Appendix E. Survey of DET Navigator coordinators and school-based contacts
We conducted two surveys for this audit.
We conducted two surveys for this audit.
FIGURE D1: Map of DET areas
Source: DET Region Map.
Who we audited | What the audit cost |
DET, Jesuit Social Services, Berry Street, Mission Australia, Northern Mallee Local Learning and Employment Network | The cost of this audit was $685,000 |
The audit followed the foll
Acronyms | |
DET | Department of Education and Training |
NDMS | Navigator data management system |
TSS | Tiered system of support |
VAGO | Victorian Auditor-General’s Office |
DET cannot demonstrate Navigator’s effectiveness. Navigator is not achieving its intended outcome of most students re-engaging in mainstream education with sustained attendance above 70 per cent.
Navigator students receive tailored support that should help them stay connected to education and achieve other positive outcomes. However, DET does not have sufficient data on Navigator’s full impact on students to understand the range of positive program outcomes.
DET does not have a process to monitor demand and adjust services based on factors such as varying need or differing student population in each of its areas.
Students with extremely low school attendance are at high risk of not completing their education. These students often experience many barriers to attending school and engaging with learning. They need help to overcome these barriers and stay in education.
DET provides resources and programs to schools to provide support so that disengaged students can stay at school. DET offers Navigator as a program for students when they need intensive and tailored support and have very low attendance.
Who we audited | What the audit cost |
DELWP, DET, DHHS (DFFH and DH), DJCS, DJPR, DoT, DPC, DTF and Cenitex | The cost of this audit was $800 000. |
This audit used the following lines of inquiry and criteria:
Figure D1 outlines our assessment of departments’ BIAs prior to COVID-19.
FIGURE D1: Our assessment of departments’ BIAs prior to COVID-19