The Channel Deepening Project

This audit assessed how effectively the Port of Melbourne Corporation has developed and implemented the channel deepening project to date.

Management of the Multi-Purpose Taxi Program

The Multi Purpose Taxi Program (MPTP) is a subsidy program administered by the Victorian Taxi Directorate within the Department of Transport. This audit focused on determining: whether projections of service demand are soundly based, the effectiveness of organisational arrangements for monitoring and assessing service demand, the extent to which projected demand and cost pressures are likely to affect the long-term sustainability of the program, the degree to which robust controls are in place to safeguard against fraud.

Managing complaints against Ticket Inspectors

The Public Transport Ombudsman scheme provides a dispute resolution service for users of public transport services who have complaints about ticketing, infrastructure, service delivery, staff and authorised officers. This audit examined whether the scheme’s governance and institutional arrangements for managing complaints against authorised officers were effective and efficient.

Met Ticket

This report examines the management procedures undertaken by the Ministry of Transport and the Public Transport Corporation in developing and implementing the Met Ticket program.