1. About our annual plan

The Auditor-General provides independent assurance to the Parliament of Victoria and the Victorian community about the financial integrity and performance of the state and local governments, with assistance from the Victorian Auditor-General's Office (VAGO).

Our work program

Under the Audit Act 1994, the Auditor-General must prepare and table an annual plan before 30 June each year that details VAGO's proposed work program for the coming financial year.

Annual Plan 2022–23

This annual plan sets out our proposed work program for the 2022–23 financial year.

3. Cost-effectiveness


The agencies involved in the two advertising campaigns could not show that the campaigns were cost-effective. Systems for assessing cost-effectiveness were inadequate. Agencies did not always set clear campaign objectives and targets for assessing the campaigns’ performance. They did not evaluate systematically and objectively whether the campaigns met their objectives.   

2. Legal compliance


In our opinion, the two advertising campaigns did not fully comply with the PAA. Some of the campaign advertisements included political advertising. One campaign did not comply with limits on television advertising. 

The agencies involved in the campaigns interpret the laws differently. They maintain that they complied with their legal obligations.

At the very least, this suggests that the laws are not sufficiently clear.