health Purchasing Victoria, the central procurement agency, have delivered savings and other benefits in procuring health goods and services

Managing medical equipment in public hospitals

This report examines the efficiency and effectiveness of the management, maintenance and replacement of major medical equipment by the public health sector in Victoria. It included an assessment of the current condition and life expectancy of medical equipment and the asset management practices in hospitals.

Drug education in government schools

The objectives of this audit were to determine whether: Victorian government schools have well-designed school drug education strategies in place, drug education is delivered to Victorian students in a manner consistent with Department of Education and Training policy, guidelines and local community needs, and student educational outcomes are monitored, reported and used to inform the further development of school drug education strategies.

Community dental services

The objective of the audit was to examine the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of community dental services in Victoria.

Management of food safety in Victoria

The objective of the audit was to determine whether the regulatory framework for the management of food safety in Victoria efficiently and effectively minimises the risks of food-related illness.

Mental health services for people in crisis

This report provides a number of suggestions to the Department of Human Services, Area Mental Health Services and the Mental Health Review Board that can improve the services provided to people with a mental illness.

Nurse work force planning

The overall objective of this audit was to determine whether effective and efficient arrangements are in place for planning and managing the supply of, and demand for, appropriately qualified nurses across Victoria