1. Audit context

The Victorian Government uses advertising to communicate with the public about important issues, such as government services, changes to the law and health and safety. It spent at least $84.6 million on advertising in 2019–20. 

In 2017, the Victorian Parliament introduced new laws to ensure government advertising is in the public interest, and to stop public sector agencies publishing political advertising. 

3. How DET oversees school ICT


DET has a range of systems and processes to monitor and understand schools’ ICT. However, it does not have full visibility of all schools’ ICT policies, provisioning, planning and purchasing. This limits DET’s ability to understand schools’ needs and purchasing trends and if they implement DET’s ICT policies as intended. 

2. How DET provides ICT to schools


DET provides a base level of ICT infrastructure, hardware and software to all schools. Schools need to supplement these provisions, and what they provide varies depending on their ICT capability, needs and available funding. This results in significant variation between schools. 

DET proactively maintains and enhances its existing infrastructure provisions, including improving schools’ internet speed and replacing ageing infrastructure. Although some of DET's minimum provisions vary between some schools, it is working to address gaps.

1. Audit context

ICT-facilitated teaching and learning is a key part of a quality education.

School-based ICT includes the digital devices, tools, applications, services and systems that students and teachers use for learning and teaching. This includes any DET-issued software and locally sourced devices, tools and systems.

ICT in schools can help students learn how to access information and prepare them for work and life in a highly digital environment. ICT can also help teachers develop students’ critical thinking, evaluating and synthesising skills.