ICT Disaster Recovery Planning

As computer systems become increasingly critical to the operations of government agencies, effective planning and processes to manage disruptions are vital for ensuring Victorians can continue to access public services. In this audit, we look at whether the ICT systems in Victorian Government departments and Victoria Police can be effectively recovered in the event of a disaster.

Effectively Planning for Population Growth

With current forecasts indicating that Victoria’s population could reach up to 10 million by 2051, this audit examines whether strategic planning for rapid population growth is effective and integrated. We focus on planning for birthing, maternal and child health, and funded kindergarten services, which are critical for the long-term health and wellbeing of babies and young children.

Internal Audit Performance

In this audit, we examined the internal audit functions of all seven Victorian Government portfolio departments and assessed how well they use their internal audit resources. We evaluated the role and positioning of the internal audit function within departments, its independence and objectivity, the alignment of internal audit plans with departmental goals and risks, quality assurance and resourcing, performance against stakeholder expectations, and the communication of internal audit outcomes and insights.

Compliance with the Asset Management Accountability Framework


Victoria's roads, railways, schools, prisons and hospitals are part of the $265 billion of non-financial assets that government departments and agencies manage. Managing these assets well is important because they support the delivery of services that affect all Victorians. Despite this, many of our audits show that asset management is often neglected or poorly done, with more focus on building or buying new assets than on managing them strategically to get the best value from them.

Managing Rehabilitation Services in Youth Detention

At any time in Victoria, there are around 200 children and young people aged between 10 and 24 years old incarcerated in youth justice centres. In this audit, we examined how well the rehabilitation services, including educational services, are meeting the developmental needs of children and young people in the youth detention system, and reducing their risk of reoffending.

School Compliance with Victoria’s Child Safe Standards


In 2015, the Victorian Government introduced seven mandatory child safe standards for more than 50 000 Victorian organisations that supply services or facilities to children, including schools. Schools must also comply with a further 57 child safe standard-related requirements for school registration. 

This audit examined whether the systems and supports that oversee Victoria’s Child Safe Standards assure school compliance. This audit included the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Department of Education and Training (DET). 

Professional Learning for School Teachers

This audit evaluated whether the Victorian Institute of Teaching and the Department of Education and Training have a clear and accurate understanding of the professional learning that occurs in government schools, including its planning, cost, and impact.

School Councils in Government Schools

In Victoria, government schools are responsible for their own operation and performance. Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (ETR Act), the objectives of school councils include assisting in the efficient governance of the school and ensuring it complies with policy and legislative requirements. In this audit, we examined whether school councils in government schools are meeting their objectives under the ETR Act.