Major Projects Performance

This audit assessed if public sector reporting of major capital projects contains relevant and sufficient information to enable Parliament to understand project performance against approved scope, cost, time and benefit expectations.

Appendix B. Delivering financial audits

The Auditor-General undertakes financial audits for over 580 public sector entities each year. The Auditor-General uses VAGO staff to undertake around a third of these financial report audits. For the remaining financial report audits, the Auditor-General contracts private sector firms (audit service providers) to assist with these. VAGO reviews this work and all audit opinions are issued on behalf of the Auditor-General. 

Financial audit work program

Our financial audit program delivers a range of assurance services for public sector agencies. 

We conduct financial audits in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards and relevant professional and legislative requirements. Additional information about the delivery of our financial audits is in Appendix B. 

The following section sets out our financial audit work program for 2020–21, which targets matters that provide the greatest value to Parliament and the Victorian community.

Performance audit work program

This section sets out our proposed performance audit program for the next three years. In 2020–21 we plan to deliver 21 performance audits, which includes one follow-up audit. 

For each audit listed, we outline the audit specification, which includes our objective for the audit, the issues we intend to examine and the proposed agencies we expect to include.


About our annual plan

The role of the Auditor-General is to provide independent assurance to the Parliament of Victoria and the Victorian community on the financial integrity and performance of the state.

Under the Audit Act 1994, we must prepare and table an annual plan before 30 June each year that details our proposed work program for the coming financial year. 


DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
DET Department of Education and Training
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DJCS Department of Justice and Community Safety
DJPR Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
DoT Department of Transport