Appendix G. Policies and compliance

Building Act

VAGO does not own or control any government buildings and, therefore, has no responsibilities under the Building Act 1993.

DataVic Access Policy

In August 2012, the Victorian Government endorsed the DataVic Access Policy to enable public access to government data, and to improve how the public sector shares information. VAGO complies with this policy, and agreed data sets are available on our website.

Appendix E. Audit and risk management

Audit and Risk Committee chair's report for the year ended 30 June 2017

The Audit and Risk Committee is appointed by the Auditor-General to provide independent advice to assist him in the discharge of his responsibilities for the management of VAGO's risk, control and compliance framework, and the external accountability responsibilities as prescribed in the Financial Management Act 1994, the Audit Act 1994 and other relevant legislation and prescribed requirements.

Appendix D. General executive information

In 2016–17, none of our executive officers was involved in carrying out any special projects. All of our executive officers have completed statements declaring whether their interests, shares in, and other benefits from business enterprises could give rise to a conflict of interest. There were no such conflicts. Further information on the number of our executive officers, by particular classifications, are provided in the figures below.

Appendix C. Workplace health and safety

VAGO's commitment to workplace health and safety (WHS) continued in the 2016–17 financial year, with an emphasis on policy development and review. In 2016–17 we developed and implemented a revised WHS policy, a hazard management guide, a workplace injury and illness guide, a return to work and rehabilitation guide and a WHS and external work locations guide.

In 2016–17, there were four OHS incidents reported—one fewer than in 2015–16. The incident rate per 100 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff in 2016–17 was 2.15.

6 Financial management

6.1 Current year financial review

Our primary fiscal objective is to minimise our costs to Parliament and our public sector fee-paying clients while maintaining the effectiveness and quality of our services and their delivery.

Our financial performance and position are, as a rule, predictable year on year as the nature of our business and its scale does not change substantially. This year was an exception as we implemented a major organisation transformation involving:

5 Material developments

As we move towards full adoption of integrated reporting principles, we use the concept of materiality to improve how we report on significant changes occurring in our workspace. The following section highlights some of the material developments over the year that have changed how we think and operate.

5.1 Improving how we plan

We design our forward work program to be flexible and responsive. This allows us to direct our efforts towards doing the right audits at the right time, and using our resources to make a difference in the community.