4 Our people

4.1 Our leaders

We implemented a new senior executive structure, shown in Figure 4A, following an organisational review. The new structure lowers our future cost base, creates improved functional spans of control resulting in simpler lines of authority and accountability, and promotes greater cohesion and collaboration across our office.

3 Our performance and our impact

3.1 Output performance

The products and services we deliver relate mainly to two Parliamentary output groups—Output Group 1 (OG1) Parliamentary reports and services, and Output Group 2 (OG2) Audit reports on financial statements. Figures 3A and 3B show how we performed meeting our OG1 and OG2 targets in 2016–17.

Figure 3A
Performance against OG1 Parliamentary reports and services targets

2 Our office

2.1 Our purpose

The Auditor-General is an independent officer of the Victorian Parliament, appointed to scrutinise the way the government spends money on behalf of Victorians. Through our reports to Parliament we help hold the government to account.

About this report

This report covers the activities of the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) for the reporting period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017.

It is prepared under the Financial Management Act 1994 and incorporates the requirements of applicable Australian Accounting Standards, Financial Reporting Directions and Standing Directions for the period ending 30 June 2017. A disclosure index in Appendix I identifies VAGO’s compliance with statutory disclosure requirements.


ASP Audit service provider
BAU  Business as usual
FTE Full-time equivalent
HR Human resources
ICT Information and communications technology
PAEC Public Accounts and Estimates Committee
VAGO Victorian Auditor-General’s Office



The Hon. Bruce Atkinson MLC


Legislative Council

Parliament House

Hon Colin Brooks MP


Legislative Assembly

Parliament House


Dear Presiding Officers

Annual Report 2016–17


The Annual Report 2016–17 presents a summary of the performance of the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017. It is prepared in accordance with the Audit Act 1994, the Financial Management Act 1994, Australian Accounting Standards, and the Financial Reporting Directions and Standing Directions of the Minister for Finance.