Audit Summary

This report presents the outcomes and observations from the financial audits of the nine portfolio departments and the 201 associated entities that are not addressed in our other sector based reports, including the five Victorian alpine resorts.

Audit Summary

In Victoria, the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (the Act) requires parents to enrol children aged six to 17 years in a registered school, or to register for home schooling.

Audit Summary


There are a number of key transitions during young peoples' education that shape their learning, development, wellbeing and engagement with school. The two key transitions occur when children move into the Prep year of primary school and when they move from primary into Year 7 of secondary school. Other transitions that can affect a child's school experience include when they transition from grade to grade within a school and when they move between schools.

Audit Summary

This report details the outcomes of the 2014 financial audits of the eight universities and the 51 entities that they control. It includes a review of the financial sustainability of the sector and the frameworks in place for managing travel and accommodation expenses incurred by university staff.

Audit Summary

At 31 December 2014, there were 12 publicly-owned technical and further education (TAFE) institutes, 10 of which have since finalised their 2014 financial report.

The number of TAFEs has decreased since 2013 as the former Advance and Central Gippsland TAFEs amalgamated on 1 May 2014 to become Federation Training, and the former Bendigo and Kangan TAFEs merged on 1 July to become Bendigo Kangan TAFE.

Audit Summary


Schools have a range of risks that need to be properly managed to make them safe and healthy workplaces, and to minimise the chance of staff being injured. In May 2013, we tabled an audit that examined whether schools had managed health and safety risks to their staff, and whether the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development—now the Department of Education and Training (DET)—had provided schools with sufficient guidance, support and oversight.

Audit Summary

The Department of Education & Training (DET) is responsible for providing an effective, efficient and accessible birth-to-adulthood learning and development system that supports students and service providers across Victoria. DET's 10-year goal is to become a world leader in learning and development. In 2014–15 it managed a budget of $12 065.6 million, and owned or operated 1 528 government schools (at February 2015).

Audit Summary

Non-government schools provide education to around 334 000 Victorian school children, which represents around 37 per cent of all Victorian students. These schools operate in two ways—through system authorities, that manage multiple schools, and as independent, non-systemic schools. They are diverse in nature, serving a range of different communities. They may provide religious or values-based education, or be based on educational philosophies or different interpretations of mainstream education.

Audit Summary

This report details the outcomes of the 2015 financial audits of the eight Victorian universities and 51 entities they control.

This report also includes a review of the financial sustainability of the sector and discusses the frameworks in place for managing the universities' international operations.

Audit Summary

This report presents the outcomes of the 2015 financial audits of the 11 technical and further education (TAFE) institutes and the 15 entities they control that have finalised their financial and performance reports. It includes a review of the financial sustainability of the sector and the frameworks in place for managing fraud and corruption risks.