Audit Summary

The East West Link (EWL) was to be an 18 kilometre cross city road connecting the Eastern Freeway at Hoddle Street to CityLink, the Port of Melbourne precinct and on to the Western Ring Road at Sunshine West, with a range of associated works. It would have been one of the largest transport infrastructure projects ever undertaken in Australia, and significant in terms of its impact, complexity and cost.

Audit Summary

This report presents the outcomes and observations from the financial audits of the nine portfolio departments and the 201 associated entities that are not addressed in our other sector based reports, including the five Victorian alpine resorts.

Audit Summary


In 2006, the Victorian Government committed to the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) program which involved replacing existing electrical metering infrastructure in all Victorian residential and small business premises with digital smart meters by December 2012. At that time, this was expected to involve the rollout of 2.6 million meters to 2.4 million sites. Before the rollout commenced in 2009, the deadline for completion was changed to December 2013.

Audit Summary


Victoria's state collections are a valuable resource to the people of Victoria. They have natural history, scientific, historical, artistic and cultural significance and are valued at over $5 billion. In 2012, we examined whether the state collections were adequately managed. This follow-up audit examines the progress made in addressing the previous audit's recommendations.

ICT Disaster Recovery Planning

As computer systems become increasingly critical to the operations of government agencies, effective planning and processes to manage disruptions are vital for ensuring Victorians can continue to access public services. In this audit, we look at whether the ICT systems in Victorian Government departments and Victoria Police can be effectively recovered in the event of a disaster.

Assessing Benefits from the Regional Rail Link Project

In this audit, we assess the benefits of the $3.65 billion regional rail link, which opened on 21 June 2015. The project involved construction of additional tracks between Southern Cross Station and West Werribee, two new stations at Wyndham Vale and Tarneit, upgrades to Footscray, West Footscray and Sunshine stations, and signalling upgrades along the whole corridor.

Managing the Level Crossing Removal Program

This audit examines the Level Crossing Removal Program, which aims to remove 51 crossings by 2022—including 20 by 2018—at an estimated cost of $5–6 billion. We assess the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of the existing program and planning for the future direction of level crossing removals in the state. The audit will also assess whether the program has realised the expected benefits, such as network efficiencies.

Internal Audit Performance

In this audit, we examined the internal audit functions of all seven Victorian Government portfolio departments and assessed how well they use their internal audit resources. We evaluated the role and positioning of the internal audit function within departments, its independence and objectivity, the alignment of internal audit plans with departmental goals and risks, quality assurance and resourcing, performance against stakeholder expectations, and the communication of internal audit outcomes and insights.

V/Line Passenger Services

This audit examines V/Line's performance and whether it is managing current and future challenges. We also examine Public Transport Victoria’s and Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources roles in overseeing and monitoring V/Line’s operational performance and the Department of Treasury and Finance's role in monitoring V/Line’s financial performance.